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Mockingjay Raphael

Weekend Numbers: 1) Revenant 16.0 | 2) Star Wars 14.25 | 3) Ride Along 2 12.96 pg 49

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Suuuuuper dead tonight. But overall, 5th Wave opened to 24M here give or take 1M. The Boy opened to a decent 14M. Ride Along continued its epic bombage, Star Wars has slowed down, and Revenant is slowing down, performing modestly (high 20's low 30's I think).


Overall, meh weekend.


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5 hours ago, junkshop36 said:

1.MI 5

2. Kingsman

3. Spy

4. Man From Uncle

5. Spectre


Spectre was just so damn dull. The only things I liked was the opening, the train fight and the big ass explosion after they escape. Q was cool. 


The car chase was deathly boring. Nothing really happens until the very end when Bond flame throws the car and ejects himself out of it. Meh


MI5 and Kingsman were awesome!!


Spy was pretty fun and MFU was good. Vikander was great in it. 


Feel so alone in my love for Spectre. It's almost as good as Casino Royale, not on par with Skyfall though. I thought the return to old Bond-isms was kinda refreshing, and the directing/cinematography was so on point. It managed to make all those cliches feel new again, including the all-powerful supervillain in a chair. 


Kingsman might be the most overrated movie of the year. It's fun, entertaining, but completely enamored with itself and thinks it's more clever than it is. Spy parodies are old hat to me at this point, although I enjoyed Spy a little more for it's goofiness. 

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39 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

MONSTER HUNT, the highest grossing film of all-time in China with $391M, opened with just $21K from 45 screens this weekend in North America


Yup thanks for the TFA support China. Now fuck your stupid movie that looks like crap too! Payback is a bitch. Get out of here with that. Lol, just joking :P


But it does look really, really bad. Now give me some great Hong Kong action films and I'm all over that. I used to bulk order HK films from China when I was younger that weren't sold here. Then magically the Chan films come here with stupid names and shorter cuts and I accidentally bought a few I already had. Grrr.

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52 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

Yup thanks for the TFA support China. Now fuck your stupid movie that looks like crap too! Payback is a bitch. Get out of here with that. Lol, just joking :P

I think it's a bad taste 'joke'.

You mourn China's numbers, demand OS being big in a way for your fandom (don't forget, I share that fandom too, but also for Avatar and all the other ones some seem to feel the need to 'protect' aka damage the last few weeks IMHO), but still have to 'poke' if a foreign movie does not make even a smallest part of a percentage in the US?

Are you even aware about how strongly foreign movies get ... missed in the US?

I think that chart is a bit sad, including that #20 is still a movie from 1981 / 1982, only #1 to #10 having made over $20m... only #1 being a blockbuster in a $128m way


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7 hours ago, Total Treecall said:

Feminist... I hate gender stereotypes and think the idea that men should act a certain way is crazy.


I think my problem with Kingsman is that it really is unsure about what it's trying to convey. I think it -wants- to convey that someone from the wrong side of the tracks is just as good a person as anyone who went to Eton or the like.


However, as presented, what it basically says is that the gentlemanly way is so good that it can take anyone, even from the wrong side of the tracks, and turn them into a proper, upstanding citizen. By the end, Eggsy has had his own self and history washed away by his new education. Kinda fucked up, really.


Still, despite that, the Free Bird scene is off the charts amazing. One of the best of the year, IMO.

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I've watched my fair share of foreign films trust me. I don't miss the good ones just because they're foreign. But for the most part the rest of the world makes a lot of crap, which is why it does well absolutely nowhere except its home country. Those are the facts. 

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Remind me please is Kingsman church scene nominated for the Oscarsame?  I mean there must be nominee with the name something like "now you know how the best action scene ever should look like"

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13 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

... Those are the facts. 

Some of those are about (or make fun) of local historical situations / persons / situations, not always something other countries' population might be interested in. Still a few even of those are able to reach other countries's audience.

But for smaller movie business it's rather a lot of risk to have the additional costs of translating and dubbing into a lot of countries, especially if the distribution for those movies is less organized ww than those of the long time established / big companies. If they can't afford that, makes them also not automatically a proof for being crap.

Me German, so let's take as an example Das Boot (had even US award noms, incl. 6 Oscars), do you really try to imply that is a crap movie? Do you really think it 'deserved' to make only ~ $11m (even less without the spec.ed. re-release)? I am aware about then being other times... but I really do not think your devaluing comments about foreign movies are based on a 'good' kind of joke.

