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Tower Heist

7:15PM Saturday, November 12th

Regal Fenway 13 & RPX

Theater Capacity: ~120 (98% full; there were maybe two empty seats in the whole theater, and the whole cineplex was busy tonight. Actually, this was a very diverse audience as well... families, couples, older people... kinda surprised)

Ticket Price: $9.00


Safe House - some whispers, looks okay.

American Reunion - this got a good reaction, especially from the college-aged folks in the audience. I'm so pumped for this!

Underworld Awakening 3D - looks the same as the others, had some talking.

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol - looks good and got a decent reaction.

The Avengers - great trailer and good reaction.

One for the Money - I can't stand this trailer; the older folks in audience loved it though.

The Twilight Saga's Breaking Dawn: Part 1 - lots of talking... no comment from me.


The movie was exactly what you'd expect from this cast. Good humor and something for everybody. But it wasn't exactly choke-on-your-popcorn/knee-slapping/suffocating-for-air funny. These days, that's what I look for in a comedy if it's gonna get an "A" grade from me. Still, Ben Stiller is a safe bet for some situational humor. Casey Affleck's character certainly added a little Ocean's 11 to the heist story, and he reminded us he's not just the drama guy either. I'm pretty sure I laughed at everything Ferris Beuller Matthew Broderick said in the movie, which I wasn't expecting. But the real star comics in the movie were Michael Peña, Precious Jones Gabourey Sidibe, and Eddie Murphy... he's back! :-)

Anyway, in light of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the impending Thanksgiving Holiday, Tower Heist is probably the most timely film (even if accidentally) I've seen in theaters since 2008's Milk. It's definitely a crowd-pleasing premise to watch the underdogs try to grasp their fair share in this comedy, and I'm pretty sure that's why it has been doing/will continue to do well in theaters.

THE VERDICT: 8.0 / 10.0, B-

Good to see you made it to BOT. Like reading you're reviews.
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Good to see you made it to BOT. Like reading you're reviews.

Thank you. I like writing them! :D

And on that note.

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(Love the picture feature, ShawnMR)

Martha Marcy May Marlene

5:05PM Tuesday, November 15th

AMC Boston Common 19 & Lie-MAX

Theater Capacity: 145 (7 people in audience)

Ticket Price: $1.50 (+$9.50 in loyalty rewards)


The Descendents - looks good, absolute silence from crowd

Pariah - cool urban movie, looks a little like Half Nelson

Young Adult - great trailer, no reaction

Albert Nobbs - looks like Glenn Close is a shoe-in for an Oscar nomination, and the movie looks interesting too. One guy giggled after the trailer, though.


This film was very low-key and definitely is meant for a particular audience. I only was enticed to see it for two reasons: the movie poster intrigued me (see above) and I read good things about Elizabeth "Not-Mary-Kate-or-Ashley" Olsen's performance. Well, it wasn't exactly what I'd expected.

Martha Marcy May Marlene is a low key "psychological thriller" that has more in common with Winter's Bone and Blue Valentine then genre compadres Silence of the Lambs or Identity. The performances are excellent, the awkward-yet-welcome gratuitous nudity is a bonus, and the earthy/rural setting is nice. But this picture irked me a little bit... mainly by the ending, which I will not spoil. Something I really admired about the film was how it evenly balanced/juxtaposed the two lives lived by our protagonist: her past and her present. The psychosis component kicks into full gear midway in the film when Olsen's character can't differentiate between the two times. There's a lot of subtlety in this movie, and similar to (again) Winter's Bone (which also featured John Hawkes, as did Identity) the film is nearly void of a discernible score until pretty heavy or cathartic activities take place.

If you enjoy open-ended arthouse-style psychological thrillers like Following or even American Psycho, I think you may get a kick out of Martha Marcy May Marlene. But if you're more the impatient type who will walk out of a film if nothing really happens after 10-15 minutes, you should probably steer clear of this one. Ultimately, I enjoyed the film even though I know there are people out there who would definitely like it more.

