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Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Captain America: Civil War (2016)  

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On 06/05/2016 at 0:53 AM, The Panda said:


Okay, I am sorry I mixed up Ejiofor and Boseman who are both playing roles in upcoming Marvel movies.  I'll go and edit my posts.


But please don't imply that I am racist because I happened to mix up two actors.  This hasn't been the first time I have mixed up actors, and I'm willing to be everyone on this forum has done it at some point.


Don't sweat it, dude. I once confused the characters of T-Dog and Tyreese in a Facebook post about The Walking Dead. Oh boy did some of my black friends have fun with that! It could have just as easily been Hershel and Dale, or Andrea and Beth!

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I finally got a chance to Civil War this week., and it was just as great as I was expecting.

I really appreciated how Marvel managed to make both Cap and Tony's arguments and cases good enough that I could understand where both heroes coming from. The action was also great, and I really appreciated that they managed to juggle so many characters in one film, without really feeling overcrowded.

Some scenes really left me in awe and amazement too. Seeing Giant-Man appear for the first time, and Black Panther and Spider-Man's introduction sequence, were just amazing, and while Baron Zemo felt like he was a bit of a throwaway villain until the end, I actually found his character sympathetic, and he's one of Marvel's better antagonists.

If I had any real complaints, and it's only a minor one, it's that the action sequence at the beginning seemed a bit too shaky cam-styled for my tastes. The rest of the action sequences in the film are great though, especially the airport scene and Tony Vs. Steve and Bucky at the end.


9.5 / 10

Now bring on Black Panther and Spider-Man: Homecoming, cause I'm really pumped for both.

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A better Avengers movie than AOU. I liked the character development across the board, and Black Panther and Spider-Man both had me excited for their upcoming solo movies. Marvel basically showed DC how to make a good "superhero vs. superhero" movie.



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i like the conflict that appears among the the avengers, mainly between Tony and Rogers, the former is the industrised product

and the latter the real world governed by ethic of laws.We may say out of human fancy and imagination,Tony is  the integration

of science and human beings.

And Bucky Barnes as a winter soldier after brainwashed,he is sort of dangling , in the state of good and bad.He is the core of conlict

that seperate the ]Avenger team into factions,broke apart.The audience can see the the heating  argument among them, and you might worry

the conspiracy of these winter soldier is just a terrorist act.

i like the tension set up of the story.

Thumbs up.

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Captain America: Civil War is as much a miracle as Iron Man and Avengers before it. Those two movies might not be the best Marvel movies, but what they did (kick off a cinematic universe and work as a sequel for three characters, a threequel for one character, and its own thing, justifying the cinematic universe concept) is nothing short of miraculous. Civil War juggles ten pre-established heroes, while introducing two more, and everyone feels appropriately placed and with proper screentime. Sure, you're gonna want more of Spider-Man and Ant-Man, but their relatively brief appearances work well in service of the story.


And what a story it is, being extremely complex while managing not to feel over-complicated; thankfully, the focus is strictly on the characters in this film. That's not to say the action is bad: there's not a bad bit of action in this movie, although obvious highlights are the much hyped airport throwdown and the emotionally charged final fight.


To name cast highlights would be more simply saying who has the biggest roles in the film, but let's try anyway. Rudd, Boseman, and Holland all make the best of their limited screentime. Alright, Black Panther isn't limited but you're gonna want more of him after this movie. Bruhl's Zemo is a really wonderful villain, having great presence despite his lack of physical intimidation. Evans anchors the movie well, and Downey gives his best performance yet as Iron Man.


Captain America: Civil War is what the Marvel Cinematic Universe is always striving to be, but frequently fails to be: a big-budget soap opera with action interludes and wonderful interpretations of larger-than-life heroes. There's nothing to really hate on here, although there are some flaws (a misplaced love story and a couple extraneous characters) that can be overlooked for the fun. Bring on the rest of Phase 3. A

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Finally got to see it and... well, it was entertaining... for the most part, but it's middle of the road when it  comes to Marvel films. It didn't help that I actually zoned out a few times and frankly, I felt Spider-Man wasn't even needed, though I do like the actor and am interested in his solo film (which presumably was the reason for him even being in it, much like Wonder Woman in BvS). The film also had some pacing issues for the first hour. By the end, I left somewhat satisfied so I guess that's a win? This does not come anywhere near Winter Soldier or Galaxy but is a good step up from the Thor movies (which I generally didn't like).


***¾/*****, (B/B+, 7.4/10, 3/4)

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I'm tempted to say this is the end of the line for me, but in the end I'll know I'll have my ass in the seat for the next Marvel offering.  Nonetheless, I found this to be a ridiculous viewing experience.  Naturally, everyone else on the planet seems to be eating this shit up liking fucking candy.


........and people thought Dawn of Justice had way too much shit going on.  Granted, it didn't make a lick of sense, but at least it was entertaining in its failure.  This is a film in dire need of some space to breathe, and yet all it seems to be able to do is throw up one superhero after another at the damn screen.


In all honesty I came to the cinema wanting and expecting to see a Captain America flick.  Instead, I got Avengers Soap Opera Hour.  There's some story within about some poor bastard who got his family killed by the Avengers, and is trying to pit them against each other.  In the end, I didn't give a damn.  The film has all the dramatic heft of an 8-year old banging on drums for two and a half hours.


