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Get Out | February 24th | Under Comedy/Musical Category at Golden Globes

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2 hours ago, WrathOfHan said:

Most likely. He and my mother come from the entitlement branch of Trump supporters of "Not all x people are bad, just the ones that take up welfare and don't get a job!" 


God, Zootopia is looking more and more relevant as the days go by :lol: 




Hey, you mentioned it first.

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Just like Compton, theres no better time to release this. This wouldnt be the same movie in say 2004 or even 2011. Ever since Obama's 2nd term and the Trayvon Martin episode (this generations OJ incident/trial), racism and race relations have been front and center in America.


That makes this movie even more relevant. And while some jackasses will be turned off, I feel like that element is going to make people of all races want to see what this is about even more. 


Now this doesnt always work: 13 Hours wasnt helped by coming out during Hillary's campaign and a zeitgeist of Middle American patriotism, BUT then you have Sniper and Survivor as counter examples that did work. 


I dont think the race issue is going to really be that big a deterrant. If youre a racist, you already dont care about this and youll be too busy "boycotting" some retail store somewhere.


Like Compton, this is going actually drum interest. If anything is going to be a turn off, itll be the horror/psychological/creepy angle. Not everybody is into that.


Though Split has show the audience is potentially there.

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35 minutes ago, Jayhawk said:

92/0 now. At this point, need to see it hit triple digits. Has that happened before (and when was it)?

Boyhood had 130 fresh before the first rotten.


Also, Moonlight with 120 reviews before the first rotten.

Edited by Goffe
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9 minutes ago, baumer said:

Let's not get carried away.  If this opens to 25 million, that would be excellent.  This isn't The Conjuring.  It's not going to open to 40 million.


What set Conjuring apart from the other recent supernat horrors? Conjuring, Insidious, Sinister, Poltergiest, Devil Inside, Woman in Black, Mama, Lights out, Ouija, Posession, Connecticut, etc? They all look somewhat similiar to me on the surface. 


Conjuring didnt have a brand name so something else got it to that $40m OW while all those other movies couldnt.


Dont see how you can say "this isnt Conjuring" when we didnt even know Conjuring was going to be Conjuring.

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2 minutes ago, jandrew said:


What set Conjuring apart from the other recent supernat horrors? Conjuring, Insidious, Sinister, Poltergiest, Devil Inside, Woman in Black, Mama, Posession, Connecticut, etc? They all look somewhat similiar to me on the surface. 


Conjuring didnt have a brand name so something else got it to that $40m OW while all those other movies couldnt.


Dont see how you can say "this isnt Conjuring" when we didnt even know Conjuring was going to be Conjuring.

You can hype it up but just dont' be disappointed if it doesn't open to 40 million. Conjufring just had all things fall into place at the right time and it had a lot of hype for some reason. 

Edited by ban1o
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