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BOT's Top 25 Movies of 2018 | The forums can't fight the friction

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#25: We have a novel experiment opening things up









Searching was told entirely through the POV of electronic devices we use in everyday life. A great anchoring performance by John Cho and a tight script by Aneesh Chaganty meant it was a thriller which held your attention through most of the running time.


There was also a hidden easter egg about an alien invasion



A deserving start to the countdown




Quite liked this. From the emotional Up-esque prologue to the twisty conclusion, this is gripping and clever, with the "entire story shown through modern day technology" angle never coming across as a gimmick. John Cho is excellent, while Debra Messing is also very good (I did not expect that twist about her character at all). It's a surprisingly touching and very promising debut for filmmaker Aneesh Chaganty that might mark the start of an impressive career. B+ - @filmlover


Give John Cho an oscar - @Ethan Hunt





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Just now, CoolEric258 said:







┳┻| •.•)        I appreciate First Reformed

┻┳| ⊂ノ        more than I actually enjoy it.


I mean same, but it definitely sticks with you and makes you think. Not every movie is enjoyable but there's more to movies then enjoyment imo.

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1 minute ago, Mulder said:

I mean same, but it definitely sticks with you and makes you think. Not every movie is enjoyable but there's more to movies then enjoyment imo.

Maybe it's because I'm not religious, but I just couldn't connect with the movie, outside of one or two cool philosophical moments. Schrader and Hawke kill it tho

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#23 is the return of the romcom









One of my favorite movies of 2018. A throwback romcom featuring almost every single romcom trope. Assured direction, good performances and a decent plot keep it going along. The ending Mahjong scene is one of my favorites of the year as well.





Crazy Rich Asians delivers upon the well-orchestrated – and in this case, well-deserved – hype as a surprise breakout crowd-pleaser. I’m not going to pretend that I understood all the culture-specific humor, but the film succeeds in crafting a narrative that puts a fresh, charming, and ultimately sincere spin on fish-out-of-water romantic comedy tropes. Constance Wu gives what I have to imagine will be a star-making lead performance. She’s an eminently charming presence from beginning to end, and she sells her character’s dilemmas and reactions in such an honest and relatable fashion that it’s difficult not to sympathize with her. The supporting cast is also loaded with solid work across the board, though the highlights come from a scene-stealing Awkwafina, affecting work from Gemma Chan that elevates a subplot that could have felt out-of-place in less capable hands, and an expertly mannered turn from Michelle Yeoh as the male lead’s aloof mother. The sheer decadence of the setting – which has understandably spurred think-pieces critiquing the film’s narrow focus on a privileged community – sometimes threatens to derail the plot, but the actors are so good at keeping their characters grounded that the film still skillfully follows its emotional through-lines and delivers the uncommon syrupy-sweet ending that feels earned. As breezy crowd-pleasers go, this one’s a whole lot of fun. 


B+ - @Webslinger



Saw this yesterday with my mom. I thought the cinematography was phenomenal, an absolutely gorgeous film to see. The actors/actresses I thought were very well acted, you really felt the mother's disgust for Rachel, and you empathized with Rachel. I really bought the relationship between Nick and Rachel, thought both had very good chemistry. The pacing was good, was never bored or felt parts dragged. Has some good flares of humor as well.


This isn't really my type of movie I go see, but I came out feeling very pleasantly pleased and glad that I did go see it. I'd give this a solid 9/10, A- .  - @K1stpierre



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11 minutes ago, CoolEric258 said:

Maybe it's because I'm not religious, but I just couldn't connect with the movie, outside of one or two cool philosophical moments. Schrader and Hawke kill it tho

That's fair, though to me at least it was more impactful in it's commentary on the environment and such.

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#22 is the most ambitious crossover of all time










The culmination of Marvel's 10 year arc came with this movie which shattered all records in its wake. A true delight for the true believers




Watched it a second time in 3 days and I think this might be the most rewatchable MCU movie since Avengers 1. Despite the downer ending it moves breathlessly through so many planets? dimensions? not sure really, the humor is very well done, most of the individual team ups deliver and so much stuff happen that I really want to see it a third time in theatres.


A lot of stray thoughts:

-Cap team and BP team were a little benched and I was mildly dissapointed the first time because I expected great things from Cap's glorious new beard but I get it. 80% of this movie was Thanos strolling the universe for infinity stones so it makes sense the cosmic part of the MCU would get way more to do. Cap still had a few moments even though half of them were already front and center in the trailers.

-MVPs were the cosmic branch of the mcu Guardians, Thor and Strange. Especially the Guardians were perfect, they didn't had to tone down their weirdness to fit in, more like the other way around. And on top of that Gamora's death was the emotional backbone of the entire movie.  

-The Scope is really gigantic. It's hard to believe how it still works with so many shifts between characters/storylines/locations. Especially certain sequences like Thanos getting the soul stone or the entirety of the battle on Titan were so beautiful and full of color.

-Thanos is a great villain. He's great not because he's so powerful or because he won, but because he's a fully realised character. I never thought I would buy a purple giant with a ridiculous chin crying but I did, Brolin and the effects people really pulled through. I might still rank Avengers Loki higher as my favorite mcu villain but Thanos is up there. The movie is definately all about him and almost frames him as the hero of his own story.

-Tony and Spidey were very cool too, their father-son thing paid off very well in the finale. 

-Also don't think all the SNAP deaths being undone by the next one is something that will invalidate this movie and make it look pointless in hindsight. Yeah even the most casual fan who has no idea what sequel is in the line-up knows that the Black Panther whose first movie he watched a month ago isn't "really" dead but the movie was about Thanos winning or if you prefer all of the Avengers giving everything they got and still losing. It's very pointed that it ends with Thanos enjoying all he has accompliced. His crew was also memorable enough for henchmen especially the shhh meme guy.

-If there's one thing that can undermine the movie though is the non-snap deaths being undone. I see really no point in bringing back Heimdall and Vision or even Loki, they have run their course let them rest but I worry about Gamora's possible rise from the dead. I have a hard time believing she won't be back for GOTG3, and maybe they do it in a way that doesn't make Thanos arc and IW as a whole feel a little hollow, but I wouldn't bet on it.

-Giant Dinklage was fun and all but his segment could use a little trimming, it was the only point in the movie that I felt the pace lagging.


Only thing that frustrated me a bit was Vision. I really don't get how he went from the all powerful being in Ultron to getting stabbed once and have to be carried for the rest of the movie. I'm not one to focus too much on plot details, power levels, plot holes etc I don't care most of the time but this is bothering me for whatever reason.

@Joel M




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Searching was so damn good and literally kept me on the edge of my couch seat as I was watching it. Phenomenal use of its concept.


I'm with @CoolEric258 in that First Reformed didn't really do much for me. Ethan Hawke is fantastic in it and so is the script but I felt weirdly detached from it/didn't really care for what it was trying to go for. Still, a solidly made film.


Cool to see Crazy Rich Asians on here. Oddly enough, I was more into the dramatic aspects of the film than I was in the comedic parts. Just didn't find it all that funny. 



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