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That One Girl

BLACK PANTHER WEEKEND THREAD | Current Estimates - 202.4M 3-day / 242.6M 4-day | Record 40.167 Monday; more than TFA!

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4 minutes ago, Frozen said:

Black Panther's audience score on RT is only 75%????????


I wonder if it's being trolled like Star Wars was? I'm going to check out the comments and see.

You can troll to an extent but whether real ones are + or - determines the rest. TLJ was not only the troll work and BP will go up when more people see it and vote. It was trolled down to 6.7 on Internet Troll Database but went up to 7.6 when the real reviews started to pour in. Of course, trolltastic votes before the release will keep the score lower than it deserves but not as low as they hoped. same goes for Rotten Trolls Score - it's likely going to prevent a finish in high 80s but it won't stay in 70s because influx of positives will offset fake negatives.

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So looking at the audience score on RT, all audience scores for major movies that have female leads or minority leads should basically be ignored going forward. Basically all negative or not want to see comments are racist or you can tell the person didn’t see the movie.

Wonder Woman's 88% audience score is spectacular, that is easily the best score out of all DCEU films.

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I also got an Insidious: The Last Key trailer. Not sure what the logic there was. There were a couple of kids in the row in front of me and they looked visibly uncomfortable during that one.


The difference in the reactions between the first time Thumbfinity War trailer played and the second time was fun though.

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Well I got out of my screening, maybe 2/3 full showing.  Only trailers were Antman, Solo and IW in that order.


I feel like both the marketing of this movie and its actual delivery came through.  The trailer pitched the movie as "you've never seen anything like this" and I feel like that's what I got.  It was impressive and I feel like it showed me something new.


I'm very picky about this stuff.  I was negative on TLJ but I feel positive and upbeat on BP.  I think it does everything it needed to do right and then some.  I also feel like I got more than I expected and time is needed to digest it.

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