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Dunkirk Tuesday Numbers: Dunkirk 4.48...WW 575K

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9 hours ago, EmpireCity said:


If Disney wanted those Avatar spots, they would take them and Fox couldn't do shit about it.  


Avatar was a phenomenon flash in the pan due to the great use of 3D.  Sure, it made money for theaters but it also has caused them nearly a decade of added costs and hassle.  Many theaters (most actually) can't wait to completely dump out of 3D.  Even IMAX sees the writing on the wall.  


I can't wait until Cameron and Fox come to theaters soon and tell them all the $$ they will need to spend to upgrade software or systems to properly show the new Avatar movies.  Unless he has something revolutionary up his sleeve, it isn't going to fly like it did in 2009.  


9 hours ago, EmpireCity said:


There are a lot of theaters lately that when the time to replace a silver screen comes up, they install a regular screens and take of the 3D lens.  


Most don't run any 3D shows past the first week.  3D is dead in the water.  People would rather spend the money on better laser projectors and superior 2D image.  HFR is also dead as it has been completely rejected on the limited releases.  Nobody in the North American market likes it except for the directors.  


If anything, you are going to see a music industry like re-birth of film like vinyl has had in the last few years.  Warner Bros. is heavily invested in it and on board.  Sony is going to jump in as well and I think Disney is going to as well.  35mm and 70mm film is going to have a solid 8-10 releases per year going forward.  




Who cares about Domestic its all for China market LOL...just kidding... kinda. Those Intl markets that still manage 20-30% or more 3D BO.. 

and yes a Lot theatre's don't want to run 3D or if do very Ltd sessions or nothing after week 1-2. There are quite a few movies now that get 3D and or Imax international but not domestic but even so a lot of the Intl markets that now do nothing with 3D get stuck  trying to get theatres to show it in that format.

Imax announcing reduction in 3D has to be major blow.

Even the TV markets has given up.

Imax announcing they are reducing 3D has to be a major blow.

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2 hours ago, filmnerdjamie said:

"Great WOM for a week+ prior to opening?"


You literally have no idea how WOM works based on that remark. You're getting WOM confused with reviews. By that logic, War for the Apes had great WOM too. Moving on...

I'd also love to understand how word-of-mouth (especially "great" wom) works for a film before opening, especially a film that drops 62 %, 50 %, and 40 % after opening. 

It boggles the mind.

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Just now, Stutterng baumer Denbrough said:

WTF are you talking about?






Those aren't great legs.  Like the movie all you want Jack, but don't make up stories about the legs.  

He's a psychopath. He doesn't even know at this point. Still waiting for him to pay you up for losing that "Amazing Spider-Man will do $350M" bet he lost. Blocked the dude and I see from your quote he's still talking about me. Again, creepy. 

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I'm a psychopath? :kitschjob:


I see:









Interesting trivia: I wasn't even talking with him when he mentioned me. He likes to do that. IDK why, neither I care, but it's amusing. Interesting fact #2: it's kinda hillarious how I found that just searching filmnerdjamie man of steel on google, and how he keeps hoping that MoS will get more IMAX screens from Pacific Rim so it crosses $300m, notice the date: well past one month of Man of Steel release. Double standards, much? But sure, I'm the psychopath. :) 


I never talk about you when you aren't around, dude. I don't even talk about/to you when you are. You are the one that keeps trying to go at me. Just don't get surprised when you get pwned with stuff like this, it's way too easy. ;) 


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37 minutes ago, Cochofles said:

I'd also love to understand how word-of-mouth (especially "great" wom) works for a film before opening, especially a film that drops 62 %, 50 %, and 40 % after opening. 

It boggles the mind.

Honest question: do you remember when I said that WW would make to $348m even AFTER it's opening and everyone called me nuts? Do you remember when you, me and others concede that if it could make to $300m would still be a great result, but somehow we kept hoping for more? Because you know, I do. My memory is like, my gift, my curse. 

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1 hour ago, Stutterng baumer Denbrough said:


Again...wtf are you talking about?  It has no shot at beating DM3 world wide.  

I said it probably wouldn't get past 2.6X.  I never said it absolutely wouldn't hit 300.

Stop being such a fan boy.  Like I said, enjoy the film, glad you did.  But it's not a WOM monster.  It fell big time in the first two weekends.  The first good hold it had was the third.  

And I do not under estimate films based on whether or not I like it.  I try to be objective.  You're incredibly and annoyingly hypocritical when it comes to calling out on not being objective.  You're the worst here for that and everyone knows it.

My bad, I forgot about DM3, honest mistake. But my point still stands that I was making previous you coming here: Homecoming has a great shot at becoming the highest grossing superhero film ww, and I fail to understand how that can be seen as a failure. I also don't understand why you try so hard to underplay its box office run domestically. It's obviously going beyond what you thought it would. At least concede on that. And I'll give it to you, I am a fanboy. At least I don't try to disguise myself as something else like some others here, that are as much annoying as I am, but you seem to turn a blind eye on that. Why? I don't understand, neither I care. I can see that you try to be objective, and you indeed are most of the time. I'm saying, as an old timer here, that I do think that you aren't being objective when it comes to Homecoming.


