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Weekend Thread | RTH pg 197...Mother's Day not kind to CW but very kind to JB and MD CW 42, JB 9,7, MDD 6.1,Hunts 1.48...puts CW at about 178M

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2 minutes ago, langer said:

With CA3 getting the 5th biggest opening, it's worth mentioning that RDJ has now 4 of the top 6 biggest openings ever.  No wonder Sony or Disney will pay him 50M per movie when he suits up the gold and red suit. 


How many movies in the top 10 openers will he have by the time both Infinity movies are done? 

Tony Stark/Iron Man played by Robert Downey Jr is, IMO, by far the biggest draw in the world right now. There is no match for him. No match. His presence assures 400M+ DOM and 1.2B WW.

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43 minutes ago, Baumer said:

This weekend, Marvel got the summer off to a sizzling start with the third Captain America film that played more like an Avengers sequel.  Missing were Hulk, Thor and Fury but Marvel wisely added other favourites like Black Panther and now that Marvel has control of Spider-man, he was wisely inserted into the film.  The result was the fifth largest opening weekend of all time, bumping Iron Man 3 down a notch and coming in about ten million shy of the last Avengers sequel.  The allure of seeing Marvel favourites battle each other was intriguing enough to make this film act much more like an Avengers film than a sequel to Captain America.  


Starting on Thursday night with previews, it took in 25.7 million, less than Batman vs Superman but then it took off for the rest of the weekend.  Friday business gave it a lofty 50+ million and Saturday business was strong with a bump of about 20%.  Sunday is projected to drop by 25%.  However with Mother's Day, it could be slightly higher or lower.  While tracking and other industry pundits were thinking this would hit 200 million, Disney themselves and some of the non loonies at sites like boxofficetheory.com were pretty much bang on with their expectations at around 175-190.  Ofthen times some pundits think with their heart and not their brain.


Internationally the numbers are even more impressive.  Captain Biceps and friends got an early start as it launched last weekend in more than 35 markets and this weekend a litany of others.  The results and mind blowing with Captain 3 taking in 220 million more this weekend in off shore dollars.  This brings the world wide cume to a staggering 678 million after only ten days.  The billion dollar mark will be shattered next weekend.  The world wide cume could challenge 1.3 billion and that would put it in the top ten films of all time.  Whether it passes Deathly Hallows 2 for 8th still remains to be seen.


This sets Marvel up nicely for the next 5 years or so as it looks like Infinity 1 and 2 are going to be huge grossing films and now that Spider-man has the Avengers, namely Mr. Stark, in his corner, the future for web head looks bring also.  Thor has been lagging a bit behind the others but perhaps with the Hulk set to appear in Thor 3, he too could make a push for much bigger numbers.  


With an A Cinemascore, the future looks very bright for Captain3/Avengers 2.5.  Don't expect a 3X like the first Avengers had but it will certainly have a better multiplier than Age of Ultron's 2.4.  Landing somewhere in the middle is a good guess at this point so a final tally of about 470 million seems safe.


Continuing it's stellar run is The Jungle Book, which fell an understandable 50% in it's fourth weekend.  It took in 21.87 million and another 24 million internationally pushing the domestic total to around 285 million and the WW cume is now at 776 million.  It has a chance to join the billion dollar club but it would need huge results from Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan.


Gary Marshall's latest all star fest, Mother's Day, increased from last weekend.  It jumped 7.6% to 9 million.  The domestic take is 20.7 million and it will probably finish with around 30 million.  There is no budget released for this but there are reports that Julia Roberts got 3 million for her 30 seconds of screen time, or about just under half of what Chris Evans got for Civil War.  Great investment there Open Road Films.


The rest of the films aren't worth mentioning except to say that Zootopia is still doing well and Batman V Superman is not.


Compared to my original (sort of ) prediction of 150 million, Civil War eclipsed that comfortably.  Compared to my revised estimate of 190 million, it came  pretty close and still much closer than Kal's 225+.


Check back Monday night for actuals.



