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The Walking Dead | AMC

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Anyway, I only watched the first season of this. I read up to issue 75 or so of the comic and actually found it rather boring so gave up on it. With that said, I have read a lot of complaints about them being on a farm and the thing turning into a drama practically. Well, that is exactly what happens in the comics. A lot of stuff just takes place in one setting, so the show wouldn't really need much of a budget.

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Ok so I'm caught up, agree that Rick banishing Carol is twisted and hypocritical. She was there from the beginning. I hope Daryl kicks Rick's ass for that. Carl is starting to get on my last nerve (again). They are trying way too hard with him. Same with Ty, he is just awful, same with the actor playing him.Yay medicine! Yay Hershel! OmGovernor!

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I'm bored with the Governor now.  It's different to see a good side to him but I don't like that they spent a whole episode away from the prison with brand new characters.  Kind of takes the momentum out of the show imo.

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on one hand it was an ok episode , it was weird seeing the gv be all nice even as he grumble

but on the other hand yet another episode stalling off the confrontation with daryl , at this rate carol is probably dead as we've seen cars are not reliable in this zombie world 


and when i mention he sent her off to die i wasnt talking about supplies but her being alone to fend for herself , 2 is always a better number in such situation becoz then someone has your back and can see danger coming in other direction while you're busy fending off a zombie 


frankly i'm of a mind to stop watching this , i probably won't but this is one decision i'm having a hard time moving on from 

i just don't get within that world how carol offense is less forgiveable than all the shit other characters have done , i'm not saying what she did was right i'm just saying it wasnt worth being banish from the group esp not without everyone voting on it , i might still not like it then but i would accept it 

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