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Thegun's 50 Worst Sequels Ever Made (#15)

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That's enough for today. These next 38.  We're getting to the meat and potatoes. Not a single film I like personally. OK 2 more. But it's only because I recognize how fucking awful they are, but for some reason they do make me smile at times.

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Ok One more.


38. Smokey and the Bandit 3 (1983)


Ew this film is awful.  Just 3 years earlier Smokey And the Bandit 2 was highest opening film of 1980, and one of the first films to open over 10 million. It even is one of six films to out open The Empire Strikes Back. Thankfully cinema has changed. Burt Reynolds and an elephant, and Clint Eastwood and a monkey could be the most important films of the year. How both were so huge still escapes me.  But we are in the world of F&F so there is something about car films with crazy characters over performing.  Here we have just three years later and Reynolds said no, A man who made sequels to everything he made. This film is an awful sequel. Even worse is Burt coming in for a cameo that is the very definition of awkward. The film's final gross didn't even match the opening of Part II which adjusts to 200+ million. The acting is atrocious.  The story is bad, none of even the cheesy fun works here. The film was horribly reshot after they only had Gleeson playing both roles was badly received and Reed was put in, who is a weak substitute for Reynolds.  I won't even post a trailer.  Just Reynold's bizarre cameo that comes from the lead of the film saying he can become Reynolds for 5 minutes without anyone knowing the difference. This is a mess.


Best Scene: Reynolds and Gleeson mumble to each other for a few minutes. No Script and the each probably made a million or so. There is no reason this film exists.



Edited by Thegun
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31 minutes ago, Thegun said:

Burt Reynolds and an elephant, and Clint Eastwood and a monkey could be the most important films of the year. How both were so huge still escapes me.  


Forget it, Jake, it's the Seventies.

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7 minutes ago, Porthos said:


Forget it, Jake, it's the Seventies.


NOTE:  Even quite a few of the films that came out in 1980 and 1981 still had a lot of 70s DNA in them, so spare me the "Well, actually"'s. ;)


The dividing line is probs The Cannonball Run.  At least that's one of the last successful Seventies style films that comes to mind.

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5 hours ago, Thegun said:

39. Airplane II: The Sequel (1982)


I actually don't mind this film that much.  It had to follow the funniest film ever made, with none of the creative team, or the brilliant discovery of Leslie Neilsen. But it is a rough film to get through. Instead we have a weirdly written rehash with about 90% of the jokes never hitting, and a space setting.  But there actually is some funny stuff in here, and this film has no right to have them. But what's left is just bad. And most of the jokes are simple variations on the first film. William Shatner does one of his few non Trek film roles, and kind of sells it at times, because only an actor with his resume could give that role some legitimacy. But this is the catalyst for why most sequels, comedy sequels especially, never work. And unlike the original, this film is really dated. I mean 14 years too old for 2001: A Space Odyssey jokes when this film came out. You can give it credit for trying, but this film's director is just not up to par.  Airplane 2 a bad comedy, an awful sequel, and rightfully belongs on here.


Best Scene: A few stupid lines do hold up like this:

"I need you to start quietly moving people into the lounge"

"We don't have a lounge"

"That's not important right now"





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37. Jurassic World (2015) (Not so Fast TLW and III)


I'm going to be honest. All three Jurassic Park sequels are a major step down from classic original. For instance The Lost World has Vince Vaughn during his awful "drama period" and the raptor kicking 10 year old.  But it still has the canon, and for it's worth Spielberg put together some suspense and some well put together action sequences.  Jurassic Park III is the best of the sequels, but it also has Tea Leoni, and such a hilariously awful ending.  But I give it credit for being a simple chase film.  It's light and brisk and knows when to call it quits. Jurassic World is even worst because it steals from both sequels, but has the 14 years of buildup, and the freshly hot Chris Patt who is already wearing out his good will from Guardians.  I'll admit there is some joy in the Flying dinosaur rampage.  But for every cool sequence there is a "Why not just push the self destruct button that all the dinosaurs apparently have"  I just can't get passed Terrorist killing Raptors, and this so called unstoppable "New Dinosaur" that is killed by a T-Rex, when in fact the best scene in III has the T-Rex getting owned by the much more impressive Spinosaurus. Sure you can argue it was 3 on 1 here, but seeing a T-Rex get it's neck popped was much much cooler, and done early in the film. The kids are awful, and Pratt and Howard are paper thin characters. It adds a little Meta humor to appreciate. All three sequels are guilty of that though. And the effects 14 years later aren't any better than the others, and some noticeably worse. I think it's safe to say that Jurassic World is a rough pill to swallow, that gets less flack because lesser sequels are more and more the commonplace. I'm suppose to be excited that they rip off the Alien's ambush camera sequence not once, but two times in the film. This film should have been much better. Hell I remember the humanoid Dinosaur script, in retrospect it probably would have been better. The Simpsons probably made the best sequel in their Itchy and Scratchy Land episode. Oh and please bash me over the head with John William's score.  I mean, I know you realize your score is going to be picked apart.  But at least try.  Harry Potter and Superman found decent alternatives.


"Ok Barclay, Barry, Bert, Bort? Oh come on! Bort?"

"Mommy, Mommy, buy me a license plate.   No, Come Along Bort"

"Excuse me are you talking to me?"

"No! My son is also named Bort"


Best Scene:  The audience watching the crazy water dinosaur literally eats Spielberg's other dead franchise shit and they cheer it on. Honorable mention for the guy that double fists his drinks as he runs in terror.  Man understands the ridiculous high prices of drinks at parks.

Worst Scene: Older brother awkwardly staring at multiple girls throughout the film (How is that worst then Easy Rider through the jungle with Raptors, just look at the sentence I just wrote)




Edited by Thegun
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  • Community Manager

I disagree with literally everything about Jurassic World. The kids were great, the dinos were amazing, love that climax scene, but especially that bit about Chris Pratt wearing out his welcome.

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5 hours ago, Water Bottle said:

I disagree with literally everything about Jurassic World. The kids were great, the dinos were amazing, love that climax scene, but especially that bit about Chris Pratt wearing out his welcome.


5 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

Oh, c'mon now, man. Jurassic World was far from perfect, but it was definitely NOT worse than JP III (or TLW, but that is more debatable, I guess). That movie is a crime against mankind.


The Jurassic franchise quality is ranked by release date.

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