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The Walking Dead | AMC

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Finally caught up on the past three episodes. Kinda meh tbh... those Governor-centric episodes were boring as shit.


Mid-Season finale was pretty good, can't believe they "went there" with Judith but we will see if that's just a curve or not. The little girl shooting what's her name was fucking priceless. For the most part it felt sort of anti-climatic - I don't really like how Miccione takes out the Governor from behind; there should have been some hand to hand combat before she nicks his head off. Though it seems appropriate that Gov's girlfriend put the final bullet in after all he's done I never found reason to care for her or anyone in that group. Badass Daryl FTW though I was so glad to see that motherfucker in the tank die.


Anyways I'm interested to see what happens next now that the prison is inhabitable and our heroes are separated. Carol has got to come back into the picture at some point right?

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Finally caught up on the past three episodes. Kinda meh tbh... those Governor-centric episodes were boring as shit.Mid-Season finale was pretty good, can't believe they "went there" with Judith but we will see if that's just a curve or not. The little girl shooting what's her name was fucking priceless. For the most part it felt sort of anti-climatic - I don't really like how Miccione takes out the Governor from behind; there should have been some hand to hand combat before she nicks his head off. Though it seems appropriate that Gov's girlfriend put the final bullet in after all he's done I never found reason to care for her or anyone in that group. Badass Daryl FTW though I was so glad to see that motherfucker in the tank die.Anyways I'm interested to see what happens next now that the prison is inhabitable and our heroes are separated. Carol has got to come back into the picture at some point right?

That motherfucker in the tank seems to die in every show he's in. Probably arrives on set in a red shirt too.
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10mn in and I'm guessing what with the gvr attacking there won't be much time for...Well this is disappointing that's it that's the extent of the convo between rick and ... And surprise surprise gvr is there and that's the end forever of "what happened to carol are we talking about it?" Pffffffffffffff to hell with them I hope the gvr screw them right pfffff ok maybe just rick and other screwball who caused carol to be exiled

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I knew something was going to happen to that little girl she's dumb just like most kids are in these type of shows so fucking annoying I swear ! Her mother is careless the two of you alone and you're leaving her to play in the mud so busy watching in front of you she wasn't paying attention to her back then people tell me carol will be fine in a zombie world better to be 2 so someone is watching your back ! Ooohhh poor herschil yikes after his leg his head and with michonne sword Darn that little girl finally did what she had to , bet some are glad carol wasn't only reading them stories Damn michonne sword saw action this episode lollll why are they crying who says the baby got eaten ? Then again she was with those little girls ehhh I have a hard time believing they just left her there and went for guns they aren't that idiotic? Are they?Can you tell I'm still mad over carol? This is the shit I hate about rick he makes unilateral decision over carol and then oh look can't make one when it would have been the right thing and save everyone's life they should kick rick out of the group he got a bunch of people unnecessarily killed for wanting to hold on to a prison I don't get that guy thinking , its not like the gov didn't give them a peaceful outing I understand they fought hard to get the prison and clear it out but you gotta also recognize when shit is about to hit the fan and leave staying alive another day is more important than 4 walls and fences But I guess some will claim rick's wrongs are less wrong and more forgiveable than carol's ! Did rick really think the gov was going to hold hands with him around a fire and they'd both sing kumbayaWhy is anyone still listening to rick or bothering with him high time they choose a new leader and let rick take care of laundry and the perimeter defense but far away from decision making when he's not suppose to he does and when he should he freezes grrrr

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Well at least glenn is alive him and daryl are my fav characters with carol all the others can go poop and see if I care I suppose maggie is ok too I suppose it was a good episode poor gov I can't believe he didn't leave someone with the girl and her mom he was so obsessed with keeping them alive at all cost he ended up doing the exact opposite Him and rick have more in common than I thought , which means he'll finish just like him eventually. Pfff Ok another show I've caught up on yeahhh now what to watch for last few hrs of this year hmmm but first off to do my abs workout dvd with jillian michaels

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Judith is alive and Carol is back and enter stage center Abraham Ford


I didn't watch tonight's episode but good on both parts.


I actually didn't think last week's ep was that bad. Sure Carl is HORRIBLE but the moment Miccione and Rick found eachother and the elation on both of their faces.... that was so good.

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