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Eric the Minion

WGA/SAGAFTRA Strike Discussion Thread | SAG Ratifies Contract

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4 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

This is not remotely "nearly done." There's a distinct lack of credibility from the sources being cited. Please read the Deadline article below. Makes it clear that it isn't all over at all and that the talks are done for today. Deadline isn't reliable in and of itself but certainly more reliable than what is being tweeted. Could it end this weekend? Sure. But what is described below is the furthest thing from "imminent."




EDIT: Variety goes even further, mentions frustration and says that they will likely just be virtual sessions. Stop spreading false info.



The variety article you just posted said this: 


““At this time, we have no concrete information from any studio, but the writing is clearly on the wall that the industry shutdown is in its final days,” Akins wrote. “We are confident that our members will be returning to work within the next few weeks.”

Akins wrote that some productions have already started to reach out to department heads, and that production offices could open as soon as next week.” 

Studios being frustrated with the SAG power of bargain is not only expected but painfully obvious. Of course they’re pissed, that doesn’t mean they’re still thinking this could go further. 

You’re right, it’s not done. But even the trades are reporting optimism, they’re meeting consistently, it’s obviously coming to a good shape. It’s exactly what happened with WGA in the days before the deal, no reason for us to not being optimistic.

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Just now, ThomasNicole said:

The variety article you just posted said this: 


““At this time, we have no concrete information from any studio, but the writing is clearly on the wall that the industry shutdown is in its final days,” Akins wrote. “We are confident that our members will be returning to work within the next few weeks.”

Akins wrote that some productions have already started to reach out to department heads, and that production offices could open as soon as next week.” 

Studios being frustrated with the SAG power of bargain is not only expected but painfully obvious. Of course they’re pissed, that doesn’t mean they’re still thinking this could go further. 

You’re right, it’s not done. But even the trades are reporting optimism, they’re meeting consistently, it’s obviously coming to a good shape. It’s exactly what happened with WGA in the days before the deal, no reason for us to not being optimistic.

I am optimistic! Like I said,it seems more likely than not. But WGA came thissss close to blowing up completely. So until it is done, it isn't done.

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2 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

Even if the strike ends by Monday, which I admitted in my post is possible, I'm still right. There is still stuff left to work out and a deal is not in place. Doesn't mean one won't get done, as I clearly have said. In fact, it almost seems likely. But Sneider and your boy/possible main account Empire do not have information that the deal is done. No they do not, sorry. That is what I am saying and that is a fact. I did not say a deal won't get done. I said that as of today, Friday October 27th, it is not "done."

"possible main account" lol Jesus Christ.

Also, Sneider was a trade reporter and he's broken a ton of big stories in the past. And Sneider never said the deal was already done, he said that the basic frame works were already agreed upon and they're gonna spend the next couple days hashing out the details, hence a deal is "imminent".

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2 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:


You’re right, it’s not done. But even the trades are reporting optimism, they’re meeting consistently, it’s obviously coming to a good shape. It’s exactly what happened with WGA in the days before the deal, no reason for us to not being optimistic.

Yeah I get the desire to be cynical about it but geez. There are good signs right now, let people get excited about it now that things seem more likely and closer to be done than ever. If it all falls apart and we all get disappointed so be it but there's reason to be excited with how much things are mimicking the WGA deal pattern.

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2 minutes ago, 21C said:

"possible main account" lol Jesus Christ.

Also, Sneider was a trade reporter and he's broken a ton of big stories in the past. And Sneider never said the deal was already done, he said that the basic frame works were already agreed upon and they're gonna spend the next couple days hashing out the details, hence a deal is "imminent".

Jeff Sneider is one of the biggest clowns ever, so saying he's right sometimes is like saying Ryan Leaf had a couple of good games. Yeah I'm sorry for the shot about EC but I'm getting so sick of people hanging on the every word and defending that right wing, union-hating dude. I don't care if he disagrees with me on movies. His views are against my most fundamental beliefs about labor and the economy, and every time he is cited as a source it should come with a full  shaker of salt. His ideology biases his reporting enough that nothing he says on the strikes should be believed.  I can't wait for him to quote tweet this on his Twitter with another Ted Cruz style rant like he just did with Porthos. This will be my last post about it, anyway. We shall see how it all turns out.

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Just now, 21C said:

 but there's reason to be excited with how much things are mimicking the WGA deal pattern.


I think the point some of us are making is that there was about five days between the first rumors of a "done deal" on Tuesday night (I think it was Tue) and the actual announcement on Sunday Night on the WGA deal pattern.  With one very major public spat in between.


When it comes down to it, I think where folks are really pushing back is saying "ball is on the five yard line" is the same as "TOUCHDOWN!!!".


It is probably going to be done in the next few days.  That's great!  But unless a deal is announced in the next 12 hours I personally will say that these reports of a "done deal" (or even "all but done deal") are in fact premature.


No more, no less.

