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Monday Est. Box Office MAD3 6.4, Prom 5.3, Snow White 2.7

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Noctis is a lot of things, but he's not a contrarian. He's a classic poster from BOM. Most of us know him and know what he's like. We know when to take him seriously and when not to.

He's usually fine, but from time to time just goes ... yeah, good word KB ... apeshit (mostly in his Potter defense.) :rofl:

He's nutz, and has the ability to act like a petulant 8-year-old, but he's Noctis. And we (most of us) love him. He certainly keeps things interesting and is often funny.

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Lol, so funny how a movie(Prometheus), thats not even a mega blockbuster, is generating so much conversation. Lovin it, even though most of it here is just bitching without a shred of intelligence. On some other sites like somethingawful.com, there are some awesome debates about this movie and tons of conclusions being discussed.

Obviously, you must be lacking some basic comprehension skills, because I never called Inception stupid. Inception is a finely crafted action flick, which is also very straightforward, and simple enough that most people can easily follow it and understand what is happening on screen. Inception also has this hip aura about it, similar to Apple products - people who use them think it makes them smart and cool.

Prometheus is not hip, it's an old school sci-fi.

Inception was designed to be a crowd pleaser. It's one of the most enjoyable films I ever watched.

I completely agree with this. Inception feels like its aimed at teenagers and early 20s, (the millennials). Prometheus feels like a scifi epic. Edited by Shpongle
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Lol, so funny how a movie(Prometheus), thats not even a mega blockbuster, is generating so much conversation. Lovin it, even though most of it here is just bitching without a shred of intelligence.

I am glad you think yourself smarter than all of us who didn't enjoy the movie. I actually feel a lot smarter for seeing through all the bullshit and can rest easy knowing that I am intelligent enough to have noticed most these glaring flaws myself.
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I know I'm going to regret this later, but I just can't resist just one.The funny thing about Potter, for those of us who haven't read the books, is, we are waiting to find out Potter's big secret. Why is Voldemort so threatened by him? Why is he the chosen one? Why is he so special? And then at the end of DH2 we find out that there is nothing special about him. He just was loved so much by his mommy that he became the chosen one. Talk about a huge fuck you to all of us. The entire story is a joke. IMO.

He was "chosen" by a prophecy. This is explained in the books and movies.You are right - he's not that special. He's very brave and quick-thinking and quickly learned great spells, but he is not exceptional. And the books kind of discuss the "why me" aspect of it all. However, that's also what made Potter so relatable - he was just an every day kid. Just as Spider-man was an every day kid until he was bitten. Just as Bruce Banner was an every day man (albeit, a very smart man) before he was exposed to massive radiation. Potter is not original - story lines were heavily borrowed from numerous sources. Rowling just found an unique way to present them.However, TA's success does not detract from the accomplishments of the Potter books or movies. I really don't get this arguing. I loved all the Potter books and most of the films (first film was a bit weak). I love TA movie. My IQ did not drop because I enjoyed it. It was an intelligently written story portraying the best - and worst - of all of the characters. It showed that united one is far more powerful than alone. That same theme is repeated endlessly in Potter as well. So not sure why there's this fighting.
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So not sure why there's this fighting.

Because it's Potter being pitted up against any movie and Noctis is a part of the forum. Fighting in this particular example is inevitable on boxoffice.com. Throw into the pot that Baumer is the poster on the other side of the fence, and you've got yourself a good old fashioned brawl.
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Oh God...I enjoyed HarryPotter movies (saw all of them in theatre, HP8 twice) but why confronting them to TheAvengers?Why saying "___"success doesn't diminish "___" success?My movie beats your movie, etc...Some are very insecure or what?I saw so many times these things on these boards (or BOM).

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My son and I have seen Avengers 6 times, and we can pretty much recite the whole movie by now. That requires some pretty "memorable" lines, I'd say. The only other movies I can recall that I can pretty much recite are Blazing Saddles, The Jerk, Arthur (the original, of course), and Die Hard. Memorable all! :)

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I am glad you think yourself smarter than all of us who didn't enjoy the movie. I actually feel a lot smarter for seeing through all the bullshit and can rest easy knowing that I am intelligent enough to have noticed most these glaring flaws myself.

If you've noticed, all the bitching is about small technicalities that there are easily explanations for. Almost none of the haters talk shit about the big unanswered questions in specifics because they were intentional other than "lululul this movie is stooped with plot holes!! wahhhh wtf happened to mah alien prequel!!!" Edited by Shpongle
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I don't personally think The Avengers is as memorable a movie as the other megablockbusters at the top of the list such as Titanic, Avatar, TDK, etc. Just a matter of preference though. Does it diminish it? Absolutely not. I don't understand these posters that say "it doesn't deserve what it made". Wtf is that? Course it does. It managed to capture the attention of millions upon millions of people so it absolutely deserves its success, despite personal preference.

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Was about 5.2% low for last week's guess for ta. Here's this week's guesses:T-1.5W-1.2H-1.3W/E-6.2I now don't see ta missing 600m. I know I'm late, but I'm here. Although, I don't think it'll happen until august.

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Was about 5.2% low for last week's guess for ta. Here's this week's guesses:T-1.5W-1.2H-1.3W/E-6.2I now don't see ta missing 600m. I know I'm late, but I'm here. Although, I don't think it'll happen until august.

You conveniently stayed away last week though after I told you it would go up on Tuesday and you were saying it won't. Turns out it was a mathematical certainty. :)
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Was about 5.2% low for last week's guess for ta. Here's this week's guesses:T-1.5W-1.2H-1.3W/E-6.2I now don't see ta missing 600m. I know I'm late, but I'm here. Although, I don't think it'll happen until august.

Yup. I don't think it missing 600 was in the cards after its second weekend hold.. It'll go beyond 600.
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If you've noticed, all the bitching is about small technicalities that there are easily explanations for. Almost none of the haters talk shit about the big unanswered questions in specifics because they were intentional other than "lululul this movie is stooped with plot holes!! wahhhh wtf happened to mah alien prequel!!!"

I must have missed the explanation for the two "scientists" that get lost. Please tell me what that was all about so I can stop hating this movie.
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By the way, it's threads like these that keep me coming back. I know they're off topic and people get annoyed with the wars, but damn it, this is some funny shit. Thanks Noctis and baumer. We need these every once in a while. I mean.. come on... how much can you say about a Monday hold?

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