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Eric Quinn

THE STEVEN SPIELBERG COUNTDOWN | List complete! How did your fave do????

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12 hours ago, FilmFincher said:

Munich is definitely in my personal Spielberg top ten. I love everything about it. The assassination attempt with the phone is just one of the best sequences I've seen put to screen. 

Munich is right on 10th spot for me. It's just 2.5 hours of Spielberg showing off how much flair (the cinematography in this is both very functional and energetic) he can bring to a subdued historical thriller like this.

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I've never understood the hate for Terminal.  One of if not my fave Spielberg movie after the 90's. 

Always is good and imo much better than some of the movies directly ahead of it.

Love Crystal Skull, I get why people don't care for it but it's still got a lot of the Indy DNA to it.

Munich is fine but over rated imo

RPO is just awesome imo.


Hoping all three remaining Indy's are top 10.


Great job so far!

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On 12/12/2020 at 1:57 AM, Eric Karga said:

original book

and changed some details to .... arrrgh

I ignore the sentimental parts of the movie, but whhhhyyyy (overly dramatic outcry) did you add that despicable scene? It’s the most illogical and IMHO stupid scene of the whole movie. Like they got adopted by American missionaries, had their American aunt as nanny with them, why the heck would they not speak English?

Still drives me bonkers

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Empire of the Sun

90 pts, 24 lists

"P-51! Cadillac of the sky!"



Top 5 placements: 1

Top 10 placements: 6

Top 15 placements: 5

Box Office: 22.2M DOM, 66.7M WW

Rotten Tomatoes: 75%

Metacritic: 62

Awards: 2 National Board of Review Awards, 6 Academy Award nominations, 3 BAFTA wins and 3 nominations, 2 Golden Globe nominations, 1 Grammy Award nomination


Critic Review: "While screenwriter Tom Stoppard supplies a literate script, it’s Spielberg’s peerless command of film technique that drives the film, with the director crafting a number of sequences that function as impressive examples of pure visual storytelling." - Martyn Bamber, Slant Magazine

BOT User Review: "Brilliant movie. I remember watching this when i was 13 years old. Had never heard of it before hand but decided to give it a chance as there was nothing else on worth watching. Plus i saw Steven Spielbergs name come up and thought why not. At the end of the movie i decided this was one of Spielbergs best (in a long list :P ) and i still hold that opinion." - @Omario


Its Legacy: Considered Spielberg’s most profound work. Was one of the first films for both Christian Bale and Ben Stiller. Was the influence for Tropic Thunder. Gave Joe Pantoliano a paycheck.


Commentary: Conceived as a David Lean vehicle before soon becoming a tribute to David Lean movies, Empire of the Sun was an important passion project for Spielberg. Not only was this film taking heavy influence from one of his favorite directors and movies, Bridge on the River Kwai, but it also served as a venue where Spielberg could talk about World War II in a more serious light, along with showcasing some of the unique aircraft found during that period. And this was done through a powerful real-life story of J. G. Ballard, emphasizing the tragedy that comes with the loss of innocence. All the while, showcasing the incredible talents of a young actor set for superstardom. A then-unknown Christian Bale led this title, and he would of course go on to be one of the most celebrated actors in our current movie world, starring in such critical darlings like Equilibrium and Exodus: Gods and Kings.


This was far from a box office sensation, but it certainly struck a chord with several voters here, with half of the lists being in their top 15, with a majority in the top 10.



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112 pts, 27 lists

"I could write shorter sermons but when I get started I'm too lazy to stop."



Top 5 placements: 1

Top 10 placements: 8

Top 15 placements: 11

Box Office: 182.2M DOM, 275.3M WW

Rotten Tomatoes: 89%

Metacritic: 86

Awards: 2 Academy Award wins and 10 nominations, 1 BAFTA win and 9 nominations, 3 Critics Choice wins and 10 nominations, 1 Golden Globe win and 6 nominations, 1 Grammy Award nomination


Critic Review: "The experience of watching Daniel Day-Lewis in this role is nothing less than thrilling. This is Lincoln. No need for a time machine, there he is." - Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle

BOT User Review: "A pretty marvelous achievement and Speilberg's best since Minority Report. I loved that they approached Lincoln as the commander of this huge political drama rather than doing the birth-to-death story that would've been a wasted opportunity when drama like ratifying the thirteenth amendment is worth delving into...Daniel Day IS Lincoln. I think his performance will define how people today will think of the man. Simply stunning." - @Gopher


Its Legacy: The final Best Director nomination for Spielberg. Earned Daniel Day-Lewis all the awards. Resulted in the Thirteenth Amendment being ratified in Mississippi. Became part of several school curriculums. Gave Adam Driver a paycheck.