It feels like a cutesy, spin-off episode of a TV series.  Enough said.

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I got TDKR vibes from this movie. By about the two-thirds mark I realised it'd gone off the rails, never to return. It doesn't help that A) Cap's motivations throughout the film are given no weight whatsoever and B ) Bucky is one of the most boring characters ever created. Fine as a McGuffin in CA2, but did we really need a whole other movie centred even more around him?




Edited by Hatebox
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Lowering my grade to a B+ for two reasons:


1. The opening up until Tony Stark's MIT address is nauseating. Although there are a few cool moments here and there, the way the action is shot is notably worse than everything else in the film. I'm not convinced shooting it more cohesively would've given an R-rating, so this is a critical mistake.


2. The score is actively bad. Henry Jackman abandons the few individual themes and only brings back his Winter Soldier theme, which is generally out of place with the storytelling. His Cap theme is used too subtly, and more disgustingly, he ignores previous Marvel music. Marvel has never been big on musical continuity, but this is an all time low. There is no need for a new Marvel fanfare, or Ant-Man's theme to replaced with a more generic "Team Cap" theme. Black Panther and Spider-Man's musical motifs stick out initially, but then it's just because the instrumentation is different. The music score weakens the film and makes moments like the final fight or even the airport scene not live up to their full potential.


All the non-contradictory praise from my previous review still applies.

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So after 84 years, I finally saw it. It was cute. The movie was cute. 78/100 (B-) I'll probably need to watch it again though to finalize my thoughts.


The "civil war" part tbh wasn't very interesting. (As in all of the other characters, Vision, SW, ant man, etc, were extra and the accords felt like a side plot). Real story was between Tony, Bucky, and Steve. Now that was some good shit.


Some parts went by too fast, like when Black Panther's dad died and there was that short scene of him grieving, that could've gone on for a while longer so we could feel more emotional impact. 


I loved the black panther, best part of the movie tbh. He can slay me anyday. (Also adored the post credits scene with Steve and tha team taking refuge in Wakanda.)


I liked Tom Holland as spider man, I really did think he did a good job, but I just gotta get used to him. I'm still hella attached to Toby Maguire's spider man lmao. (I guess i just needed some more backstory, but I guess we'll get that with his solo film.) He's still cute as fuck tho. 


I didn't feel any "real" stakes until that scene when Tony, Bucky, and Steve are in that room where the dude showed them the surveillance video of Bucky killing Tony's parents. That's what really grounded the true conflict of the story, imo. That's when I really felt pain in the characters.


The airport scene was good, lol. Spidey was the most fun. 


Hella psyched for Black Panther. I fucking can't wait.




I love Scarlet Witch. Period. And I DON'T LIKE how they treated ha near the end. Having ha all restricted n shit up in a cell. UN?AC?CEP?TABLE?.

Good thing Cap busted them all out at the end.


This movie hyped me up for Spidey's movie.


Winter Soldier was hella better than this.


Oh, and fuck the score. I feel I would've liked this movie a lot more if the score was on point. Most times you couldn't hear anything, other times it was just background noise. (Quite literally, lol. But what I mean is that nothing stood out with the score. Like at all. Smh. Even TWS score was better than this one.)


But anyway, final score is a B-, 78/100.

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I rate this a B to B+.  It had all the elements we come to expect from Marvel.  I appreciate how filmmakers attempted to make a complicated plot with a lot of twists and turns even if it did kind of fall in on itself near the end.  In retrospect, Chris Evans was a great choice to play Captain America.  He just seems to have the qualities, charisma and dogged stubbornness in his beliefs that make his character even more believable than he probably should be.  If not for the unbelievably good luck and circumstance that Zemo needed for his plan to actually turn out the way it did . . . I might have given it an A.  Captain America continues to be the best of the Marvel Universe in my opinion (though Guardians might match it if the sequel is as good as the first entry).

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I randomly watched this movie because one of my younger siblings noticed it was at the discount theater and wanted to go.
I haven't watched any of the Avengers movies or the previous Captain America movies, so a lot of this movie was incomprehensible to me. I didn't even know the names of quite a few characters, and I still don't know why or who was fighting at the beginning of the movie.
Overall, I guess this is a B.
I don't like the casual gun violence in PG-13 movies because it glamorizes murder, and I didn't appreciate the dumb quips in the middle of otherwise serious moments.

Edited by cannastop
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On 29 juli 2016 at 10:04 PM, cannastop said:

I randomly watched this movie because one of my younger siblings noticed it was at the discount theater and wanted to go.
I haven't watched any of the Avengers movies or the previous Captain America movies, so a lot of this movie was incomprehensible to me. I didn't even know the names of quite a few characters, and I still don't know why or who was fighting at the beginning of the movie.
Overall, I guess this is a B.
I don't like the casual gun violence in PG-13 movies because it glamorizes murder, and I didn't appreciate the dumb quips in the middle of otherwise serious moments.


I think in order to fully understand the characters, including Captain America, himself.......you need to watch the previous two CA-films. Especially the second one, The Winter Soldier....since it's one of the better and well-praised Marvel sequels.

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