THE VERDICT: 8.4 / 10.0, B

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Breaking Dawn: Part 16.30pm Friday Nov 18thTakapuna Berkley 75/100 (rough guess)$16Trailers:New Year's Eve - my friend said she wanted to see this, but when we saw the trailer thank god she thought it was shit.Hunger Games - I think the reaction was good.War Horse - no noticeable reaction.There might have been another trailer but I can't remember.I really enjoyed the movie! It's difficult for me to give an unbiased review - obviously. It was very faithful to the book, I left the theatre with a smile on my face and I think the crowd reaction was good. There were alot of humorous moments in the movie, most intentional and some not intentional. If you're not a fan you'd probably hate it, but the movie was definitely and unashamedly made for the fans.B

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Breaking Dawn Part I11 am, FridayAbout a third full, 90% female (easily)Trailers:The Hunger Games (strangely it was the teaser trailer, not the new one)Snow White and the Huntsman The Girl with the Dragon TattooThe Man on the LedgeWell, I could pretend to be cool and over it, but I really enjoyed the movie. For a Twilight fan, this is probably one of the best of the series, IMHO. Bill Condon pretty much gives the fans what they want. Plenty of romance, a lot of nice, light moments between Bella and Edward, and he really allows it to delve into the horrific elements of her pregnancy. The ending completely works and the hidden-in-the-credits scene with the Volturi totally sets up the next film. It's a fan's film, and it works on most of the levels they're trying to hit.B+

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THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN l21:30 Friday, The PhilippinesThe movie started slow, and if you're not a fan you might have gotten bored. However, I enjoyed the film for what it is. Obviously there was cheesiness with all the funny stuff, but I thought it's quite enjoyable even if I was baffled by some scenes. The movie is not as action packed as TTS: ECLIPSE but the latter part of it compensates for the lack of action in the first hour. I haven't read the book but I think the movie is better than it.The movie is obviously not epic as HARRY POTTER. The sets are smaller, the characters are one-dimensional, the story is more simple. But maybe this simplicity is what makes it so popular to its fans.By the way, I think Pattinson is a better actor than Lautner. Lautner's "cheesy" voice is just annoying. Stewart is not Hollywood's typical barbie girl but there's something about her that makes her stand out. Seeing Bella weakened by the product of her love with Edward was creepy though.BB

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By the way, when I was watching the film, I slowly realized that those women murmuring in front of me and my friend were in their 40s and 50s. :lol:

There were scenes in which they reacted in unison and was like that of the funny green aliens from TOY STORY.

I and my friend couldn't stop laughing. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part IHastings Odeon 4, UK11/18/2011 19:30175/175About 95% female, which shocked me tbh (there were more men at eclipses midnight)Trailers:New years eve: lots of chatterThe woman in black: a lot of chatterTitanic: huge amount of talk, phenomenal reaction. Fucker gave me damn goosebumps on the big screen! Damn you Jim!Mi4: some chatMovie:Its wierd. Its mad. Its odd. Its great. Then again, I am a twi-hard, and unashamed of it. The plot is actually less daft than it is in the book, streamlining it has really helped it a great deal, as for me the weakest book has become one of the stronger films. The acting is uniformly better, especially from Lautner who actually managed to successfully show some emotion. Pattinson managed to do a good job as well, and Stewart did a great job combining weak and strong willed in the same character. Effects are a step up from the last two, especially in the case of a bella wasting away, done just as well as Captain America. My main gripe with the film is pathetic, stupid and nitpicky, but the final shot is directly ripped from Avatar. 99%. The one percent is that bella isn't blue. Anyway, it's going to be a long year's wait, but it's got a strong foundation to build upon. Not DH1 strong, but strong none the less.The crowd were a lot more rowdy than I was expecting. Cheers at the BBFC card, cheers when jacob first to his shirt off, when they first showed edward, when they first showed emmett (?!) it was a fun experience though, and the crowd seemed to lap it up. Should hold at least as well as the others, would be nice to hope for longer legs, but thats a pipedream.B

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4:10 showing, close to 100 people


Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

We Need To Talk About Kevin

Albert Nobbs


A Dangerous Method

Wow, what a great set of trailers, I hadn't seen any of these trailers before and they all looked good.