If WW made to $300m, that would be a 2.8x multiplier. I'd be happy with that. Any sane person would. SM:H is obviously going for a 2.8+ run. With a potential of becoming the highest grossing film among its genre this year, beating Vol. 2 and who knows what Ragnarok or the League will do. My point is, Homecoming's box office run has been indeed great in my eyes. And that's how I see it. It's not like it started with $170m and went for an under 2x multiplier. You are free to think otherwise, but I think that 2.8x for a film that it's a reboot that got critically acclaimed? I mean, imagine if BvS got a 2.8 multiplier from its opening weekend and the kind of praise that SM:H got, how awesome that would be? 

Edited by iJackSparrow
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Just now, Squadron Leader Tele said:

Let's not call each other psychopaths. 

I have had to block this guy from other feeds like Twitter. Literally was stalking me there on other forums ranting and raving about, you guessed it, Spider-Man. 


And have blocked him here. I see he is still responding to my comments, knowing I have blocked him and has been told several times by baumer to knock it off. Won't address the guy or read his comments but... I'm tired of having him getting only warnings for his behavior that got him banned from other forums.

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I know that I should be working but I'm so proud of how razor sharp my comeback was to that bait that I'm just here reading again and giggling. 


Never an avatar suited me so fucking much:




I'm SO feeling like a Gene Wilder meme right now. It feels great. :lol:

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1 hour ago, Cochofles said:

I'd also love to understand how word-of-mouth (especially "great" wom) works for a film before opening, especially a film that drops 62 %, 50 %, and 40 % after opening. 

It boggles the mind.

Let's talk about folks here, non reviewers, who went to previews for Spidey and raved about it for 10 days...let's talk about folks here (Nova, think this was you) who saw Emoji Thursday afternoon and absolutely torched it...let's talk about international folks who might see the movie before it hits the domestic market and who are talking to their 100s of facebook, twitter, lord knows what social media "friends" before it's even open.  None of that is "reviews based."  None of that is Rotten Tomatoes score or true critics "reviews."  It's all WOM, just a WOM that can now literally be had within hours of opening and even before movies open...


I mean, how many people wait with baited breath on the tweets that early viewers get to leak, even when they can't leak their reviews...it's ALL buzz and WOM building...WOM is able to reach multitudes it couldn't reach faster than it ever could just with 140 characters...and it can work quickly for you or against you...



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5 minutes ago, filmnerdjamie said:

I have had to block this guy from other feeds like Twitter. Literally was stalking me there on other forums ranting and raving about, you guessed it, Spider-Man. 


And have blocked him here. I see he is still responding to my comments, knowing I have blocked him and has been told several times by baumer to knock it off. Won't address the guy or read his comments but... I'm tired of having him getting only warnings for his behavior that got him banned from other forums.

The way I see it and how you keep going at me, the one that is asking to get banned from here it's you, mate. Just saying. :) 

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11 minutes ago, filmnerdjamie said:

I have had to block this guy from other feeds like Twitter. Literally was stalking me there on other forums ranting and raving about, you guessed it, Spider-Man. 


And have blocked him here. I see he is still responding to my comments, knowing I have blocked him and has been told several times by baumer to knock it off. Won't address the guy or read his comments but... I'm tired of having him getting only warnings for his behavior that got him banned from other forums.


Mods here tend to coddle trolls like few other sites I've ever been to, aside from sites that don't have mods. Probably because they'd have to ban Cjohn otherwise :P

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I seriously think people would be praising spider-man box office performance more if that "astonishing" comment was not made. 

Also just realised Deadpool made $790m without china. If it was released in china, I bet it had made $100m minimum. Above $850 for a R-rated origin superhero, Now that's astonishing.

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Just now, damnitgeorge08 said:

I seriously think people would be praising spider-man box office performance more if that "astonishing" comment was not made. 

Also just realised Deadpool made $790m without china. If it was released in china, I bet it had made $100m minimum. Above $850 for a R-rated origin superhero, Now that's astonishing.


If it had been made to allow release in China, I think it would've made less everywhere else.

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9 minutes ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

I seriously think people would be praising spider-man box office performance more if that "astonishing" comment was not made

Also just realised Deadpool made $790m without china. If it was released in china, I bet it had made $100m minimum. Above $850 for a R-rated origin superhero, Now that's astonishing.

Which is downright silly. There are two users here with a history of going at me because of Spider-Man films. One is a mod that I respect, the other is a dude that not just attacked me on my social networks, but ALSO keeps going at me while I turn a blind eye on here until today. Today I've decided that the latter would get owned, and owned he was.


I do think that Homecoming has astonishing WOM. That's my personal opinion about it. It's astonishing when you think that it's the second reboot in less than 5 years, it's astonishing because it's crossing $300m easily when no other reboot was able to do that. It's astonishing because not even Batman Begins got the kind of praise that Homecoming is getting, it's astonishing because obviously kids fucking adore this new take on the character. It's astonishing because Marvel Studios made themselves their own Harry Potter and I can't stop thinking how much a great idea that is in context of the MCU. That's my opinion. You don't have to think like me, but trust me, what Homecoming is doing NO OTHER reboot has done in the past. The two people that like to go at it with me regarding Spider-Man films admitting it or not. 

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Jeez iJackSparrow has been nothing but a problem lately.


Let's just all agree how astonishing SMH's run is, how insane WoM fuelled those historical legs that ended up giving a once in a lifetime performance for Sony. I am predicting at least $600m for the next one. Getting cautious mates...

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2 minutes ago, damnitgeorge08 said:

Due to piracy?

No. I think it would've been too watered down compared to what we got and much of the charm would've been lost.

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