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The Walking Dead | AMC

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Interesting. I think it will beat it with next season's opener as well. The great thing about services like Netflix and Hulu is it gives people an inexpensive, easy way to catch up on past seasons before new ones come out. That's how I caught up with TWD, Mad Men, Dexter, Breaking Bad, and Parks. It's no wonder the TV networks aren't fighting Netflix nearly as much as film studios.

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Was I the only one that liked the season finale? Besides some obvious things like nobody running out of ammo ever or the fact that everyone can shoot like a professional sniper from a moving vehicle at moving targets no less, the episode was pretty good! I liked the beginning where they showed how the zombies move around in huge groups and all walk towards a sound forever.

Sure, it might be a bit unrealistic, but it made for a much better scene. Seriously, the first half of the finale was amazing. Sadly, the finale had to have a second half (which had it's moments, like Andrea running away and being saved by a mysterious new character for me non-comic book fan).My nitpicks:Why the FUCK didn't Rick tell Carl to STFU at the highway? Couldn't Rick be like "Let's just wait a minute, Carl, to make sure everyone has had some time to actually arrive."Why did everyone care so much once they found out the truth from the CDC? It didn't really change anything. For such a big "Reveal" (that I guessed since that episode where they took Randall to the school to drop him off) it really...doesn't do much.Why couldn't Rick just state what happened, instead of coming across a bit crazy? Was it so hard to state "He was going to kill me, so I had to protect me life?" Instead, he was like "He forced me to kill him by pushing me over the edge!" and stating it like he was the murderer. Also, why was everyone treating him like he did such an evil thing?Some people have stated this, but I was literally dumbfounded that Lori got so upset by what Rick did. Didn't she tell him to do this EXACT thing a few episodes go?If I was Rick, I would have made myself a dictator a long time ago with this group of idiots. Then again, it's not like Rick is the smartest guy in the room.God, I swear, any scene of dialogue between these characters is so stupid. Everyone just takes offense to whatever another character said for the whole sake of having "drama."If the zombie scenes weren't so well done, I wouldn't be coming back next season.Also, while I don't hate Hershel, I was kind of hoping he would die at the farm and sacrifice his life for poetic reasons. Oh well.
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Rating in the key demo? Yes.In terms of viewers, it has to top the 13.4 million viewers that one episode of the Sopranos got to claim that title. (It will do it next season.) Sex and the City peaked with 10 million viewers with its series finale.

I think High School Musical 2 did 18 million, which is pretty much impossible for the foreseeable future for anything to beat.
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LOL@ Carol trying to hammer into Daryl`s brain he should be the leader, not Rick. As if he gives a crap. Women on this show are fuckin horrid. Andrea improved over whiny bitch Andrea from the beginning so I hope she kills Lori at some point.

Edited by fishnets
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Having seen the entire season I think its alright, way overrated. To sum it up, feels like soap opera with the occasional zombie thrown in.Daryl and Andrea are the only characters which I feel like are actually characters. The rest is mixed at best. Rick is a terrible lead, I think Shane did better. I was actually sorta glad when Dale died, he was a pretty much useless character that added nothing to the show. Glen says the dumbest things imaginable lol.Another problem is the casting. Not one hispanic in the entire show. Mostly made up of whites and one Korean plus the occasional line by Theodore. Typical.They did a great job on the zombies, the costumes and makeup. The killing was great to watch too. Whoever did the music did a great job.So overall, here's to hoping Season 3 improves on it, but I don't expect much of an improvement.

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Are these the highest cable ratings ever?

Well deserved. The finale was great and the show is so entertaining.

The most watched cable show was the series finale to Monk.

HBO/Starz/Showtime/etc are treated differently in ratings from AMC/USA/TBS/TNT/FX because they are pay-to-watch channels.

Edited by 4815162342
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When I watched the episode I kinda thought Daryl gave a slight approving nod when Rick said he killed Shane, sort like a " 'bout time you manned up " nod.Daryl's definitely the best actor on the show, because he can do the non-verbal acting just as good as the dialogue (ie. the scene with him on the motorbike watching the barn burn and zombie roam, you can tell he's conflicted over whether or not to just head out on his own just before he spies Carol being chased).

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Having seen the entire season I think its alright, way overrated. To sum it up, feels like soap opera with the occasional zombie thrown in.Daryl and Andrea are the only characters which I feel like are actually characters. The rest is mixed at best. Rick is a terrible lead, I think Shane did better. I was actually sorta glad when Dale died, he was a pretty much useless character that added nothing to the show. Glen says the dumbest things imaginable lol.Another problem is the casting. Not one hispanic in the entire show. Mostly made up of whites and one Korean plus the occasional line by Theodore. Typical.They did a great job on the zombies, the costumes and makeup. The killing was great to watch too. Whoever did the music did a great job.So overall, here's to hoping Season 3 improves on it, but I don't expect much of an improvement.

Dale was the group's moral compass, to say he was useless is missing the whole point.The "occasional" zombie thrown in? What show were you watching?This is an adaptation of existing source material, there is no argument to be had over ethnicities of the cast members, it is what it is. Since the prison storyline is obviously the center of season 3 there will likely be a major character latino male added to the cast, as well as a black woman, whom debuted in the finale.The show and comic's title refers to the survivors, not the walkers. The source material AND the show are about them, not the zombies. There are entire issues in a row in the comics that feature absolutely *no* walkers. If you have a problem with that, in all seriousness you need to quit watching now.
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Another problem is the casting. Not one hispanic in the entire show. Mostly made up of whites and one Korean plus the occasional line by Theodore. Typical.

Considering this show doesn't know how to write consistent characters, I'm not bothered by the lack of diversity. If the show can learn to be more consistent, then maybe you can start to complain.

This is an adaptation of existing source material, there is no argument to be had over ethnicities of the cast members, it is what it is.

Considering that this show hasn't been faithful to the source material from what I understand, I don't think "it is what it is"

The source material AND the show are about them, not the zombies

I think that's the problem with the show, because whenever it's about the characters, the show seriously goes from being an excellent zombie show to a terrible and melodramatic soap opera. If this show knew how to great good characters, then maybe it would be justified. As it is-we barely know anything about characters that have been there since the beginning (what did T-dog do before the zombie Apocalypse?) so it's clearly failing at being a character drama.

If you have a problem with that, in all seriousness you need to quit watching now.

The only reason people watch is because the zombie scenes are amazing. Otherwise, this show would lose most of it's audience and fade into oblivion. The issue isn't with the viewers, it's with the show.
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That's insane for cable. Is that higher Breaking Bad and Mad Men?

Yes. Way higher.

And obviously viewers are fine with the people/walker ratio as the show keeps getting more and more viewers.

I'm sure if you quizzed most of them, they would by large agree with me. Ratings only tell you what people watched, not what people WOULD have watched if given the opportunity.
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I don't think the human scenes are THAT bad. The show can't be all blood and guts.I would like to see more of conflict between the humans- like the guys Rick shot at the bar.

I agree. The show definitely has fantastic zombie scenes and that is the appeal, but the character drama is at least good enough for me to enjoy the walker-less episodes.
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Anyway this person's wish comes true next season apparently, with the casting of a very strong black female character.

They'll probably balance it out with fifty new white characters. :Pits a great idea for a show, but its been executed pretty poorly and rather simplified for the majority of the viewers.The character drama defintely needs changing. I know the show doesn't all have to be about blood and guts, but you'd think they could do it far better. Edited by BoxOfficeZ
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