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4 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

Why would I care about freakin women and blakc people in the freakin overpaid movie industry? They don't have my sympathy at all. Their life problem is whether they'll get 5M per movie or 7M per movie, or, in JLaw case, 15M vs 20M. those are not real problems.


I do agree, it is worrying the levels of concern that people put into some of the richest people on the planet complaining about inequality when there are real people with real problems that they totally ignore. 


The problem however is that the media shapes the narrative to distract them from anything that might actual hurt them. 

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I just checked that Moonlight has the highest Average Rating on rottentomatoes than any BP winner of the 21st century. Didn't check further.
This is honestly very impressive and it makes me wonder why everyone didn't count such a wholeheartedly acclaimed movie?

Clearly the reviews were fake! WHITE GUILT!!!

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4 minutes ago, Valonqar said:


There are also very successful Asian directors who, unlike above mentioned counterparts, don't whine 24-7 about not getting opportunities. Asians are real menschen. They make things happen. It's always whining and moping with women and black directors. History boo hoo, ism A, ism B, phobia A, phobia B, white people, male people, everyone's to blame cause director so and so isn't the Next Spielberg. Guess what? Nobody but Spielberg is Spielberg




You're applying a strawman argument and literally proving the point the people you're arguing against are trying to make.


It's a little demeaning to those groups of people to always cry "They only hired them for political/progressive reasons" when a minority or woman wins an award, or when a minority or woman gets hired into a job.  Instead of taking the simple solution that, they got hired because they're qualified and talented?


It'd be like saying every time a white male won something that they only won because the voters were racist.  That's practically the logic here, because this comes up every single time there's a situation like this.

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7 minutes ago, Valonqar said:


Why would I care about freakin women and blakc people in the freakin overpaid movie industry? They don't have my sympathy at all. Their life problem is whether they'll get 5M per movie or 7M per movie, or, in JLaw case, 15M vs 20M. those are not real problems. Sorry, I don't care for their rights, but I can point out that studios use them whenever it suits them to improve their image. otherwise they don't care either but pretend that they do. I don't pretend. 


I've been staying away from political talk for a long time but now I'm gonna gloat that Moonlight win smacks of bad rigging and is apparently caught in the act. It's a 100% political win for a movie that belongs with Indies and nowhere else. It didn't win on a merit but on a political situation and political reaction that will be utterly irrelevant down the line when circumstances change. Most forgettable winner, mark my words.

Image result for oppressed white male alert

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2 minutes ago, JamesCameronScholar said:


I do agree, it is worrying the levels of concern that people put into some of the richest people on the planet complaining about inequality when there are real people with real problems that they totally ignore. 


The problem however is that the media shapes the narrative to distract them from anything that might actual hurt them. 



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1 minute ago, franfar said:


Holy shit you're weird. Try speaking like a human being.

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We've already seen what happens when you try and teach IronJimbo franfar, we established you're not qualified. 




Sent from my brain using electronic signals. 

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1 minute ago, The Panda said:




You're applying a strawman argument and literally proving the point the people you're arguing against are trying to make.


It's a little demeaning to those groups of people to always cry "They only hired them for political/progressive reasons" when a minority or woman wins an award, or when a minority or woman gets hired into a job.  Instead of taking the simple solution that, they got hired because they're qualified and talented?


It'd be like saying every time a white male won something that they only won because the voters were racist.  That's practically the logic here, because this comes up every single time there's a situation like this.


It isn't people who cry that they are hired only for those reason. It's studios who brag about it and what are people going to say? Hire lets say jenkins for, I dunno, Peter Parker Spiderman and nobody's gonna say anything. Hire Jenkins for Miles Morales Spiderman and the studio is going to be the first to beat the drum how politically awesome and progressive and shit their casting is. If you hire a woman for any movie, nobody's gonna say "oh, that's cause she's a woman". But if you announce that you are looking for a woman to direct WW, that irks people because it's a blatant political statement casting not best-gets-the-job. 

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2 minutes ago, Valonqar said:


It would have been end of story if the win had been legit. As it is, there was something else and the story about reading the winner from best Actress card is bullshit. 


If Moonlight won fair and square without the scandal, I wouldn't even post here. But it didn't, hence me gloating about the fact that it was a fishy win. Like winner like win.


Similar fishy business went into 12YS tying Gravity at PGA. Apparently, these political race movies can't win straight like other movies. there always has to be some wheeling dealing. 


Im sorry.  This wasn't rigged, the Oscars wouldn't stage a screw up like this because it looks bad on them.  If you watched they literally read from the Best Actress Card.


Also, ties happen.  I've tallied totals before, and even with preferential ballots, they happen much more often than you'd think. Especially when it's a dead heat like 12YAS and Gravity were.


Youre pulling out a tinfoil conspiracy hat that you're only pulling out because it was a minority dominated movie.


It might not be that the Academy is biased for "political race movies" (hint: they're not and that's not how I'd describe either 12YAS or Moonlight).  It might just be that you're biased against them and get made when they win.  That certainly seems like the case.

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2 hours ago, IronJimbo said:

Well said, it's made less than hurt locker so it's currently the least grossing best picture winner of oscar history.


It should shows how insignificant and out of touch the award is.

I look forward to the highest grossing film of all time in 2018 not getting best picture.



Only one film that was the highest grossing of all time has won BP. (At least as far back as I can research on BOM.)


If Avatar 2 or Episode 9 manage to eclipse TFA's (or The Last Jedi's) gross, I'd probably put pretty good odds that neither of them is going to win BP. And it's probably likely that neither is going to get a BP nom. Because unless there's something REALLY special going on, the Academy isn't really prone to going for sequels. TFA didn't even get a nom, after all.

Edited by DamienRoc
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12 minutes ago, DamienRoc said:


Only one film that was the highest grossing of all time has won BP. (At least as far back as I can research on BOM.)


Gone with the Wind and Titanic are the only ones that definately were the biggest hits of all time when they won. There's also a chance Sound of Music was the biggest of all time when it won and then got passed by GWTW re-releases.

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The Oscars have always been about politics or who has the best campaign to win.  Why do you think the Weinsteins have been so successful over the years?  There's nothing fair about the oscars.  The most deserving film?  I mean, what exactly is that?  Moonlight winning, imo, has a lot to do with what happened last year but then again, every year there are snubs and silly winners.  This year is no different.

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4 minutes ago, Joel M said:


Gone with the Wind and Titanic are the only ones that definately were the biggest hits of all time when they won. There's also a chance Sound of Music was the biggest of all time when it won and then got passed by GWTW re-releases.


ROTK is the last winner that had everyone aboard - the audience, the critics, the industry. I'm afraid we'll never see that situation again. Oscars are out of touch with masses and they pass on massive blockbusters with rave reviews because they are too wrapped up in their self-congratulatory bubble. Awarding a mega hit doesn't stoke their Savior complex. It's all that is. 

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Just now, Valonqar said:


ROTK is the last winner that had everyone aboard - the audience, the critics, the industry. I'm afraid we'll never see that situation again. Oscars are out of touch with masses and they pass on massive blockbusters with rave reviews because they are too wrapped up in their self-congratulatory bubble. Awarding a mega hit doesn't stoke their Savior complex. It's all that is. 


I really don't agree with this. Would you have said the same thing if LLL won?

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