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Also speaking of awful RT scores, that dumped Anna Kendrick/Miles Teller dud Get a Job, which was shot years ago and is only now seeing the light of day, is a perfect 0-5. Thank god Teller has a bunch of promising stuff coming up cause good lord.

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1 hour ago, GiantCALBears said:


So wait critical response has to always= commercial for there to be a correlation? & I'm the one that's insane? Classic.



This is CJohn you're talking to. 


Often dismissive and rude on the pretext of being knowledgable and fair. It's a farce. 

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2 minutes ago, BoxOfficeZ said:

*Comes into thread hoping for any number for anything*




*Finds RT debate*


There were some sellout numbers from DC a few pages back. BoxOffice updated their OW projection from $159 to $172, I think either Deadline or Variety upped their prediction to $160+. That's all I've seen so far.

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6 minutes ago, boomboom234 said:

per pro box office analysis the ratio of postive to negative tweets for BVSs was 6:1 yesterday so no not entirely 

Alright man, pretty convenient that it happened right when the embargo lifted. We'll see what happens

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5 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Also speaking of awful RT scores, that dumped Anna Kendrick/Miles Teller dud Get a Job, which was shot years ago and is only now seeing the light of day, is a perfect 0-5. Thank god Teller has a bunch of promising stuff coming up cause good lord.

I love Anna Kendrick but she hasn't had the best movie choices.

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Reviews do matter. Anyone who says they don't is being wilfully obtuse. 


Reviews don't just mean critics, but also from the audience/friends etc. The more you hear something is good, the more likely you are to see it, and the more you hear something is bad, the higher chance you delay until it's out of theatres. 


People may not like it, say Hail Caesar this year, but the potential audience after opening weekend, or perhaps after Friday, has now audience and friends and network reviews to go by too. 



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26 minutes ago, filmlover said:

I kind of agree but at the same time, in the age of social media it seems like this stuff gets out quicker and is bigger deal than ever. Just this past weekend we saw the Divergent series implode, probably all thanks to the RT score (the first two were hardly well-reviewed but the second one's drop already indicated a portion of the audience was already checking out of the series, and an RT score approaching single digits for this was probably all it took for everyone who was either losing interest or pretty much jumping off the train to stay away completely).


Good point.


It does seem there is a growing correlation between critical acclaim and movie performance. 


I honestly don't believe that movies like Deadpool and The Avengers would have blown up the way they did if they weren't as strongly reviewed as they were. The last Transformers and Pirates movies didn't perform particularly well domestically because people "seem" to be far more sensitive to seeing crap on screen than some years back (when massive CG carnage was still a thing).


That being said, BvS will probably still open huge but how does in subsequent weekends is questionable. There are somethings I've read about the movie (particularly about the pacing) that might really turn off the general audience.



Edited by Deathlife
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21 minutes ago, somebody85 said:

I love Anna Kendrick but she hasn't had the best movie choices.

I'm convinced she just says "yes" to every single movie she's offered. That or she just stalks movie sets and whenever she sees a movie being made, she decides to insert herself into the background.

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Watching the first Greek Wedding tonight, and will probably end up watching Man of Steel yet again tomorrow. I'm so ready for this weekend.



I mean, if the RT debate ever ends :anyone:

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4 minutes ago, Biggestgeekever said:

The Star Wars thread was at 25 pages 6 hours into Thursday showings.


Ya'll trying to turn this weekend into a dumpster fire, aren't you?

In reference to this weekend's other new release, put some Windex on this thread.

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2 minutes ago, filmlover said:

In reference to this weekend's other new release, put some Windex on this thread.

Watching Greek Wedding right now so this is extremely relevant :rofl:

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10 minutes ago, DAJK said:

Watching Greek Wedding right now so this is extremely relevant :rofl:

"Now, you are family. Okay. All my life, I had a lump at the back of my neck, right here. Always, a lump. Then I started menopause and the lump got bigger from the "hormonees." It started to grow. So I go to the doctor, and he did the bio... the b... the... the bios... the... b... the "bobopsy." Inside the lump he found teeth and a spinal cord. Yes. Inside the lump was my twin."

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Thursday night sellout update for the LA area: 34 sellouts / 578 showtimes (up from 27/541 yesterday)


Theaters keep adding showtimes... that's an indication they expect solid walkups (whether or not it happens is another question).




  • ULTRON was at 28 sellouts / 700 showtimes the evening before release
  • FURIOUS 7 was at 2 sellouts / 460 showtimes the evening before release
  • CATCHING FIRE was at 11 sellouts / 482 showtimes the evening before release
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8 minutes ago, filmlover said:

"Now, you are family. Okay. All my life, I had a lump at the back of my neck, right here. Always, a lump. Then I started menopause and the lump got bigger from the "hormonees." It started to grow. So I go to the doctor, and he did the bio... the b... the... the bios... the... b... the "bobopsy." Inside the lump he found teeth and a spinal cord. Yes. Inside the lump was my twin."

I had zero clue what you were talking about, but I got to that scene literally 10 seconds ago, now I understand the reference.

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