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Weekdays Thread (1/9-12)

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1 minute ago, Cheddar Please said:

No it doesn't, literally the only thing they've done is disagree with your predictions based on their own calculations, which is perfectly reasonable as this is a box office forum. Maybe you shouldn't throw accusations at people just because they say something that you personally construe as an insult



Dude just stop, stop.

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It's irrelevant what anyone's opinion of the film is as long they don't insult others and/or the said opinion clouds their judgement. This is a box office forum, the personal opinion of hundreds or even thousands of people hardly matter in the grand scale of hundreds of millions (who determine the box office). 

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Okay we're done here. We're done with the "are Avatar's legs really that good" argument. It's clear nobody here will listen to each other and it frankly doesn't matter for a film that's making more money than we will ever make in our lifetime. But I will say the following:


@Legion in Boots I know you're trying to not be insulting, but you're still being very condescending to people for "not understanding box office" and it's really not cool. If anything, you're making your arguments look worse by being disrespectful towards folk for "not getting the dynamic". So again, I'm asking you to clean up your posting style and try to be more courteous towards others. And if there are some people who you feel just aren't listening or "don't get it", then just ignore them. We have "Ignore" fucntions for a reason.


@stuart360 Your statements about Legion or Wang being "out to get Avatar" or whatever are also ridiculous. For starters, they have talked about Avatar 2's run over the past few weeks and positively I might add. I know it sucks to see people dunk on something you love, but trying to start a pointless fight and defend the honor of a silly blockbuster that's already made billions doesn't make things better and if anything makes you look worse. Is people saying mean things about a kids movie focusing on blue aliens really that terrible? Is James Cameron losing his job over these random comments on a box office forum? Are people not being super-ultra-happy about Avatar going to cause all the other sequels to disappear forever? No, no, and no. So starting these fights over a Disney movie like this is not helpful at all. If you don't like certain users, just put them on your Ignore list.


And to finally end things off, yes I know the weekdays this week are bad. But we don't need these pointless meltdowns. Even if the film stops making money right this second, Avatar 2 is already a smash sensation, we'll get a billion theme park rides, it's probably sold a shitton of toys. It's fine. It sucks it could not leg out to what you want it to make, but money is still money. So please take a moment to relax and understand that there's no need to lose sleep over Avatar 2's run.


Thank you.

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Saw the mod post just after I hit submit, but I spent some time on this, so leaving it up.


In regards to the legs debate, here are how some tiles measure in total DOM vs first 7 days (OWeek)


Notable Big Movies

  • Black Panther = 2.398x (holiday Mon)
  • RO = 2.397x (Xmas)
  • TFA = 2.396x (Xmas)
  • Avengers = 2.31x
  • Dark Knight = 2.24x


Notable December

  • Avatar = 5.469x (!!!)
  • Jumanji WTJ = 4.55x (Wed before Xmas)
  • Jumanji TNL = 4.23x
  • LOTR: FotR = 3.33x
  • Aquaman = 3.18x (Wed before Xmas)
  • Sherlock 2 = 3.18x
  • Hobbit: UJ = 2.68x
  • NWH = 2.09x


Post-Pandemic, >$150M

  • TGM = 3.49x (!!!)
  • Elvis = 3.13x
  • Sing 2 = 2.97x (Wed before Xmas)
  • Minions = 2.24x
  • Batman = 2.14x
  • NTTD = 2.14x


Outside of December, hitting 2.2x (or even 2.1x) is considered really good legs for a top level opening (Shang-Chi was 2.13x, for example). But for  December debuts, both the holiday boost and the fact that people don't rush out as quickly knowing they have a 3-week window helps to inflate OW/OWeek ratios so much more than the rest of the year (especially true for the Wed before Xmas openings). Look no further than BP and RO, nearly identical numerically, even though no one would reasonably argue that they both had good/similar legs. For bigger openings, TGM is the non-December equivalent of OG Avatar


Avatwo is going to clear 3x, might even approach or technically beat TGM at 3.5x ... but for December openings, that's on par with/slightly head of Sherlock 2, (which coincidentally opened on the same Fri 12/16 calendar configuration in 2011). Make of those legs what you will

Edited by M37
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2 minutes ago, Alexdube said:

I'll take the silence as my answer



You can take the silence as I’m doing other things right now. quick look:

Incredibles 2 clearly would have been over 100 and I think ~4.5-5 range, overall I’d expect more impressive legs given the opening if dates were equal 

The dark Knight clearly over 100 and probably 4.5-5x legs, same overall opinions

Black Panther same as above 2

Finding Dory comfortably over 100 and over 5x imo

TS4 over 5x imo, ow equivalent is like 140 in June so probably clears 100 in December but not totally confident?

