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The Box Office Buzz and Tracking Thread: Electric Boogaloo

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29 minutes ago, dmatrixfilmdx said:


stories from my life made it into the movies. 

I went to rehab....  got out in 2013, and communicating with the outside world has been like prison.  basically no communication.


but my life made it in the 2018 movies and somehow my story got out.  but without my permission.  so I am basically a prisoner screaming for help.


suicide seems like a humane option in this particular crisis.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary often solvable problem.   You need to find help and to take care of yourself instead.


Even if your life story were put in the movies it was most likely distorted as with most films.  It also could be about problems and actions that pertain to millions of other people.


Please call the Suicide Prevention Hotline - 1-800-273-8255 - there will be people there that will listen and have experience.  If you have a sponsor call them.   If you've relapsed go to back to rehab or at  least find an AA meeting.   Or go to a hospital.  There are people out there who can and want to help you.



Edited by TalismanRing
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32 minutes ago, dmatrixfilmdx said:


stories from my life made it into the movies. 

I went to rehab....  got out in 2013, and communicating with the outside world has been like prison.  basically no communication.


but my life made it in the 2018 movies and somehow my story got out.  but without my permission.  so I am basically a prisoner screaming for help.


suicide seems like a humane option in this particular crisis.

If you feel like those people put your life as a film without your permission, you could try suing them, or talk to someone who could make your voice loud and clear for the whole world to hear (while trying to maintain as much anonymity as possible). I can't tell you why they did it (I can only guess, like maybe they thought your story would be a good Hollywood page turner), but if you feel like they did it and weren't in their right, then you are in your right to call them out. No guarantee, though, that the movie you saw isn't talking about an issue that a lot more outside of yourself share. However, more importantly, you need to take care of yourself here.


Suicide is NOT a solution for anything at all. It's the literal antithesis of humane. There is no problem in the world that isn't anything more than temporary at best..... except death. If you choose death, there is no going back, and a lot of people right now - every single one of us in this forum included - would not want you to make such a choice. Think about everyone you're leaving in grief and sorrow because you weren't strong enough to deal with what's going on, and hell, think about how much life you still have ahead of you, waiting for you to live it like there was no tomorrow. DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. Call this hotline for help, because someone in the other side will hear you, understand you and help you throughout ---- 1-800-273-8255.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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4 minutes ago, dmatrixfilmdx said:

Thanks guys but it is still not helping.  


Suicide is an option for this because they deserve it.  





Dude, it's not worth it. Trust me. Don't give them the satisfaction of believing they ended your life. Come back even stronger and prove them wrong instead. Problems are temporary at best, DEATH IS A PERMANENT CHOICE. DO NOT MAKE IT. Please.

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Just now, dmatrixfilmdx said:

Thanks guys but it is still not helping.  


Suicide is an option for this because they deserve it.  



Suicide as punishment is a horrendous idea because it won't hurt anyone as much it will hurt you.  You'd be letting them make you a victim again.  You'd let them win.


Even if it hurt or bothered them they'd eventually get over it and live long full lives - a long full life that you'd be denying yourself.


Call that hotline, or a psychiatrist or a hospital or your former rehab.  Get help first.


If you want you can fight them legally later - but you need to be alive and healthy to do that.

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Just now, dmatrixfilmdx said:


I cannot call a hotline and tell them that I am in the movies.


it just wont work, I will get locked up against my will. 


The Suicide Hotlines are anonymous and confidential - confidentiality is in their mission statement.  




But if that's what's keeping you from getting help from other sources like hospitals or your former rehab if worse came to worse being temporarily locked up against your will is better than being dead and having no chance to ever exercise your will again.



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10 minutes ago, dmatrixfilmdx said:


I cannot call a hotline and tell them that I am in the movies.


it just wont work, I will get locked up against my will. 


Suicide hotlines are anonymous. And there is zero chance that anyone will lock you up for this. None. Why would they, anyway? Did you do anything illegal? If anything, THEY did.


Would you rather waste away your entire life? You don't win ANYTHING by killing yourself. Nothing. Zero. What does posthumous sympathy serve you any good if it's posthumous, aka, after you're dead and can't recieve it?


If you talk to someone, it couldn't matter less if it's painful/shameful for you personally, because they will help you get through it and make the people responsible pay for what they did. But you need to make it there first, and that implies not killing yourself, which is a reckless, thoughtless idea that won't destroy just you, but everyone that cares about you (and yes, there ARE people who care about you, that I'm 100% sure).


Get real, human help. Call that hotline. Cause suicide is not help. Suicide doesn't help you in any form of shape. Understand that you're bummed about being supposedly put out there for the whole world to judge you, but you get nothing from putting an end to yourself. All you get is to die. Those higher ups who did that to you will be laughing months from now from the fact that you were so bummed about their prank that you made that choice.

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5 minutes ago, dmatrixfilmdx said:


when you grow up talking about suicide all the time, I don't think one ends up thiking they are wasting anything by killing themselves.


If I was dead, hopefully I could get in contact with a dead ex-girlfriend who made it into the movies too.

Do you need someone to talk to in person? IIRC, your local theater was mentioned as Irvine Spectrum. I live in Irvine, feel free to let me know if you want to talk and I can drive over if you want.

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10 minutes ago, dmatrixfilmdx said:


when you grow up talking about suicide all the time, I don't think one ends up thiking they are wasting anything by killing themselves.


If I was dead, hopefully I could get in contact with a dead ex-girlfriend who made it into the movies too.

But they are. They are wasting away, no matter how inside their own delusional rabbit hole of stubborn barbarism they are in. They are wasting away, and you would be wasting away. Like I said, you get no reward for choosing to demise yourself. It's like if life is a video game, the ones who did that to you are the final bosses who are doing you all wrong, and you made the decision to jump off the proverbial cliff and call it "Game Over" instead of tackling the challenge all the way through. They do not deserve your blood. Get help, it will not harm you no matter what kind of dark whispers go in your head that tell you that it will; those don't matter for shit in the real world. And with so much life ahead of you, someone who is dead is someone that you can mourn.... and be supported in your mourning by other people in your life, like a brand new girlfriend that you can meet out there and help you through your problems.


As you can see, there is absolutely no way whatsoever, REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU THINK, where suicide helps you. Don't do it. The reward for you not killing yourself will be for those people who put your life in the movies without your permission to get what is coming to them.


Help won't hurt you, but possibly could hurt those that harmed you in the 1st place. Suicide will hurt you and everyone else instead.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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@dmatrixfilmdx if you need someone to talk to, please feel free to DM me. Trust me when I tell you that suicide is not the right answer. It's just a permanent fix to a temporary problem. There are solutions to that temporary problem. Ones that don't involve you leaving this earth and leaving behind those who truly care about you.

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