Not much of a crowd reaction to report, it was deathly silent through the entire movie, apart from a few chuckles at the guy who refused to look at the bride.

My take on the movie:

It was slow, methodical and depressing, but I really liked it! That being said, I think it would be a really hard movie to ever watch again.

It was beautifully shot and the raves I heard about Kirsten Dunst performance were spot on, I didn't think she had that kind of performance in her, even though I always liked her as an actress.

I went into this with the same hope and expectation I had when I saw The Tree Of Life, I'm just so glad this didn't disappoint me like TTOL did.


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The Descendants

Arclight Cinema, Hollywood, CA.


45% full


Incredibly Loud and Extremely Close: No reaction. Sick of this trailer.

Carnage: Some laughs.

Shame: Little bit of chatter when ppl saw the NC-17 rating, then silence.


The audience seemed to enjoy it for the most part. A lot of old ppl were laughing through out, but it was kind of a depressing movie. I was expecting it to be better after all of the positive reviews its received. Clooney, although nothing special, did a pretty good job. His performance was definitly not oscar worthy. He basically just does a lot of staring and acts regular ol Clooney-like the rest of the time. The older daughter was pretty hot though. I'd like to see her in more films. Her friend in the film was supposed to be the comedic relief as the dopey, surfer/ stoner boyfriendy character, but he felt very generic and his comedic moments were not that funny. The movie was decently enjoyable, a bit boring, few moments of humor, a couple interesting scenes and characters, standard performances from a talented cast, and lackluster story archs.

It's worth renting with your girlfriend on a weeknight when she has to go to bed early to wake up for work in the morning. She'll either stay up through out the whole movie, or fall asleep halfway through. Either way, she aint missin much and you can just tell her what happens in the morning. And she wont feel like she ever needs to see it again, but she can tell her co workers she watched The Descendants the other night and it was an okay movie.


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J. Edgar

Regal Ithaca Mall

Friday November 18th 6:50 showing

30 people (mostly old people)


One For The Money - got a little laughter

New Years Eve - No reaction

Dragon Tatoot - No reaction

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - got people talking (I cant wait to see it)


Even though Leonardo DiCaprio gave a great performance but the back and forth between timelines just took me out of the movie. The film was very boring in till near the end. Even though Eastwood did a great job with the quality it just wasnt a entertaining film and at sometimes confusing. I say skip this movie.

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Double Feature of horrible movies today.

Jack and Jill

AMC Burbank, CA


15% full


Paranorm: no reaction

The Lorax: some laughs

The Pirates: some laughs

Arthur Christmas: no reaction


Wellp, just another horrible Adam Sandler movie. I don't understand why he sucks so bad these days. It's just a continuing downward spiral of movies that arent even half way watchable, starting with Grown Ups then Just Go With It and now this. All of which have the same director. These movies are so cheap for laughs and try so hard to be funny. Yet, for some reason, the audience was cracking up through out. Parents were laughing. Kids were laughing. Old people were laughing. I'm pretty sure I had a striaght face the entire time. The acting is horrible. The gags are terrible. Just a poorly put together film in all departments. I wish Adam Sandler would make a good movie, but I don't see it happening any time soon.


Theeeen I saw another bad movie.

The Twilight Saga: Breakind Dawn Part 1

AMC Burbank, CA


90% full


Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol: No reaction. Still looks awesome.

The Woman in Black: Some laughs at Daniel Radcliffe.

The Vow: some chatter and laughs.

Snow White and the Huntsman: No reaction


I've been forced to see all of these movies with my girlfriend and they never do anything for me. She doesn't really like them either and we both have not read the books. I feel like nothing happens in these movies, or atleast nothing memorable happens in them. I can barely think of anything that happened in the movie or any of the previous movies. They all seem to mash together. I do remember the acting being pretty bad/cheesy. There were I guess some funny parts that the audience was cracking up at through out, but I didn't find anything too funny. I smiled a couple of times maaaaybe, but that's about it. Some cheesy parts that I do remember shaking my head to were probably at the beggining when the two vampires jump up into Bellas bedroom window to get Edward to go celebrate his bachelor party, when the wolves were talking, and any scene that had Jacob trying to show emotion. Anyways, the audience loved it and cheered at the end, and I just find it rediculous when a shitty movie gets cheered for at the end and makes tons of money. Just makes me sad. Oh well...