Commentary: Both an acting powerhouse and a compelling history lesson, Lincoln is a film that was destined to be a hit, even if it didn’t seem like one at first. Initially canceled by Paramount out of fears over its commercial potential, this was at one point set to be an HBO title. Spielberg just barely got his film out there thanks to Touchstone and Fox, but it would soon become a massive hit. Sticking around in the top 10 for nine weeks, Lincoln was a massive success story for all, with healthy box office returns, acclaim for its lead actors, and serving as one of Spielberg’s biggest box office hits of the 2010s. In fact, this was his highest-grossing film domestically last decade.


Sure enough, it was an incredible penultimate performance for Daniel Day-Lewis, whose work in this gave him his third Academy Award, and his performance is sure to inspire several bored high schoolers forced to watch it during history class in the years to come.



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A.I. Artificial Intelligence

115 pts, 27 lists

"So David went to sleep too. And for the first time in his life, he went to that place...where dreams are born."



#1 placements: 1

#2 placements: 1

#3 placements: 1

Top 5 placements: 3

Top 10 placements: 3

Top 15 placements: 5

Box Office: 78.6M DOM, 235.9M WW

Rotten Tomatoes: 74%

Metacritic: 65

Awards: 2 Academy Award nominations, 3 Golden Globe nominations, 1 BAFTA nominations, 4 Empire Award nominations


Critic Review: "Pure magic, a three-act movie fantasy that transports us -- as the best films do -- to a world of its own, a place of ambiguous joy and delirious terror." - Michael Wilmington, Chicago Tribune

BOT User Review: N/A


Its Legacy: A tribute to the Kubrick film that never was. Continued Haley Joel Osment’s success as a child actor. 83rd best movie of the 21st century according to a BBC poll. Earned major critical reevaluation years later. Was parodied on The Simpsons. Gave Chris Rock a paycheck.


CommentaryThere’s really no other movie like A.I. This sci-fi homage to Pinocchio was initially meant to be directed by Stanley Kubrick, who effectively tried to make his own Spielbergian tale. But due to several pushbacks and other projects eating up Kubrick’s time, the man ended up giving the film to his buddy Steven. And after Kubrick’s death, Spielberg envisioned the film as a tribute to one of the greatest filmmakers in history.


And upon its release, while largely positive, the film did see some measured and tepid reactions. While many criticized the sentimental aspects, particularly the ending, as an add-on by Spielberg, this was actually all from the original screenplay by Ian Watson, and a decision from Kubrick. Essentially, Spielberg was the one who added in dark Kubrickian elements off of a Kubrick script that emphasized sweet Spielbergian elements. This of course led to a bit of confusion and trepidation on the film upon its initial release, as both directors tried to copy one another.


Of course, things have changed. While not universally praised, A.I. has earned reevaluation over the years, with famed critic Mark Kermode mentioning he now considers it Spielberg’s enduring masterpiece. And this film had a lot of passionate votes. For a while, A.I. was consistently on the lower end of many people’s countdowns, with it just barely in the top 20 in the overall rankings. But with the help of a #1, #2, and #3 vote, given by @lorddemaxus, @Spaghetti, and @Jake Gittes, respectively, the movie surged. And a #4 and two #5 placements helped too, making it land in the top 15. It goes to show that the film is still striking a chord with the right people and will likely continue to endure as an underrated title that may be dismissed by some, but adored by others.



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Minority Report

122 pts, 27 lists

"Sometimes, in order to see the light, you have to risk the dark."



#3 placement: 1

Top 5 placements: 2

Top 10 placements: 10

Top 15 placements: 9

Box Office: 132.1M DOM, 358.4M WW

Rotten Tomatoes: 90%

Metacritic: 80

Awards: 1 Academy Award nomination, 1 BAFTA nomination, 3 Empire Award wins


Critic Review: "Ferociously intense, furiously kinetic, it’s expressionist film noir science fiction that, like all good sci-fi, peers into the future to shed light on the present." - David Ansen, Newsweek

BOT User Review: "A smart near perfect film, despite less near action near the end the film never drags and it is in my opinion the best sci-fi movie of last decade. I really wish Spielberg would make more films like this(war of the worlds was underwhelming).My favorite spielberg and cruise film.A" - @tommycruise


Its Legacy: Showcased the horrors of a future where technology predicts everything. Was a Cruise-Spielberg collaboration that took years in the making. One of the 23 best movies from 2000 to 2018 according to The Washington Post. Earned a short-lived television series. Gave Max von Sydow a paycheck.


