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Our Dollar AMC closed :( 


It was ratty and old and run down sure, but it was the only place in town that played stuff that had no hope of going mainstream like City of Z and Ingrid Goes West and Book of Henry.


Maybe it's being revamped into a luxury theater but ha ha ha ha probably not.

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Is it wrong that I'm considering dropping a class two weeks into the semester? There were some red flags in the first week that I should have paid attention to, but it's been dawning over me that my philosophy professor is terrible. For starters, he didn't even go over the syllabus on the first day; instead, he just wrote the exam dates on the board and left it at that. The dude is completely unorganized, never has what he wants to say in order, and goes off topic for 80% of the class period. The readings he assigns are barely expanded upon in class, and for some reason he wants us to read how to write a philosophy essay when this is still a foreign subject for many in the class. The paper won't be assigned (not due; ASSIGNED) for another month, which makes it even more baffling. Now, I'm not dropping the class ASAP, but the first exam is in two weeks (which is also the first actual graded thing). I think that exam will decide what I do with the class because I genuinely don't have the patience for this. I can always take another humanities class over the summer to fulfill the requirement.

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5 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Is it wrong that I'm considering dropping a class two weeks into the semester? There were some red flags in the first week that I should have paid attention to, but it's been dawning over me that my philosophy professor is terrible. For starters, he didn't even go over the syllabus on the first day; instead, he just wrote the exam dates on the board and left it at that. The dude is completely unorganized, never has what he wants to say in order, and goes off topic for 80% of the class period. The readings he assigns are barely expanded upon in class, and for some reason he wants us to read how to write a philosophy essay when this is still a foreign subject for many in the class. The paper won't be assigned (not due; ASSIGNED) for another month, which makes it even more baffling. Now, I'm not dropping the class ASAP, but the first exam is in two weeks (which is also the first actual graded thing). I think that exam will decide what I do with the class because I genuinely don't have the patience for this. I can always take another humanities class over the summer to fulfill the requirement.


To answer your question: no, not in the slightest. However, and putting aside the fact that he may indeed be a lousy teacher (#OldManRant incoming)...


You are in college, and as such, are expected to take on a certain amount of responsibility in initiative and learning w/r/t the class. That means examining the syllabus yourself, it means not expecting a lecture to simply regurgitate key data out in a particular order, it means being willing to expand your capacity about what sort of writing may be expected of you. A reading assignment about what's expected in a philosophy essay is not only not surprising, but giving it to you well in advance of the paper shows some indication he knows y'all don't know much about the subject yet. Also, less expectation about what the class should specifically be for you, and more openness to exploring the topic(s) simply for intellectual enrichment, is a good thing and can really help in general (throughout life).


Rant over.


Ditch the class if you want to, it's not a big deal (that's why they allow it, within reason).

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11 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Is it wrong that I'm considering dropping a class two weeks into the semester? There were some red flags in the first week that I should have paid attention to, but it's been dawning over me that my philosophy professor is terrible. For starters, he didn't even go over the syllabus on the first day; instead, he just wrote the exam dates on the board and left it at that. The dude is completely unorganized, never has what he wants to say in order, and goes off topic for 80% of the class period. The readings he assigns are barely expanded upon in class, and for some reason he wants us to read how to write a philosophy essay when this is still a foreign subject for many in the class. The paper won't be assigned (not due; ASSIGNED) for another month, which makes it even more baffling. Now, I'm not dropping the class ASAP, but the first exam is in two weeks (which is also the first actual graded thing). I think that exam will decide what I do with the class because I genuinely don't have the patience for this. I can always take another humanities class over the summer to fulfill the requirement.

No, no, and no. I dealt with an awful Calc class with a professor who often got sidetracked, and a textbook that didn't explain a single thing I needed to know. I toughened it out, but I had a miserable time for the entire semester, and I ended up with a D+. Basically, if you're thinking you won't do well in a class, unless it's required, drop it and take something else that fits for you.

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20 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Is it wrong that I'm considering dropping a class two weeks into the semester? There were some red flags in the first week that I should have paid attention to, but it's been dawning over me that my philosophy professor is terrible. For starters, he didn't even go over the syllabus on the first day; instead, he just wrote the exam dates on the board and left it at that. The dude is completely unorganized, never has what he wants to say in order, and goes off topic for 80% of the class period. The readings he assigns are barely expanded upon in class, and for some reason he wants us to read how to write a philosophy essay when this is still a foreign subject for many in the class. The paper won't be assigned (not due; ASSIGNED) for another month, which makes it even more baffling. Now, I'm not dropping the class ASAP, but the first exam is in two weeks (which is also the first actual graded thing). I think that exam will decide what I do with the class because I genuinely don't have the patience for this. I can always take another humanities class over the summer to fulfill the requirement.

Here's the thing with college classes...you have 45 semester hours of planned "class" time, while the course has work expectations of 150 hours (if it's a 3 credit course).  That means the majority of your learning has to happen outside of the classroom, not in it.  The expectation for many readings is that you gain what you need and that expands on the knowledge you have on the subject...rarely will many professors go topic by topic through assigned reading (I can't think of any classes that did that for me in college)...instead, they will expect you to come to them if you don't understand your assignments...


And giving you the "how to write a philosophy essay" assignment is actually the best thing that professor could do.  He doesn't have the class time to review "essay skills", but he does want everyone to have the same "level playing field" for essay writing when he finally assigns the topic.  So, he provides that homework, so you can read it, see if you understand it, and if not, you can drop by his office hours to get further help.  He doesn't have the time to hand-hold and help everyone one by one, so this gets to the heart of who needs the help, and who gets it from the get-go...


I've been on both sides of this equation...and I gotta say, at least for the class running, this is normal and expected...now, if he can't speak intelligibly, or he's getting the topic wrong, or he talks about his cat all class...then yeah, maybe you should drop...

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