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Puss In BootsHorseheads, NY Arnot Mall 101:3035 - 40 people (mostly kids)Trailers:Arthur Christmas - some reactionParanorman - no reactionThe Lorax - some laughterHugo - no reaction (but Im looking forward too it)Review:I was very surprised by this film. Dreamworks animators did a great job with the animation and detail on Puss. The story was surprisingly original and very good with twist and turns. Very surprised about Zach Galifianakis he did a great job as Humpty Dumpty I didnt know it was his voice till I saw in the credits. Overall really good movie.

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Happy Feet 2

4 pm, November 19 (press screening)

IMAX, SM Mall of Asia, Philippines

90% full

Just one trailer before the screening

The Dark Knight Returns teaser - not much reaction


Happy Feet 2 dealt with a lot of topics that include the interconnectivity of the ecosystem, environmental threats, false prophets, parenthood troubles, existentialism, growing up and finding your voice. Yes all of it. It’s a lot of topics to deal with and given the limited running time, hard to flesh out. The movie raises some good insights with each issue they touched upon but with too many big and complex ideas the narrative loses focus.

Crowd responded well on the musical numbers but went wild with UNDER PRESSURE.

The technical side of the movie is top notch. While you can still enjoy the movie in regular 2D, the 3D experience will be worth the premium ticket price because of its amazing visuals. A lot of 3D movies released recently didn’t feel like 3D added anything to the experience but this one is immersive and not just in the throw-something-in-the-audience kind of way but it complemented the setting perfectly

Happy Feet 2 is a gorgeous animated movie and definitely a visual delight. And despite suffering from an indecisive screenplay, Happy Feet 2 still shines because it’s downright entertaining and sometimes that’s just what we need.


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Happy Feet 2

4 pm, November 19 (press screening)

IMAX, SM Mall of Asia, Philippines

90% full

Just one trailer before the screening

The Dark Knight Returns teaser - not much reaction


Happy Feet 2 dealt with a lot of topics that include the interconnectivity of the ecosystem, environmental threats, false prophets, parenthood troubles, existentialism, growing up and finding your voice. Yes all of it. It’s a lot of topics to deal with and given the limited running time, hard to flesh out. The movie raises some good insights with each issue they touched upon but with too many big and complex ideas the narrative loses focus.

Crowd responded well on the musical numbers but went wild with UNDER PRESSURE.

The technical side of the movie is top notch. While you can still enjoy the movie in regular 2D, the 3D experience will be worth the premium ticket price because of its amazing visuals. A lot of 3D movies released recently didn’t feel like 3D added anything to the experience but this one is immersive and not just in the throw-something-in-the-audience kind of way but it complemented the setting perfectly

Happy Feet 2 is a gorgeous animated movie and definitely a visual delight. And despite suffering from an indecisive screenplay, Happy Feet 2 still shines because it’s downright entertaining and sometimes that’s just what we need.


Corrrect! ;-)
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Arthur Christmas 2D11/19/201114:00130/150Trailers:Puss in Boots - couple of laughsHappy Feet 2 - little bit of talkChipmunks - some chatterPirates! - Next to nothingMovie:Hideously average. Completely and utterly average. It's just, there. Nothing remarkable, or groundbreaking, or memorable. I'm guessing my crowd were of a similar opinion as there were next to no laughs during the film and only a bit of muttering on the way out. Seemed like most were there because at this point they are conditioned to show up.C Immortals 3D11/19/1116:1075/150£1.50Trailers:Coca Cola Ad - couldn't help including it because it got a round of applause. What the fuck?!Snow white and the huntsman - silence, looks wickedHolmes 2 - silenceThe darkest hour - noutUnderworld - some talkingMovie:I Loved it. Lovely and gory, completely bad ass and rediculously entertaining. The guys sat next to me who were around the same age seemed to agree with me, but the couple in front of me seemed unimpressed.B+

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