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Eric Prime

Nope | Jordan Peele | Keke Palmer, Daniel Kaluuya, Steven Yeun star | July 22, 2022

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1 hour ago, ThePrinceIsOnFire said:

It's not about the ratings, but just how snarky and horrible many of the critics are when reviewing his movies. Despite being rated in the 80's on RT, the negative reviews on Cyrano are borderline insulting. For "the woman in the window" I remember Indiewire and the nypost had reviews that straight out called Wright  a talentless pretender who doesn't even know how to use camera tricks. When american critics go hard they go really hard, and frankly I think that they should pay some respect  to the director who brought a movie like "Atonement" to life...

That happens for pretty much every movie... There are always gonna be a few super snarky critics even for acclaimed films. This is silly. Joe Wright's Cyrano is an odd hill to die on. I'd be more disappointed in audiences who had zero use for it than the critics that actually watched it. No one saw that thing.

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7 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

Holding strong on metacritic 


77 with 46 reviews, probably will finish with 75-76 


Happy that both Eggers and Peele seems to manage to try to make a movie with broader appeal without sacrifice their talents

I still don't think Eggers has made a film with a broad appeal. It shows in the grosses of his film. I do love his movies though. Peele, on the other hand, makes movies with broad appeal in mind. I like both filmmakers a lot but that's an odd comparison. One has made two mega hits even if Us didn't have awesome legs. The other has made three pretty great movies but not many saw any of 'em... Including Northman. Eggers is more like the Safdie Bros or Ari Aster. People who know who they are... Know who he is. Peele? Pretty much anyone with a passing interest in cinema over the past decade knows who he is.

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10 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

I still don't think Eggers has made a film with a broad appeal. It shows in the grosses of his film. I do love his movies though. Peele, on the other hand, makes movies with broad appeal in mind. I like both filmmakers a lot but that's an odd comparison. One has made two mega hits even if Us didn't have awesome legs. The other has made three pretty great movies but not many saw any of 'em... Including Northman. Eggers is more like the Safdie Bros or Ari Aster. People who know who they are... Know who he is. Peele? Pretty much anyone with a passing interest in cinema over the past decade knows who he is.

I was talking more about the desire to step up to bigger movies and succeed artistically than the box office results themselves. 


Peele made 2 smaller horror movies that are very accessible, but now he's really going to the blockbuster-esque type of movie and seems like didn't get lost in the process. 


Eggers made 2 indie movies but tried to do something on a way bigger scale and also didn't get alienated while making it. 


Commercially yeah, The Northman ended up flopping between a very small window and awful marketing, and i don't think Nope will gross much higher than Get Out / US either.

Edited by ThomasNicole
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Get Out and Us both had pretty mainstream appeal. They’re a lot less schlocky than most studio horror films, but they’re not exactly niche and weird arthouse movies. Jordan Peele’s career can probably recover if this movie doesn’t perform so great, but I don’t think Robert Eggers will be allowed near a big studio emojis again. 

Edited by WittyUsername
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Peele's background in comedy has really helped him make very accessible social commentary horror tbh. Even if you're not a horror fan per say or don't appreciate some of the more heavy handed commentary, his movies are fun and Get Out especially is straight up hilarious at times. 


Eggers is not getting a big budget again anytime soon. lol. He's just not a mainstream director. 

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So, a moderator wrote me the  following:


"Hello! We're not doing the whole you can't like the movie or your racist thing. That's just baiting people for a fight. If you want to re-post your disappointment about "Us" in a constructive way, please do so"


Well let me respond here - this is basically both gaslighting and hushing me. Wtf? For my 34 years I've never encountered this.


I said what I said, and I stand by my words. I didn't offend anyone, nor did I describe something that hasn't happened on this forum. Moderator can go through the posts and find how many times has happened that when certain members dared not to like a film that happens to be predominantly with African-American actors they were called racists.


I think this is humiliating and rude to hush a person who just pointed out the fact how Peele's films are perceived and treated. It's not like it's a secret.


But honestly F* this. If this is how you perceive and demonstrate democracy in the States, no wonder you'll end up with a Republican president again. This PC policing is out of control. The funniest thing is - nothing was racist about my post. I said that's usually how people get labeled after disliking his films - which happened in front of my own eyes couple of times, after "Us" premiered.


