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Weekend Actuals (Page 77): It 60.1M | American Assassin 14.8M | JLaw's Original Sin 7.5M

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Just now, YourMother said:

It's a shame more quality animated movies make less than most of Illumination.

Illumination is like what DreamWorks Animation was like a decade ago riding high thanks to 1-2 franchises. I think Sing proved they can produce great films but IMO they need a shake up in terms of people who are making the films and not rely on the same people. 


WAG IMO doesn't get the same slack because the films so far have been very good. Even Storks which was the weakest had some great moments but I think WAG's disadvantage is the humour is too pop culture centric whereas Illumination relies on slapstick, both have their merits but the latter appeals more OS hence why Lego Movie and Lego Batman did struggle OS apart from the English speaking markets.

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5 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Since Avengers, It s funny how the box office runs of  most MCU movies bore everyone and are barely considered successes at BOT, even when they pull giant ass numbers.



Oh, please, stop the whining.

Nobody has said that GOTGV.2's run was boring or that it was not a success.

It was a monumental success...that everyone expected.

All the films that people mention as noteworthy box office stories of 2017 have something special in their overall narrative that makes them noteworthy.

GOTGV2's huge commercial success and solid critical reception was business as usual for the MCU.

When Avengers 3 makes a billion dollars and gets 85-90 % Fresh on RT, the same thing will happen: most people will go, "Ok. Good. Next."

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4 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


A certain someone was complaining that no one was mentioning that DM3 made $1B.

The certain someone has been complaining about the undeserved negativity that Illumination films are receiving here. We are talking about movies for kids and most of you are acting as though they are the devil itself.

The negativity overweights 10 times the positivity for DM3 so it is funny to even complain about the thing you do.


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Just now, YourMother said:

No disrespect to Illumination fans but both of their films last year: Pets and Sing felt like more impressive runs. DM3 felt like one of the most uneventful $1B run in my opinion.

It's like Ice Age mark 2. I can't help but think that if there is stronger animation competition in 2020, Minions 2 might see a big decline. 

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1 minute ago, FantasticBeasts said:

We are talking about movies for kids

Why should Animated films be limited just for children. I have no problem with Illumination but is it hard to ask for some appeal for both kids and adults.

Edited by YourMother
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3 minutes ago, YourMother said:

No disrespect to Illumination fans but both of their films last year: Pets and Sing felt like more impressive runs. DM3 felt like one of the most uneventful $1B run in my opinion.

This is because many look at domestic and focus on it more. Sure, Pets and Sing had way more impressive DOM runs, but DM3 had an insane OS run that will end up almost matching Minions at today's ER which makes it 3rd all-time OS among animated films. A $1B is a $1B, there is no such thing imo as an uneventful milestone as 1B. It's just that when focusing on DOM more in an analysis, the OS run gets less focused on and hence the view that it's not as exciting as the domestic run. 

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1 minute ago, FantasticBeasts said:

Maybe because about 200 films have done it before it? It's not quite the milestone that a bili is man...


A film like Dunkirk crossing 500M absolutely is an accomplishment.  An original war movie with no real draws in it making that much is astounding.  DM3 was expected to do high 900s/low 1B from the start.  It's about expectations and the kind of movie that's making that much money.

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1 minute ago, FantasticBeasts said:

I meant that they are light,funny, colourful movies that offend or harm no one...

Again that's okay but animation doesn't just have to appeal to children.

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DM3's run is kind of like Dory to me. Both made $1B but their runs (apart from Dory's domestic) were kind of uneventful. They just were there. Sure $1B is a major accomplishment especially for animated films but it's less impressive then say Minions run, Frozen's run, or even Zootopia's run.

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I had a great time with Despicable Me 3. My kids loved it. It wasn't the best of the series ( DM 2 is still the best one, imo ), but the experience was nice.


I'm a fan and I'm curious about Minions 2 and the obvious future DM 4. I'm glad it performed well, because it means we'll get more of them. 


That's it. There are people who liked DM 3, and it's perfectly fine to talk about its boxoffice. 

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