Commentary: Loosely based on a Phillip K. Dick short story, Minority Report is one of the most thought-provoking Spielberg blockbusters. In a future where the police can stop people from preventing crime before they even thought about it, this Tom Cruise sci-fi hit looked at the concept of free will and determinism. Can free will and free thought exist in a world where everything is known in advance? What happens to the political system in a world where technology reigns supreme? Is there any privacy in a media-dominated world? And through a distinct blend of sci-fi, noir, whodunnit, and a traditional chase film, Minority Report combined complex layers of murder mystery and social commentary into an action-packed and stylish thrill ride. 


Minority Report would go on to be one of the biggest hits of that summer and a critical darling, with both Roger Ebert and James Berandinelli citing it as the best movie of 2002. And today, Minority Report lives on as one of the many highlights of Steven Spielberg’s portfolio, with several top 10 votes in this very countdown.



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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

123 pts, 28 lists

"For crying out loud, there's a *kid* driving the car!"




#3 placements: 1

Top 5 placements: 2

Top 10 placements: 10

Top 15 placements: 5

Box Office: 179.9M DOM, 333.1M WW

Rotten Tomatoes: 84%

Metacritic: 57

Awards: 1 Academy Award win and nomination, 1 BAFTA win


Critic Review: "The sustained furore of humour, visual panache and headlong momentum makes for dazzling cinema." - Ian Nathan, Empire Magazine

BOT User Review: "Wildly underrated and one of the great action films of all time." - @Dark 33Legend of the Sith


Its Legacy: Continued Indiana Jones’ everlasting popularity. Birthed the PG-13 rating. Earned controversy over its depiction of India. Led to Spielberg’s marriage to Kate Capshaw. Gave Philip Stone a paycheck.


Temple of Doom is by far the weirdest Indiana Jones adventure, and that’s saying a lot. It opens with a musical number, has a scene where a lifeboat serves as a sled, and features a voodoo cult as the main antagonists. And upon its release, and even today, Temple of Doom is a divisive piece amongst Indy fans. Some love the movie for how bonkers and out-there the story goes, as well as the incredible action set pieces. Others found the movie too dark, too mean, too graphic, and too annoying. Kate Capshaw, the actress who played Willie, hated the portrayal of her character and even Steven Spielberg himself has said he hated this movie, with the only good to come out of it being this was where he found his wife.


But as time has gone on, some people have come around to it. Some people love its subversive and cynical edge. Some people love its dark atmosphere and insane action setpieces. Some people love Harrison Ford being his natural charming self. There’s a lot to like here...if you ignore some of the annoying characters...and all that racism. 


Okay, it’s not perfect, but there’s something to be said about how off-kilter, bizarre, and intense the movie can be at points. People like to throw around “this movie would never be made today”, and this is one of those instances here. A film as off-kilter and against its original predecessor as this would not get greenlit in the state it was in, or else face the wrath of Reddit bros the world over. And I think that is something commendable and intriguing. And many seem to say the same.



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Just as a reminder, #10-6 will be on Wednesday, and #5-1 will be on Friday, Stevie's birthday. I'm glad we're finally approaching the end and I'm impressed with myself I've been able to keep up with my promise, considering how my job has been a nightmare the past few weeks (retail can be tough :()

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Very good list so far but it was always gonna be because Spielberg's filmography is for the most part great.


-Duel and Sugarland are ofc way too low but it's understandable since they 're easily his most underseen movies.

-A bit surprised by the love for Empire of the Sun. I ranked it around 20-25 going of memory from 20 years ago as a movie that is "just fine". Need to rewatch it.

-Also surprised that Catch me if you Can is the 00s movie that made the top-10. I thought it was gonna be Minority easily. Love both movies but Catch me is a near masterpiece.

-I'm perfectly fine with Munich,A.I. and Doom placements. They're always gonna be divisive, they are the rare instances where master audience pleaser Spielberg woke up feeling dangerous.

-Will anything break the Jaws-Raiders-E.T.-JP-Schindler top-5? Maybe Ryan but I don't see it.


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Minority Report is also very high on my personal list (probably 6).


I just think it's so well constructed and the conversations the film is having around free-will/determinism are so interesting without feeling like a chore. 


Cruise kills it, he plays broken characters very well, the scene in the hotel is amazing. 


It also just has some ingenious sequences that can only come from Spielberg, the opening, the spiders, the umbrella escape.


The photography is just stunning as well, the bleach bypass, the overblown highlights, the desaturation, the wonderful grain. Very film noir inspired (Even a smoking gun at one point) and then you get Spielbergs blocking on top of it, I just love to look at it.  


The ending leans into Spielbergs need to get a little schmaltzy, which I could do without but it works enough.

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