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Just now, Cmasterclay said:

Jeff Sneider is one of the biggest clowns ever, so saying he's right sometimes is like saying Ryan Leaf had a couple of good games. Yeah I'm sorry for the shot about EC but I'm getting so sick of people hanging on the every word and defending that right wing, union-hating dude. I don't care if he disagrees with me on movies. His views are against my most fundamental beliefs about labor and the economy, and every time he is cited as a source it should come with a full  shaker of salt. His ideology biases his reporting enough that nothing he says on the strikes should be believed.  I can't wait for him to quote tweet this on his Twitter with another Ted Cruz style rant like he just did with Porthos. This will be my last post about it, anyway. We shall see how it all turns out.

Sneider's  eccentric but that still doesn't deny his track record. He's broken a lot of big stories about big projects, whether you like it or not he has contacts. 

And yeah EC is an asshole but it's precisely the fact that he's an asshole that does lead me to believe he has studio contacts (aside from the fact that I think he was the first to call the WGA deal thing, even if he was off by a few days) since I can 100% believe that someone like him would be chummy with someone there, and seeing how he must own a movie theater or something the idea that he crossed paths with people like that seems believable to me. I don't think studio people would make friends with people that were more pro-labor, quite frankly. 

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1 minute ago, Porthos said:


I think the point some of us are making is that there was about five days between the first rumors of a "done deal" on Tuesday night (I think it was Tue) and the actual announcement on Sunday Night on the WGA deal pattern.  With one very major public spat in between.


When it comes down to it, I think where folks are really pushing back is saying "ball is on the five yard line" is the same as "TOUCHDOWN!!!".


It is probably going to be done in the next few days.  That's great!  But unless a deal is announced in the next 12 hours I personally will say that these reports of a "done deal" (or even "all but done deal") are in fact premature.


No more, no less.

There were 3 days. It was a Thursday when the rumors started coming out (September 21st) and then Sunday when the thing got done (September 24th) and the major spat that there was in the mean-time was about something that didn't even have anything to do with the basic framework they had indeed  agreed upon and which everyone was right in calling, and something that got resolved fairly quick. If the basic framework is already agreed upon like it was that time, then if something were to happen I also believe they'd deal with it quickly like the WGA did. 

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2 minutes ago, 21C said:

Sneider's  eccentric but that still doesn't deny his track record. He's broken a lot of big stories about big projects, whether you like it or not he has contacts. 

And yeah EC is an asshole but it's precisely the fact that he's an asshole that does lead me to believe he has studio contacts (aside from the fact that I think he was the first to call the WGA deal thing, even if he was off by a few days) since I can 100% believe that someone like him would be chummy with someone there, and seeing how he must own a movie theater or something the idea that he crossed paths with people like that seems believable to me. I don't think studio people would make friends with people that were more pro-labor, quite frankly. 

Sure. I can buy this. But that means every kernel of truth that he gives is going to come with a slant, right? Talks are progressing. That is the truth! But by framing that bit of truth as a "done deal," it is with the intent of making SAG look bad for "unreasonable demands" if things go south. So yeah, I don't think the guy has zero information. But I think he takes bits of truth and runs them through an ideological filter in a manipulative way. In this case, it is priming the pump to make SAG look bad again.

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I'm all for optimism but I do prefer it to have some better basis than a couple people's tweets. The platform just doesn't allow for the kind of nuance and substance you get from a Deadline or Variety article, even if they are AMPTP outlets. Everything Sneider says is aiming to get an emotion out of his audience, and I definitely don't like when negative rumors he floats make everyone anxious.



Edited by AniNate
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9 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

Sure. I can buy this. But that means every kernel of truth that he gives is going to come with a slant, right? Talks are progressing. That is the truth! But by framing that bit of truth as a "done deal," it is with the intent of making SAG look bad for "unreasonable demands" if things go south. So yeah, I don't think the guy has zero information. But I think he takes bits of truth and runs them through an ideological filter in a manipulative way. In this case, it is priming the pump to make SAG look bad again.

To me it's less about EC and whether he's right or wrong and more about the fact that him tweeting that means that some studio person told him that which right now, and based on the WGA last month, seems like a very positive sign. I don't really care if he's technically right about the deal being "officially" done or not, but the fact that someone is telling him it is a good sign to me, even if it's a sorta "false flag", it's still a good indication combined with the IATSE agent comments, Sneider's reporting and the fact they'll be meeting through the weekend like the WGA.

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I trust Sneider way more than I trust the fools at Deadline who love embellishing their stories. We saw their BS last night when they were foolishly insisting FNAF somehow only make 7m previews just so that they could do their unfunny "le overperformer" schtick despite every reputable source saying 10m. 

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4 minutes ago, AniNate said:

Sneider would be a much more respectable reporter if he weren't so defensive about his reporting.

He's probably the only reporter who has been fired from all the 4 trades and Collider. He must be a horrible person to be around when he gets angry or something for sure.

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Just now, Bob Train said:

I trust Sneider way more than I trust the fools at Deadline who love embellishing their stories. We saw their BS last night when they were foolishly insisting FNAF somehow only make 7m previews just so that they could do their unfunny "le overperformer" schtick despite every reputable source saying 10m. 


Yes, "bottles being popped around town" totally not an embellishment.

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5 minutes ago, grim22 said:

He's probably the only reporter who has been fired from all the 4 trades and Collider. He must be a horrible person to be around when he gets angry or something for sure.

Have Tried watching youtube videos of him on different shows.  He comes off so smug and smarmy and full of himself.

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