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SUICIDE SQUAD WEEKEND THREAD | New REVISED SUNDAY NUMBER 134m FROM GURU ON PG 212 | 267.1M WW OW | Nine Lives 6.5 OW |No Spoilers Allowed!!! | ACCOUNT SALES THIS WEEKEND - see first post for details !!

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Just now, MovieMan89 said:

I don't buy that. I think studios have still historically cared about pleasing the target audiences this century. I mean it used to be most movies that didn't tanked, so they kind of had to care. These days, it's just uber market it down everyone's throats so we get the max OW possible and then drop everything after OW and watch it crash and burn because it's a bad movie, but who cares it turned a profit. I don't feel like that was very common at all until recently. 


"Quality" is a nebulous concept. For quite awhile now, studios have pursued a simple goal: execution-independent projects. They want guarantees. Creative projects aren't that -- studio execs know this as well as anyone. You can assemble as much talent as possible, but it can all fail easily. So they seek out projects that are high-concept enough, or popular and familiar enough, that even if it all goes pear-shaped, there's still a great chance the movie'll be profitable. That's why you see them push so hard on all these IPs. It's why they target release dates a couple of years off and then work backwards from that date.  It's why they market the shit out of these things.They need to push for as much gross as fast as possible, because they don't know. 


Ten or twenty years ago, there were still plenty of independent producers who had deals with studios: they'd get a shingle and office on the lot, and some money thrown their way, and they'd develop projects with the studio getting first look. Producers do care about quality, and for the most part these independent producers were also strong at developing projects and assembling talent for them. They had to be -- it's how they made their money.


But over the last 10-15 years, studios have gotten away from these producer deals. Why spend outside money, especially at a steady drip-drip-drip, with no guarantee of projects moving forward? So they quit making them, and stopped renewing them, and now producers only get paid when a project gets greenlit. This, combined with the rush to lock up release dates, means it's in everyone's financial interest to get the project active and going instead of staying in development... even if taking another 9-18 months (or however long) would make a better script and/or a better package of talent. 


This has been -- slowly -- happening since the '80s, though it's only become SOP in like the last decade or so.

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19 minutes ago, filmlover said:

The day Stan Lee passes away (and it's coming up soon, unfortunately) is gonna be such a sad one.


I created an account just to reply to your post. Why would you say something so negative and potentially jinx Mr. Lee? For all we know, he could live to be older than one hundred years old. Don't say things like this.


On another note...


I attended a Thursday-night screening of Suicide Squad. I think the movie is okay and is worth seeing, because it has great and very funny character moments and because the chemistry between the members of the Squad is fantastic.


Margot Robbie *IS* Harley Quinn; she did an amazing job bringing this popular character to the big screen. Also, I love how she was used to tie the Joker into the film, who was played very amusingly and creepily by Jared Leto (though we won't be able to compare him to Heath Ledger's Joker until he's featured as the main villan in a future film within the DCEU). However, I must say that the Joker's feelings toward Harley in this movie are not in line with his feelings for her in the source material; in the comics and animated series, the Joker doesn't care about Harley and uses her affection for him as a means to control her; however, in this movie, he actually loves her.  


On the down side, two of the action sequences are weak and so is the villain. Furthermore, Slipknot was a complete waste; he was in the film for about ten minutes and had practically no lines.  



Edited by BluRayHiDef
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3 minutes ago, Clyde Donovan said:

I find it interesting that going into SS so many people thought it would out open BvS because it had bigger social media buzz but BvS wound up opening $31m higher. Goes to show you Internet buzz isn't the same as real life buzz, not to say there was no buzz for it irklbit it wasn't as big as it's Internet hype. They were on a even playing field in terms of reviews, both bad,  but even with the "at least it's more fun" edge SS had BvS was still bigger. It's opening was huge of course but looking back I wonder why so many people were convinced this would open higher than Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman in a movie together for the first time ever.


About the social media buzz. I'm willing to bet the demographic that uses social media and watches YouTube showed up more for Suicide Squad than BvS. BvS is like listeria, though; it's an opportunistic bug that targets the very old and the very young. If we were in the 1300s, the too-old and too-young would have been less representative of the total population, and Suicide Squad would've had a better OW. The power of modern medicine has preserved both are young and old, and thus assures a BvS win. 

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BOT 2017 in a nutshell (quote me on this):

January: Dissecting Rogue One and Sing's legs (not Passengers though since that won't even get released this year), maybe Live by Night breaks out.

February: This month is going to be FUN. We'll go batshit over Lego Batman, laugh at 50 Shades, Oscars, and a whole lot more.

March: Insanity. 

April: The calm before the storm. We'll have people spouting how Fast 8's drop from 7 is a disaster tho.

May: MASS HYSTERIA...... for the first two or three weeks. Maybe Pirates can save the end of the month?

June: Kill me now. Oh well, at least we're getting Kingsman and The Mummy (don't let me down Kurtzman).

July: THE KING RETURNS. Also, more CBM wars.

August: Alien Covenant will show The Martian wasn't a fluke and Ridley can still make hits! Oh, and that Emoji movie is out. Yay?

September: .................What?

October: Another calm before the storm, though we'll have plenty of "Is Blade Runner a bomb?" discussions.


December: This might get ugly too.

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3 minutes ago, BluRayHiDef said:


I created an account just to reply to your post. Why would you say something so negative and potentially jinx Mr. Lee? For all we know, he could live to be older than one hundred years old. Don't say things like this.


I was speaking in relative terms, man. He's 93, it's safe to say we should cherish however much longer he's with us.

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4 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

BOT 2017 in a nutshell (quote me on this):

January: Dissecting Rogue One and Sing's legs (not Passengers though since that won't even get released this year), maybe Live by Night breaks out.

February: This month is going to be FUN. We'll go batshit over Lego Batman, laugh at 50 Shades, Oscars, and a whole lot more.

March: Insanity. 

April: The calm before the storm. We'll have people spouting how Fast 8's drop from 7 is a disaster tho.

May: MASS HYSTERIA...... for the first two or three weeks. Maybe Pirates can save the end of the month?

June: Kill me now. Oh well, at least we're getting Kingsman and The Mummy (don't let me down Kurtzman).

July: THE KING RETURNS. Also, more CBM wars.

August: Alien Covenant will show The Martian wasn't a fluke and Ridley can still make hits! Oh, and that Emoji movie is out. Yay?

September: .................What?

October: Another calm before the storm, though we'll have plenty of "Is Blade Runner a bomb?" discussions.


December: This might get ugly too.

That is nothing but a made-up rumor.

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6 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

BOT 2017 in a nutshell (quote me on this):
August: Alien Covenant will show The Martian wasn't a fluke and Ridley can still make hits!


I don't think the Riddler ever lost it when you look over his whole career which is up and down.  Hes a very script reliant director, but when hes got a good one, he can shoot it as good as anyone and make it look better than anyone else.  I do hope Covenant has a great script.

Edited by Ozymandias
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1 minute ago, Ozymandias said:


JL and WW get terrible reviews / multipliers, duh.


WW will get pretty solid reviews. It's the first female huge super blockbuster (everything else has been wiped from memory) and as long as the action is good and she's a badass I can't see people wanting to give it a failing grade.  

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Just now, Johnny Tran said:


WW will get pretty solid reviews. It's the first female huge super blockbuster (everything else has been wiped from memory) and as long as the action is good and she's a badass I can't see people wanting to give it a failing grade.  




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