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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power | Amazon | September 2, 2022

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21 hours ago, Valonqar said:

There's an overpowered character (Galadirel single handedly downs giant prehistorical animal/monster) so one has to wonder why anyone should be worried about incoming darkness or need an army when they have this one-(wo)man army on their disposal. Like, who needs 4 Armies when you have Legolas defy gravity and kill 100 Orcs with 1 arrow in The Hobbit?  I see a problem here which is typical for OP characters. They either have some type of Kryptonite or you lose stakes and eveything becomes pointless.



Not sure why you're so concerned with Galadriel being OP when it's 100% part of JRR Tolkien lore and intended. She's always been OP.


Her "Kryptonite" is that she can't do everything at once. Also, what use is power if you're not sure who you're fighting? Or that you're not sure if what you're fighting for is legitimate? Power isn't everything. It's how you use it that matters. It's also dangerous, it can be directed towards evil acts (like her weird scene in FOTR shows).


What concerns me is that she needs to be compelling, and that's hard for OP characters as you say. But I don't think it's a problem in itself. 

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1 hour ago, Daxtreme said:


Not sure why you're so concerned with Galadriel being OP when it's 100% part of JRR Tolkien lore and intended. She's always been OP.


Her "Kryptonite" is that she can't do everything at once. Also, what use is power if you're not sure who you're fighting? Or that you're not sure if what you're fighting for is legitimate? Power isn't everything. It's how you use it that matters. It's also dangerous, it can be directed towards evil acts (like her weird scene in FOTR shows).


What concerns me is that she needs to be compelling, and that's hard for OP characters as you say. But I don't think it's a problem in itself. 


Prequels have a problem that you know who lives and who dies so characters that live have very low stakes. OP or not, Elrond and Galadriel make it so that isn't very suspensful. Moreover, based on a few shots, they are taking the wire-fu route with Elf action which is very silly. I get that it's a problem how to depict Elves as different fighters than humans, but tendency seems to be towards goofiness which begets more goofiness (see Gravity Defying Legolas) which is strange because books never said they were better fighters let alone acrobats. They were taller and immortal (as in live long, don't age, don't get sick) but not unkillable (blade, fire and sadness were fatal), with low sex drive and low procration rate (well, they live loooong so no urgency for re-population and legacy) and most couldn't do magic anyway. I liked the solution that Legolas was fast at firing arrows and had great precision due to Elven vision which was perfect 20/20 because that was grounded in some reality. But gravity defying? Woof. 


So we'll see. My biggest concern, as I said earlier, is that they are pushing big budget CGI vistas as the selling point while keeping characters generically invested in a generic mystery threat. What makes a character compelling is personal goal, not a generic one. If someone's goal is to vanquish the big bad, that isn't as compelling as having a personal goal within a larger goal to vanquish the big bad. For example, Eldrond's personal goal in LOTR movies was to break up Aragorn and Arwen. That's something very unique to his character unlike generic defeat Sauron goal which is every character's goal (though not a perosnal one). So we'll see what this fanfic does with canon characters. I'm not bothered by OCs (Lemondon Buzzcut, for example) cause they are take it or leave it. They are not Tolkien's so it's easy to ignore their existance for they won't be in the books. But canon character handling can affect the perception. 

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2 hours ago, Valonqar said:

So we'll see. My biggest concern, as I said earlier, is that they are pushing big budget CGI vistas as the selling point while keeping characters generically invested in a generic mystery threat. What makes a character compelling is personal goal, not a generic one. If someone's goal is to vanquish the big bad, that isn't as compelling as having a personal goal within a larger goal to vanquish the big bad.


It's a 2 minute trailer for the mass audience, you have limited time and its job is to sell the bombast and to give a general sense what the story is about. I dunno what you expected, tbh. Haven't watched the LOTR trailers in years but i'd be surprised if they went any deeper in terms of revealing character motivations. The story very well might turn out generic but i wouldn't judge or be concerned based on a trailer.


As for elfs doing super gravity defying moves, meh, personally i don't have much of a problem with them trying to make the elfs stand out compared to normal humans. I mean, in the books Legolas walks on freshly fallen snow without sinking, if that isn't gravity defying i don't know what is. ;) I seem to be in the minority in not minding the Legolas bridge scene in The Hobbit. The Mumakil surfing scene in ROTK was a worse offender imho. It gave off stupid show off vibes whereas in Hobbit Legolas tried to survive a bridge that was disintegrating beneath his feet. It was born out of necessity. :D 

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There was AMA with someone who saw the whole thing. I won't get into spoilers except that it sounds pretty decent IMO. He said the show was better than The Hobbit trilogy and not as good as LOTR (nobody expected that) but in the same spirit. 

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1 hour ago, Ozymandias said:

Its been about 20 years since I read the Silmarillion, just ordered me a new copy since I lost my other one in order to catch up on all of ME's backstory before this airs so I can get really angry if the show does some stupid shit lol.


The funny thing is that Galadriel pretty much played zero role in the actual First Age stuff. Once she got to Middle-Earth my understanding is she went to Doriath, fell in love with Celeborn, and they basically were in the far corner watching as all of Galadriel's uncles, brothers, and cousins got killed off one by one.


So I am not sure how much we can really see backstory wise from her perspective unless they go "You know what, she was actually right in the middle of it all along"

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She is the main POV character of the show so your theory is correct. I mean, trailer implies she fought against Morgoth in the Battle of Uncountable Tears so yeah. I think the idea is that just because she wasn't mentioned, it didn't mean she wasn't present. Now, if they give her some iconic stuff that canonically was done by another character (dumb example but if she refused to drop the ring instead of Isildur and kept it for herself) , fans will be up in arms as always. But if they just make up shit that she did and keep canon stuff unchanged than no problem. 

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Well, it's official official now, Bear McCreary is writing the score while Howard Shore did (only) the theme tune. [link]


There are already two tracks to listen to on Amazon Music for those interested. Personally, i prefer not to listen to soundtracks beforehand, kinda spoils the fun.

Edited by Elessar
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11 hours ago, Ozymandias said:


what are they saying?

 Had a blackout yesterday so here's late reply.



Pharazon isn't king but just the Regent Queen Tar-Miriel's hand. Numenor story is about the rift between the Believers who speak High Elvish,remember their Elven ancestry and are generally backwards, and "Progressives" who don't give a shit about that, embrace that they are mortal Men and are into technical, etc progress. Elendil doesn't have 2 sons but a son and a daughter. Isildur and that OC character. Timeline has changed. I never cared about dates so I can't explain but I know that purists hate when X happens 100 years later or earlier in movie or TV adaptation.


It was a brief stream I'm sure there's recording on YT. I'll try to find it for you.


EDIT: scratch my recap, here it is  :):



Edited by Valonqar
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They are doing premieres around the globe and some reactions are trickling in. Remember, take them with a grain of salt and i've only got a few, so who knows what the broad consensus is gonna be:





Former Hollywood Reporter editor Matt Belloni says Rings of Power is going to be "huge" after seeing first two episodes (around minute 24 in the podcast).


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