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THE JUSTICE LEAGUE (and The Star and Wonder) WEEKEND THREAD | PREMIUM ACCOUNT SALE NOW LIVE | Weekend Actuals ~ JL 93.84M, W 27.54M, T:R 21.66M, DH2 14.43M, MOTOE 13.80M, TS 9.81M

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7 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

I’m not saying stop franchises altogether.  I’m saying to limit them a bit and stop making them be so oversaturated in the market.  It’s prohibiting smaller, more original movies from being made because a studio would rather invest money in something like The Dark Tower or The Mummy than they would with any original script floating around in their office.

Why? Because you and some people on internet forums do not like them? Clearly you know you are in the minority since most of these movies make loads of money worldwide. Why should the studio gratify your wishes over those of millions of paying worldwide customers.


And why should the studio and inverstor risk losing money making riskier original movies rather than money makers because you want so?


I want more original fare too and some of my favourite movie this year have been original movies. Audiences have shown this year that they will not accept unoriginal movies if they are mediocre. So I say let the audiences wallet decide this

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1 minute ago, ZeeSoh said:

Why? Because you and some people on internet forums do not like them?


No, because it sets bad precedent for up and coming executives and film studios that the only way to get big is by finding their own cash cow and milking it for all its worth.  STX fell into this trap when they tried to make the Bad Moms Cinematic Universe happen.

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7 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


Dude, have you seen it?  The entire movie is original except for the last shot of the movie, where it shows that

  Reveal hidden contents

is in the same universe as the movie we just watched.  It doesn't affect the story we just watched in any way.  It fits in with the original movies.

I've seen it. I've made my opinion clear on the movie before. and it's "twist". (Which I'll reiterate, for fun)


An okay film elevated by a brilliant performance in McEvoy. And that isn't a Twist.

5 minutes ago, Killimano3 said:


It's a sequel the same way The incredible hulk is a sequel to iron man because Tony cameos at the end I suppose.


I'd call it an original movie but the end simply says it'll be crossing over with another original movie for a sequel

So, It'd be more accurate to call Split a franchise movie apart of the "universe"


Split is a good movie that doesn't benefit at all from the movie it's tied to (for multiple reasons). Personally, I don't feel comfortable calling it original because of it's ties to other movies. That's just how I feel.

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9 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

I’m not saying stop franchises altogether.  I’m saying to limit them a bit and stop making them be so oversaturated in the market.  It’s prohibiting smaller, more original movies from being made because a studio would rather invest money in something like The Dark Tower or The Mummy than they would with any original script floating around in their office.

When you look at how much a studio can make from Deadpool vs Baby Driver including sequels, blu rays, global box office, spin offs, merchandise, etc you'll see why the studios would be idiots to sacrifice multi-billions to scratch That One Guy's itch.


Movies have always been a business first and art a very distant second. 


You ever watch the credit to a tentpole and it seems like a million names?


The top 20 blockbusters pay those people's bills, not movies like Lady Bird.



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4 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Nobody creates ex-nihilo, therefore, originality doesn't really exist.

Not sure how relevant this is, it is still an obviously gray scale between pure copy and something farther that what was ever thought before and because nothing is ex-nihilo we can still call stuff on the spectrum farther from a clear copy-paste side original and use the word copy for stuff extremelly similar even if perfect copy precise to the atom level cannot ever be made.


Nothing is black or white (except for this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vantablack being really close to black), we still call dark grey car black cars or the sky at night black.

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5 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


No, because it sets bad precedent for up and coming executives and film studios that the only way to get big is by finding their own cash cow and milking it for all its worth.  STX fell into this trap when they tried to make the Bad Moms Cinematic Universe happen.

Bad Moms Christmas is a financial success unlike many originals movies.

Edited by weresweresweres
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26 minutes ago, tonytr87 said:


I agree with this. I look at next year's schedule and it's an eyesore of 2s and 3s and 4s and even further. Most sequels nowadays are actually the 6th, 7th, or 8th film in their franchise because most franchises right now are just reboots or spinoffs of older ones. 


The goal should be to create NEW franchises, not recycle old ones again and again and again. Many of the original films that came out this year were very good but were never meant to be blockbusters. There are tons of original ideas out there that could appeal to a mass audience but Hollywood won't take the risk. 

Lend someone 200 million dollar and tell them to take more risks for art's sake.


I dare you.



Edited by grey ghost
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2 hours ago, Barnack said:

Deadline make gross estimate from what is publicly known, but they cannot know how much the movie cost to do for example, that is private, they can have some clue from some public tax credit from some jurisdiction that make them public.


Deadline understimated the movie cost a little bit, they had

production cost: $255m

Participation: $10m (that is one of the hardest to estimate, how much actor / director are paid and their bonuses is usually really private)

World Releasing cost: $175m

Total: $440m


In reality it was:

production cost: $263.95m

Participation: $44.25m

World Releasing cost: $191.79m

Total: $499.99m (500million production+bonus+release is quite the expensive movie, depending on peoples deal could even be higher than justice league)


Curious, when you say "in reality it was ...", where do you get those numbers from?

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2 hours ago, Diana Prince said:

Does 94 million v 96 million really make a difference at this point? I have never seen more of a pile on thread. The same mocking/laughing/gloating for near 200 pages. I sure hope when a Marvel movie is disappointing (that will eventually happen), DC fans don’t do the same thing that has gone on here. 


I am a fan of both studios. I loved WW and I also loved Spider-Man: Homecoming and Logan. I think it is very disappointing and sad what happened to JL this weekend. Trust me, we get that the movie vastly underperformed. Horse beat dead, dead and dead. 


You should not assume it's a bunch of Marvel fanboys piling on. We piled on Iron Man 2 back in the old days of the Mojo forums. We also piled on Age of Ultron recently here at the BOT forum. Personally I just enjoy the chaos of watching these types of situations play out, regardless of which company is involved.

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6 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


They still tried to make Bad Dads.


Once you try to make Bad Dads, the humiliation stays with you forever.

I have no idea if they will do Bad Dads, but ABMC financial SUCCESS may convince them to do it. Why kill franchise which makes a profit? Just because it's not an original movie?

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