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The Batman (2022)  

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I dont think any of the Batman films unlike this one made Gotham city look like a different unique place and this film really gets you deep into the city and that world unlike any other I feel.


Nolan batman films where more about the characters then the settings as the setting looked so much like chicago. 


This film is a long film and unlike Endgame does not have as much action to let the time fly by.


Its more a crime film then a superhero film but it is a good watch and an epic film.


Has some flaws but turned out much better then expected



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Did I just watch an amalgamation of Watchmen/Seven/Zodiac?  There's no light, there's no humour and the film kind of bored me.  There are some good things in it but it's way too long, it's way too dire and there's no fun.  I think what made the original 89 film work so well and some of the Nolan films is that it's fun and there's humour and it didn't always take itself so seriously.  This one might as well hand out switchblades before you go into the theatre so you can cut your own throat.  It's depressing and it's just way too dark in every way.  I didn't hate it but I'll never see it again.  And I'll have reservations about spending money on the sequel.


Pattinson was great at the Batman and kind of terrible as Wayne.  Kravitz was really good and I loved seeing Turturro show up.  Serkis wasn't given much to do unfortunately and Farrell and Dano were just okay.  I didn't really buy Dano's torturous interpretation of the Riddler.  Jeffrey Wright is always good.


Maybe I was spoiled by Nolan's first two films but man this is as diametric from that in pace and tone and the fun factor.  Just not quite my tempo.


6/10 but the more I think about it, maybe even a 5.  To quote Sgt Hulka from Stripes:  "Lighten up Francis."

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This actually had more humor than I thought it would have (you would think Gotham's crime lords would hire much more intimidating goons to protect them than the completely non-threatening Carver twins lol), though I don't think the Dark Knight movies were without moments of levity either. The Affleck/Snyder take on the character was definitely more dreary. This just feels like the bleakest Batman movie yet because it clearly took a lot of its influence from Seven and other crime thrillers and the universe it creates has a darker vibe than any big screen depiction to date because of it (at least when you remove Joker since that movie's version of Gotham was clearly fashioned after the grimier aspects of Scorsese flicks).

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Well guys I didn't make a blanket statement about it I said in my opinion it's humorless which means I didn't find it funny. It's okay to have different opinions you don't have to be shocked that somebody actually dislike something that you like.


None of those things you mentioned above were remotely funny. IMO

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7 hours ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

Colin Farrell drenched in 80 pounds of makeup doing a De Niro impression...


"You got a lot of cats"


"Pull back you punch, man"

"I did".


"Do you know who I am" running gag


QAnon Riddler acting like an influencer on Tiktok


Such a humorless film!

i'm slapping my knee just remembering this stuff! 

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20 minutes ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

What you want, quips instead?

You want Catwoman to say “well, THAT happened!”?

unlike baumer i actually have no problem with "humorless". you don't need to pretend anything in the film is funny in my company.

Edited by CoolioD1
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3 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

unlike baumer i actually have no problem with "humorless". you don't need to pretend anything in the film is funny in my company.

I thought quite a lot of the movie was funny! It’s not a romp but there’s lots of moments of levity and humor that break tension 

But maybe it needed to be more lowercase ironic

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6 minutes ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

I thought quite a lot of the movie was funny! It’s not a romp but there’s lots of moments of levity and humor that break tension 

But maybe it needed to be more lowercase ironic

ok i just said it didn't need to be funny so i dunno why i keep getting the "you just wanted marvel jokes!" replies.

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The two funny parts of the film are Batman absolutely eating it with the wingsuit and Penguin calling Batman and Gordon dumbasses for sucking at Spanish

Edited by MrPink
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I'm glad everyone is enjoying the film.  Seems like this is the first time since TDK where most people agree on the positive reviews and WOM (for a Batman movie).

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Act 1: 10/10

Act 2 : 8/10

Act 3: 5/10


Overall : 7.5/10


the action scenes in the final act were not as good. 

once riddlers mask is off the character becomes like a joke. They tried to pull a tdk joker bombs in ships kind of scenario but failed. If they had killed Alfred that would have been bold but they wimped out. Also how does everyone survive a bomb on their face. It happened twice , especially the butler. 

Catwoman started well but her plot devolved into a messy story. 

i loved the detective work and character of Gotham and Batman learning as he is in year 2 but it devolved in act 3 

Edited by hasanahmad
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I 've watched it twice and despite the runtime never felt that it drags to me. It's a pretty quick 3 hours.


Even if it borrows a lot from both Fincher]s thrillers and Nolan's trilogy, it's a very well-realised take on Batman and on top of that the most visualy dynamic superhero film in ages. I completely bought into the atmosphere of Gotham as a rotting cesspool of a city. Even the most emo touches like Batman's tortured dear diary voice over and the Nirvana song that both got a chuckle out of me at first, they fit nicely with the whole mood of the movie.

The cast is uniformly great too even if no one gives THE performance for the ages. Pattinson and Kravitz are good and more importantly very sexy at the centre, but also all the supporting players pop in their scenes. If I have a personal favourite though, it's Colin as the penguin. Mostly because my expectations were very low for him after the fat suit reveal in the promo, but he's a delight and the make up work so good I would have no idea this is someone in a ton of prosthetics if I didn't already knew. 

I also enjoyed that the flooding climax felt like the most direct mirroring of Nolan and specifically the 2 ferries sequence, but Reeves actually blows up the flerries and lets them deal with the aftermath. It might be the least impressively staged set piece of the entire movie, but it worked for that reason alone.

The only little thing that bugged me both times was that the Thomas Wayne reveal had to be followed almost immidiately by a lengthy Alfred monologue reassuring Bruce (and the audience) his dad was just a good guy that got mixed up with the wrong people. This is the only moment that felt studio noted to me, even if it wasn't.


As far as Batman rankings I have Returns and TDK way above the rest as my favorites. I wouldn't put this right next to them just yet, but it's a clear #3 for now.

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Take Se7en. Bloat it out to three painful hours. Water down the crime story to a dull procedural. And now here's the kicker: have Brad Pitt show up to the crime scenes dressed as a fucking bat...and no one finds that weird! At least The Joker was smart enough by taking a grounded approach to a movie about a guy who dresses like a clown by making it about his insanity. That's the issue with this misguided, confused film. It takes itself so seriously, and forces in elements that are inherently silly (like a dude dressed like a flying rodent) into that self-serious world. 

The take on Catwoman is so grounded that, again, you wonder why she exits her apartment by leaping off the balcony. Bitch, the stairs are right there. You can't have it both ways. If you're playing it grounded, stick to your rules. 


One of the things that the Fincher fanboy directors who rip off his work seem to forget is that even Se7en had humor, warmth, levity. Brad was funny. Gwyneth's relationship with Morgan - and the scene when she calls him - is sweet and moving. The Fincher fanboys think it's all about making it dark and brooding. They let that style and self-serious tone takes over everything, forcing it into a genre where it doesn't belong. The result is a dreck free of anything that feels remotely human. 


On a more technical level, Batman just punches. It gets dull. Also the choreography of the fight scenes - especially with Catwoman - is weak and messy. The punches and kicks don't LAND.


All in all, a murky and muddled misfire, but because it's Fincher inspired, it will get an 8.9 on IMDB. 


Grade: C-


Edited by Flopped
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