Yes, other countries too do 'crap' movies, as does the US also. I highly doubt they do more 'crap' movies (percentage) than the US does too. Some differing in the way to rate might be based on humour being always based on the culture of the audience, what we think its funny it's often not the same in another culture and the other way around. Or what is important as a life's goal or so. Doesn't make it crap, if not conforming to expectations out of a certain POV. Neither less budgets...

Plus between very good and crap there are still the majority of the movies, world-wide: the good, mediocre, so-so-la-la... movies. Something absolute wordings seem to miss, and as such those facts are IMHO not facts at all.


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7 minutes ago, setna said:

It´s 53 million behind 1 billion, it´s not easy, but maybe could be...

As long as you are not sad... if not managing ;) : I cheer you on, but am more than happy myself with the to me nice looking $9xxm for it's dom (thinking it will be more low 900s than high 900s)

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2 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

As long as you are not sad... if not managing ;) : I cheer you on, but am more than happy myself with the to me nice looking $9xxm for it's dom (thinking it will be more low 900s than high 900s)


For sure, everything from the 247 weekend record, the 760+ beating Avatar, passing 800, 850, and seems 900, everything is a present, and it seems we need long time to see another run like this. I´m enjoying a lot these weeks, and would be little boring, going back tio "reality" of normal earnings, so these phenomenons occur from time to time, but i´m happy to have seen the run of films like Titanic, Avatar, SW7, something that happen not frequent.

The only "but" i can say to TFA run, is the first i followed in the forum and with the expectations of anothe bloggers, i put also them little high, thinking since the first day in 1 billion, almost beating avatar ww, passing 180 in the second weekend, something that i hadn´t with Avatar or Titanic, where everything was a big surprise and there hadn´t or at least i had no any forecast with the final run, and for sure, was very exciting anyway, having those monster first 3 weeknds and those incerdible weekly days in the 2 first weeks.

i think i´ll have some nostalgia from the last days of february, when the numbers will become very small...

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is those kind of news something for here or if not: where-else beside the matching countries?

I think it might be interesting for US members too, as such kind of contracts have long lasting effects on US material too


Russian And Chinese Media Giants Team Up To Make Multi-Platform Content Pact

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6 minutes ago, Baumer said:

@JonathanLB I can't believe some of the shit you say.  You make blanket statements about foreign films.  You're hilarious.  


come on, maybe foreign films are foreign to him like a foreign object :P 

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5 minutes ago, 75live said:

come on, maybe foreign films are foreign to him like a foreign object :P 

I usually would agree, but IMHO still no reason to 'dance around like celebrating' the not getting awareness in the US of a foreign blockbuster and to try to use OS BO's as proof for 'crap', especially as already 'demanding' for OS regions to further the success of his fandom.

To me it's the sum what he said since he arrived and how he words his 'it's all crap if not his fandom' opinions. If you want others to truely respect your movie,... you don't kick into the other's work (term?). Not thought through...

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2 hours ago, JonathanLB said:

I've watched my fair share of foreign films trust me. I don't miss the good ones just because they're foreign. But for the most part the rest of the world makes a lot of crap, which is why it does well absolutely nowhere except its home country. Those are the facts. 


I am not sure there is enough room for your pile of ignorance here.

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5 hours ago, JonathanLB said:


Yup thanks for the TFA support China. Now fuck your stupid movie that looks like crap too! Payback is a bitch. Get out of here with that. Lol, just joking :P


But it does look really, really bad. Now give me some great Hong Kong action films and I'm all over that. I used to bulk order HK films from China when I was younger that weren't sold here. Then magically the Chan films come here with stupid names and shorter cuts and I accidentally bought a few I already had. Grrr.



We did it! We beat Nostaglia Wars!


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4 hours ago, DamienRoc said:

However, as presented, what it basically says is that the gentlemanly way is so good that it can take anyone, even from the wrong side of the tracks, and turn them into a proper, upstanding citizen. By the end, Eggsy has had his own self and history washed away by his new education. Kinda fucked up, really.


I didn't get that. The last scene made it seem like he was paying tribute to his late mentor and catching the familiar jerks off guard in the process. After the revelation of Sir Arthur's true allegiance, I don't think anyone still expected him to conform to the "gentlemanly" way.

Edited by Spidey Freak
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