Wow good write up I thought I was reading BOM's write up at first.

Also Chris Evan's made nearly $7m for AoU. did he seriously not get a raise for this? <_<

Edited by Kalo
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4 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


And KAL could do the "One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest" Forum..



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1 minute ago, Kalo said:



Wow good write up I thought I was reading BOM's write up at first.

Also Chris Evan's made nearly $7m for AoU. did he surious not get a raise for this? <_<

Marvel is cheap except for his golden boy because he is not in a contract anymore and he demands at least 40M (which is what he got for Civil War, he got 50M for Ultron and Iron Man 3). And Kevin Feige bows down and pays the man whatever he wants. 

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3 minutes ago, Kalo said:



Wow good write up I thought I was reading BOM's write up at first.

Also Chris Evan's made nearly $7m for AoU. did he seriously not get a raise for this? <_<


He probably did, but I have no idea. :)

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1 minute ago, Baumer said:

Wow, you guys are all being too kind.  Again, thank you.


No seriously I was going to ask you why you were plagiarising and didn't cite your source :lol:

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The power RDJ inside Marvel is insane. It has been talked a lot how they don't get along all that well because of the massive payments he demands. I have read on EW that he was very hard to get for Civil War. 


But when your man assures 1.2B+ WW when without him the most you did was 750M WW you just have to pay him whatever he wants. 

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25 minutes ago, CJohn said:

Maybe he won't have much screen time :ph34r::lol:

He's the main guy right?. Those guys in the control are animated as hell. They yell and scream and talk mucho shit. This is gonna be interesting.

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3 minutes ago, CJohn said:

Marvel is cheap except for his golden boy because he is not in a contract anymore and he demands at least 40M (which is what he got for Civil War, he got 50M for Ultron and Iron Man 3). And Kevin Feige bows down and pays the man whatever he wants. 


Yes I know. well Actually ScarJo made $20m for Ultron and she doesn't even have her own movie. 

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8 hours ago, StarSaber said:

How come Zootopia is expected to drop 50% on Sunday? That seems like a really harsh drop for mothers day. No other animated comp fell like that which.

Disney did that last weekend, and it was wrong then as well.


I guess they want to be extra sure that it passed BvS, so they didn't want to overestimate.

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8 minutes ago, CJohn said:

Tony Stark/Iron Man played by Robert Downey Jr is, IMO, by far the biggest draw in the world right now. There is no match for him. No match. His presence assures 400M+ DOM and 1.2B WW.

So... Mark Ruffalo as Hulk will assure 450M and 1.3B 


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3 minutes ago, Kalo said:


Yes I know. well Actually ScarJo made $20m for Ultron and she doesn't even have her own movie. 

Because ScarJo escaped the maligned multi movies contracts and Lucy allows her to demand 20M per action movie. 

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30 minutes ago, MrPink said:


Because, they needed someone to play the Deputy Gerard role from the Fugitive.


And TLJ is the perfect man for it!

He is not that man anymore. He was so good in that movie.

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1 minute ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:

TRUMP Tweeted something about Bale and quite frankly, I have to agree with him..




When you get to a certain level of rich and what you're doing to get rich isn't making you happy, then you're better off not doing it.

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3 minutes ago, CJohn said:

The power RDJ inside Marvel is insane. It has been talked a lot how they don't get along all that well because of the massive payments he demands. I have read on EW that he was very hard to get for Civil War. 


But when your man assures 1.2B+ WW when without him the most you did was 750M WW you just have to pay him whatever he wants. 

Well, they gave him his career back after all of his legal and drug problems and he gave them...everything since 2008...so there's that.

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4 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:

TRUMP Tweeted something about Bale and quite frankly, I have to agree with him..



Perhaps he saw Man of Steel and figured it was best to keep his dignity intact. Chew on that, Trump.

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1 minute ago, filmlover said:

Well, they gave him his career back after all of his legal and drug problems and he gave them...everything since 2008...so there's that.

He is one of the main reasons why the MCU is the beast it is today. Everyone I know loves him in the character. 

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