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Deathly Hallows 2 vs Revenge of the Sith


67 members have voted

  1. 1. Which was the better finale?

    • DH2
    • ROTS

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^ dude, all you had to say was "I think ROTS is terrible, and I think it's one of the worst movies I've seen". That's fine (though still hard to understand unless you haven't seem many bad movies), but you said "it's one of the worst movies of all-time" like it's some sort of factual statement and not opinion.Also, I do find your opinion hard to take seriously as ROTS is (no pun intended) light years away from the worst movie ever.

I don't think I said "the worst movie ever" and you responded to none of my problems with the film or why you find it great or however much you do or do not like it.Plus, I'm not sure why you're so caught up with ROTS being compared to whatever you think is bad. Of course there are loads of terrible films but no one watches them and no one cares and really, does anyone even take into consideration Scorpion King 78 and I Know What You Did Before You Were Born when they talk about movies? No.
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I don't think I said "the worst movie ever"...

You're right, you didn't, you said "it's one of the worst movies of all-time". I just don't understand that. What are some of the other worst movies you've seen? Edited by FTF
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FTF, come on, for God's sake. He doesn't have to say "I think." Do you say "I think There Will Be Blood is one of the greatest films of all time!"? No, you don't need to say "I think," because we all know you're expressing your opinion.

Maybe I'm a stickler for words, but I think there is a very big difference in starting a sentence with "I think".
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Talk about a massive comeback for DH2. It was 3-8, and now it's 10-8. And that's including guys like Sphongle who hasn't seen DH2 (obvious as hell with his anti-HP raid) and Jessie (Pointman alert).

Wait, Jessie is Pointman??? Son of a bitch, that explains alot! lol thanks Edited by FTF
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BK007, I do have to say, though, that is just incomprehensible how someone could have AoTC or TPM over RotS. I thought the dialogue was diarrhea-worthy throughout all of AotC. It's so much weaker than RotS.

Thank you for discussing Noctis, I'm more than happy to explain myself.I watched all six for the first time pretty much a couple weeks ago in chronological order. So, TPM for me was the movie that set up the story. It wasn't really any good but it was my introduction to the SW world and so it has that edge, just like how Sorcerer's Stone has one over CoS when both films are in the same ballpark. The direction was horrible, I have no idea why people love the pod race because if anyone has seen F1 it's basically the same static shot repeated a billion times for far too long in the 3 lap sequence. If anyone's seen Speed Racer you can see how you can direct a race and make it be interesting. Even Cars 2 had more inventiveness, variety and creativity. For Attack of the Clones, it would be the sequel effect, expectations after the first movie, granted they weren't very high. The movie was worst than TPM but also very forgettable. The characters began to be written really stupidly and the plot also grew generic. The now prominent Christensen also was bad and he does get better in ROTS to his credit. So comes along ROTS, I was expecting it to be good because of supposed reception but as the finale, to me it had a lot more weight on it than AOTC to deliver the goods. However what it did was continue AOTC's already flailing storyline and insulted my intelligence and patience by making the characters stupid as fuck in dealing with every situation. As I've already mentioned Anakin's conversion to the Dark Side being one but really, in ROTS obviously moreso than in TPM or AOTC, Anakin becomes the main character and no matter what your movie, you have to have a strong main character but Lucas completely fucks it up, even if your acting is terrible, a good script and story salvages it but no, Anakin has unbelievably retarded conclusions, sources of inspiration, feelings, thought processes- he doesn't act or feel like an actual person since he makes no logical sense. Basically all the failings in TPM with people's dislike for the enthusiastic and arrogant Jake Lloyd and AOTC with Christensen's wooden performance and shallow character just grow greater here since this movie is supposed to wrap them up. The fact that it is integral to the movie that Anakin turns bad also means that you must have strong motivation. He takes 20 seconds to decide on a flimsy reason and honestly even now I don't understand it. There's no solid motivation AT ALL. Of course then you have any dialogue and lack of chemistry with him and Portman which peppers the film. If there was supposed to be emotion for his change, if there was supposed to be an epic conclusion, I did not feel it. It grew more and more tiring listening to unrealistic, empty conversations acted out by people who couldn't care less and so each new turn of events became more unlikely, farcical and horrendously shown, in my opinion. To summarize if I haven't been very clear, to me, a flowing story or at least believable story is key. In ROTS that was not present and it got worst and worst by continually relying on weak links and assumptions to build up the rapid denouement of the story.
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You're right, you didn't, you said "it's one of the worst movies of all-time". I just don't understand that. What are some of the other worst movies you've seen?

One I can think of immediately is Step Brothers. In some ways it was like ROTS, of course no one cares too much about the story in a comedy, but in this case, they kept relying on a one-note joke of how funny it would be if two grown men acted like infants and it was horrifically unfunny from the get-go but they kept plowing on.Another is Event Horizon which I have thankfully forgotten mostly now, I think it had some sort of twist at the end too. But from what I can remember the plot was a big joke and I guess being a sort of horror flick you expect poor plots but when you have twists for the sake of it and when you think you're being intelligent and hammering me with that presumption then fuck off.I don't remember much else at the moment but last year I gave 3 movies 'F's, two I didn't finish watching "The Eagle" and "Bad Teacher" and the third was Cars 2. The first I couldn't make it through because it was modern day American English in Roman or Greek or whatever it was times. I'm pretty sure I heard "dude" among other words. It just doesn't work since it takes you out of it. It's like having a movie about World War Two and having Hitler listening to Kanye West and saying wanker. Bad Teacher was similar to Step Brothers relying on a joke that was not funny and prolonging it on and on. Cars 2 was because Mater took centre stage and I would argue he's even worse than Jar Jar Binks. The plot was DTV and I guess it's more disappointment in Pixar but it still would be no higher than a D. Nothing worked. I guess I cannot take what I perceive to be insulting the audience's intelligence in films.
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Thanks for that detailed response. I do agree with you regarding Anakin's descent to darkness. I have such trouble truly believing in it. I mean, sure, he worries for Padme, but to the point where he immediately starts to become Palpatine's little bitch? I distinctly remember feeling really confused as to why he sliced off Samuel Jackson's hands so abruptly. But that's not what bothers me the most. Right after Palpatine makes him a Sith, Anakin starts massacring little children, and very soon after that, he's built an enormous fortress? And when Padme begs him to leave with her, he starts talking like an insane person. And honestly, he CHOKES the woman he loves who is pregnant? Correct me if I'm wrong, but did he not apparently turn to the dark side to save Padme? Yet he almost chokes her to death.Padme dying from childbirth was by far the most insulting thing about the film. "She lost the will to live." Oh, really? How offensive. She just gave birth to two children - that should be more than enough to keep her will alive.Does anyone else besides me believe that Draco's descent into darkness in Half-Blood Prince (although he's not evil) was way more realistic than anything regarding Anakin, and that was the way Lucas should have directed it? I found Draco's journey very realistic.

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One I can think of immediately is Step Brothers...

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But seriously, I envy you cause if the worst movies I've ever seen were ROTS and Step Brothers, I'd have saved myself unmeasurable time over the years seeing actual shitty movies.

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Thank you for giving me nothing in return FTF. Posters like yourself, if you have nothing better to say, don't say anything at all.Don't come in insult someone and be unable to back up anything you say. Why is Step Brothers or Revenge of the Sith good?Why don't you want to comment on Anakin's story in ROTS? Will it be sacrilegious to your worship of George Lucas? Give me a fucking break.

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