And just to finish this all - I am a gay immigrant living in LA, and shame on you guys here for silencing people who don't think like you. So childish.

Edited by ViktorLosAngeles
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8 hours ago, Eric the Tethered said:



Yeah we're not doing this "woke critics are giving Peele a pass because he's black" garbage. @ViktorLosAngeles @ThePrinceIsOnFire don't even fucking try with this.


As an actual film critic, yes I am doing this. You literally can't say that anything is wrong with his films, even if it is. You are the living proof, just look at your reaction.

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2 minutes ago, ViktorLosAngeles said:


As an actual film critic, yes I am doing this. You literally can't say that anything is wrong with his films, even if it is. You are the living proof, just look at your reaction.

Why do you have to bring race into why you personally don't think Peele's movies are good? Like why.

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9 hours ago, ThomasNicole said:

Calling someone work bad doesn't have anything to do with racism. 


But you know what looks very much like racism? Saying that people won't criticize a movie because is from a black director. 


What kinda of reverse racism is this bullshit? Fuck off


Thank you. You are just another example of what I was trying to prove. And nice wording too. I won't be commenting about this garbage or any other mediocre film you guys want to classify as "amazing", "revolutionary" etc. If you want to enjoy in bad films, knock yourself out.

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7 minutes ago, cannastop said:

Why do you have to bring race into why you personally don't think Peele's movies are good? Like why.


Go and write anywhere that "Us" is a bad film. I dare you to try, and tell me the responses. That's why. I am talking about at least 4-5 real life examples, two of which are semi-prominent or prominent film critics.

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30 minutes ago, ViktorLosAngeles said:

So, a moderator wrote me the  following:


"Hello! We're not doing the whole you can't like the movie or your racist thing. That's just baiting people for a fight. If you want to re-post your disappointment about "Us" in a constructive way, please do so"


Well let me respond here - this is basically both gaslighting and hushing me. Wtf? For my 34 years I've never encountered this.


I said what I said, and I stand by my words. I didn't offend anyone, nor did I describe something that hasn't happened on this forum. Moderator can go through the posts and find how many times has happened that when certain members dared not to like a film that happens to be predominantly with African-American actors they were called racists.


I think this is humiliating and rude to hush a person who just pointed out the fact how Peele's films are perceived and treated. It's not like it's a secret.


But honestly F* this. If this is how you perceive and demonstrate democracy in the States, no wonder you'll end up with a Republican president again. This PC policing is out of control. The funniest thing is - nothing was racist about my post. I said that's usually how people get labeled after disliking his films - which happened in front of my own eyes couple of times, after "Us" premiered.


And just to finish this all - I am a gay immigrant living in LA, and shame on you guys here for silencing people who don't think like you. So childish.


I mean this sincerely: It's not rocket science. You're allowed to not like Peele's work and to think he's overrated. However, what you did was turn this into meaning that black filmmakers somehow get a "pass" from critics. This is racist, whether this was your intention or not. It doesn't mean you're forever a horrible person, but it does mean you need to re-think how you choose to post about films/filmmakers you don't like.


Also with sincerity: just relax. Pick your battles. I know how it can feel when you don't like something that most people like. Feel free to express your dislike for Peele's work, and then move on with your life. Alternatively, engage in a constructive and earnest discussion about filmmaking and what it is specifically about his work that you find to be lacking.


If none of this resonates with you, then maybe this just isn't the forum for you, and you're better off finding a difference space to engage in.




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NME, the biggest Uk music magazine, once literally deleted from his its site an opinion piece by a white dude calling Lemonade by Beyoncè an overrated album after huge backlash. So yes apparently if you're white you can't say you don't like that album.


So you don't need to treat some users like they're totally crazy. Saying that this probably was more real with Get Out. If some white dude would have raised his hand saying "movie nothing special" with all the acclaim around we can imagine some of the reactions.


But not for Nope first because i don't think the racial themes are central like in get out and then it's not his first movie so if in the past you already said this guy has talent you have more space to say "but this movie is less special then the firsts".

Edited by vale9001
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1 hour ago, ViktorLosAngeles said:


Thank you. You are just another example of what I was trying to prove. And nice wording too. I won't be commenting about this garbage or any other mediocre film you guys want to classify as "amazing", "revolutionary" etc. If you want to enjoy in bad films, knock yourself out.

