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5-day Weekend #s: DM3 99M, BD 29.97M, WW 24.07M, TF5 24.05M, Cars 3 14.2M, House 11.9M

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Emoji will flop. There always are terrible ideas that people convince themselves that people are going to see because the "unwashed masses" are so stupid like Monster Trucks and that Adam Sandler video game movie and the movies often underperform. I don't say that Emoji will flop because I don't have any interest because I'm just one person, what does it matter whether I have interest in or not? I just don't think enough people are going to have any interest. Just as people were convinced that Captain Underpants was going to make a lot of money and hurt Wonder Woman and what happened is that it was a very niche movie that did not do that well. All the animated movies have been over predicted this year and Emoji will be but yet another one.

Edited by Zakiyyah6
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1 minute ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:

HOLY FUCK at 47MD! What's going on with this movie? It is having one of the best runs of this summer, unbelievable. I remember people here saying that the GP would hate the ending, but it is receiving insane WOM. Shark movies are back in full force with this and The Shallows.

Question is can MEG dominate too?

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SLOP was less liked by audiences than any of these summer movies...but (through all its BOGOs) it involved less monetary commitment from folks...and soared in the summer...


As some posters have previously mentioned, when you know you have $20+ in soda/popcorn coming, getting $20 off your family of 4's tickets makes the whole thing go down easier...


I could get into the economics of optimal pricing, but that would get pretty boring pretty fast...

Edited by TwoMisfits
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1 minute ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:


I have no idea what MEG is, lol. 

A blockbuster level movie with a prehistoric shark attacking in the present next August.

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Great hold for WW. Keep on trucking, Diana. You deserve it.


Transformers 5 is getting what it deserves.


Sucks for Cars 3, but I have no attachment since I haven't seen the first two nor will I ever need to, it ain't for me.


DM 3 should have done better, but its not doom and gloom for it yet.


And Baby Driver..





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12 minutes ago, John Marston said:

Looks like people assume if they don't like a film it means the filmmakers set out to make a bad movie and didn't care about anything but money 


I'm not one of those people who thinks money is the only thing DM's filmmakers care about, but I do think they have a certain disregard for the intelligence of their target audience (much like the people who patronizingly defend their movies with variations on "They're kids movies, lighten up!") and that there's only a certain lesser criteria they have to fill in their storytelling to draw an audience.


But regardless of how much money is a motivator I don't think a bad film deserves to be a box office hit. The Book of Henry may have been done primarily for art but it's still (I assume) a bad movie and still doesn't deserve to be rewarded.



Edited by tribefan695
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13 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

Emoji will flop. There always are terrible ideas that people convince themselves that people are going to see because the "unwashed masses" are so stupid like Monster Trucks and that Adam Sandler video game movie and the movies often underperform. I don't say that Emoji will flop because I don't have any interest because I'm just one person, what does it matter whether I have interest in or not? I just don't think enough people are going to have any interest. Just as people were convinced that Captain Underpants was going to make a lot of money and hurt Wonder Woman and what happened is that it was a very niche movie that did not do that well. All the animated movies have been over predicted this year and Emoji will be but yet another one.


I think Emoji will be a modest success, not too far off what Cloudy 2 did. SPA has no real direction and it's clear they seem to have a throw and see what sticks approach to their films. 


Sometimes stupid ideas on paper can work, The Lego Movie on paper sounded dumb but the first trailer sold it.

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Wonder Woman's performance has been inspiring and incredible. What a run this movie is having. May it continue to exceed expectations, both in regard to the remainder of its theatrical run and in regard to its home-video release.  

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1 minute ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:

Not surprised at the DM3 drop. Minions killed the appeal of the franchise with audiences outside of families. Minions 2 is going to hurt the brand even more, at this pace, DM4 may not cross even $100m DOM. 

C'mon man lol. 

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