TS3 easy both

Shrek 2 very easily both

The jungle book over 5x, 100 unclear

 Wonder Woman would have been over 5x with this date, 100 seems tough

HP1 over 100 easily, 5x ish, overall more impressive with same date

Passion of the Christ easily both

Avatar 1 the most impressive obv

Incredibles 1 probably 5x ballpark, easily over 100

Finding Nemo easily both

Bruce Almighty looks big enough OW, 5x maybe

TPM easily both 

Monsters inc easily both

Signs probably ~5x, OW looks maybe

TS2 easily

how the grinch stole Christmas easily over 5x, 100 probably

Batman forever OW easily, 5x maybe

JP1 easily both

Meet the fockers easily both


Might have a couple midweek open false negatives there, tried to double check and remove ones that looked suspicious



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11 minutes ago, CJohn said:

And I want ass. Yet none of us will get what we want. :sadfleck:


Reality is often disappointing :whosad:for example, if i watch Jurassic Park i see dinosaurs and that means everything is right. But when i look at the real world, there are no dinosaurs eating people alive to my juvenile enjoyment roaming around freely and happily. Its a sad world to live in.


To achieve what we really want in life is to face the realization sometimes that its ... not easy.

Edited by Brainbug
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4 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


Reality is often disappointing :whosad:for example, if i watch Jurassic Park i see dinosaurs and that means everything is right. But when i look at the real world, there are no dinosaurs eating people alive to my juvenile enjoyment roaming around freely and happily. Its a sad world to live in.


To achieve what we really want in life is to face the realization sometimes that its ... not easy.

Who knows what will happen in the future in regards to dino's coming back. In fact i wouldnt be surprised if its already happened in some secret lab tucked away somewhere.

Edited by stuart360
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2 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


Reality is often disappointing :whosad:for example, if i watch Jurassic Park i see dinosaurs and that means everything is right. But when i look at the real world, there are no dinosaurs eating people alive to my juvenile enjoyment roaming around freely and happily. Its a sad world to live in.


To achieve what we really want in life is to face the realization sometimes that its ... not easy.

I mean dinosaurs are real. They just all happen to be in politics. HEY-OH

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5 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


Reality is often disappointing :whosad:for example, if i watch Jurassic Park i see dinosaurs and that means everything is right. But when i look at the real world, there are no dinosaurs eating people alive to my juvenile enjoyment roaming around freely and happily. Its a sad world to live in.


To achieve what we really want in life is to face the realization sometimes that its ... not easy.

Fuck, this shit is deep. It made me sad as well.

Sad I Feel You GIF by Studios 2016

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5 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


Reality is often disappointing :whosad:for example, if i watch Jurassic Park i see dinosaurs and that means everything is right. But when i look at the real world, there are no dinosaurs eating people alive to my juvenile enjoyment roaming around freely and happily. Its a sad world to live in.


To achieve what we really want in life is to face the realization sometimes that its ... not easy.

Or you just need to look into what the government has been hiding from you brother bug... Watching the Flintstones and reading the secret papers of S. berg on YouTube you see what they've been lying about the whole time. Monsters that make Trex look like a twig roaming the earth eating everyone in their path...collective amnesia... So many things have been hidden from us regarding these dinos from outer space, read the navy report on UFOs and see for yourself...

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11 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


Reality is often disappointing :whosad:for example, if i watch Jurassic Park i see dinosaurs and that means everything is right. But when i look at the real world, there are no dinosaurs eating people alive to my juvenile enjoyment roaming around freely and happily. Its a sad world to live in.


To achieve what we really want in life is to face the realization sometimes that its ... not easy.

This is your fantasy? giphy.webp?cid=6c09b95274ac9effa659dc027

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