Who said anything about how you feel about the movies themselves? Yes, nobody, know why? Because no one cares.


You can try to spin this as people gashlighting you for saying the movies are bad, but no, all of the reactions is because you're accusing people and critics that you don't know of being easy to a black diretor work because he's black. 


How exactly he's being black affect what you think of the movie? That's what everyone is trying to understand because it didn't make sense. 


Dislike US isn't anything new, you're not special for that, just look on the last 5 pages here or the weekend thread and you will find people saying the exact same thing, and nobody is complaining about it because everyone can dislike whatever they want, you're the only one who got complains because you're post is highly problematic. 


And yes, people can enjoy bad movies if they want, you're not the art police to supervise that. 

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2 minutes ago, vale9001 said:

NME, the biggest Uk music magazine, once literally deleted from his its site an opinion piece by a white dude calling Lemonade by Beyoncè an overrated album after huge backlash. So yes apparently if you're white you can't say you don't like that album.


So you don't need to treat some users like they're totally crazy. Saying that this probably was more real with Get Out. If some white dude would have raised his hand saying "movie nothing special" with all the acclaim arounf we can imagine some of the reactions.

But not for Nope first because i don't think the racial themes are central like in get out and then it's not his first movie so if in the past you already said this guy has talent you have more space to say "but now this movie is less special then the firsts".

But how one example is enough to make a whole argument implying that the movies get good reviews because critics go easy on them to not be called racists? 


There's 515 positive reviews of US on RT, it's really unfair to straight up saying that people overpraised because "God forbid anyone to criticize his work or they'll be called racists". 


You can't take an exception and turn into a rule. Examples of movies from black directors or POC directors getting bad or meh reviews is very easy to find, just MCU get 2 of them in the past 9 months. 


I understand what you said, the example isn't wrong, but i don't think this can be used as a proof of a conspiracy theory like this. Minorities fight too much everyday, why it would be different in this industry? Minorities doing bad movies and getting praises for them really sounds like conspiracy to me, and a very problematic one.

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The problem is for someone movies have to be only entertainment  This is really a strong idea for some americans.


But movies are art and art can be political, so movie criticism can be political. Being deniers of the fact criticism is political is foolish as saying movies should be just apolitical entertnaimente for everyone. 

Elvis has a 62 on metacritic and In the heights an 84. This is has nothing to do with actual talent in film making but with the social and political issues the movie has or the social and political impact of the movie in the current society.


And that's nothing wrong, criticism is also that, not only opinions about the cinematographic technique of a movie. I'm european and movies here are since ever very political and movie criticism even more. 

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3 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

But how one example is enough to make a whole argument implying that the movies get good reviews because critics go easy on them to not be called racists? 


There's 515 positive reviews of US on RT, it's really unfair to straight up saying that people overpraised because "God forbid anyone to criticize his work or they'll be called racists". 


You can't take an exception and turn into a rule. Examples of movies from black directors or POC directors getting bad or meh reviews is very easy to find, just MCU get 2 of them in the past 9 months. 


I understand what you said, the example isn't wrong, but i don't think this can be used as a proof of a conspiracy theory like this. Minorities fight too much everyday, why it would be different in this industry? Minorities doing bad movies and getting praises for them really sounds like conspiracy to me, and a very problematic one.


Black panther is just another mid marvel movies. It was acclaimed because of politics. Please, it's not only an example. And there is nothing wrong in the concept anyways, read my new post. 

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1 minute ago, vale9001 said:


Black panther is just another mid marvel movies. It was acclaimed because of politics. Please, it's not only an example. And there is nothing wrong in the concept anyways, read my new post. 

I read it. I think there's a significant difference between art being political and so the reviews to people ignoring problems on the movies to follow an agenda (like go easy on black people works just because).


I absolutely agreed that both Get Out and US reviews are highly political, there's no way they can't be, the movies treat openly about politics afterall. But the movies need to be good, thinking that there will be people that will see many problems on the movies or even dislike them but still praise them on a fake opinion for politics alone is absurd to me. 


Personally i also think Black Panther is overestimated, but i can easily see why people engaged with it so much without say it was only for politics, afterall even audiences which usually just wants to be entertained also rave the picture.

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