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All three Star Wars prequels are good movies.


Marvel Studios has only made one really good film.


Desolation of Smaug and Battle of the Five Armies are both better than Return of the King.

Edited by treeroy
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I really enjoy all three Hobbit movies.


Gravity is overrated.


CA: TWS, while I really like it, isn't all that special IMO.


Man of Steel is awesome.


I don't know if that's really an unpopular opinion, but X-Men: DOFP is better than The Avengers (I still love TA though).

I agree with all of these, haven't seen X-Men though.

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I really enjoy all three Hobbit movies.


Gravity is overrated.


CA: TWS, while I really like it, isn't all that special IMO.


Man of Steel is awesome.


I don't know if that's really an unpopular opinion, but X-Men: DOFP is better than The Avengers (I still love TA though).

I actually agree with everything you said! :D

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You really should see it. In my opinion it's a terrific movie.

I'm not a massive fan of superhero movies, I've seen all the MCU ones but other than that, I can really take them or leave them. X-Men in particular has no appeal to me.

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I'm not a massive fan of superhero movies, I've seen all the MCU ones but other than that, I can really take them or leave them. X-Men in particular has no appeal to me.

I understand that. But X-Men is not really like the MCU IMO. It's more serious and actually has some meaningful things to say. The basic concept is that the X-Men are mutants who are treated as outcasts by normal humans. One group (the X-Men) tries to peacefully communicate with the humans, while another group, led by Magneto, wants the humans to be eradicated. You could see the handling of the mutants as an analogy to how gay or black people were or still are treated in some areas. So I think the X-Men franchise is actually closer to The Dark Knight Trilogy than to the MCU in terms of the deepness of the general plot. Sure there's some action and humor sprinkled in, but not as much as say The Avengers. You should at least watch the first three X-Men movies and First Class before you see DOFP though or otherwise you might get lost in the story. Sorry if I gave you too much information about the X-Men franchise, but I wanted to explain you its basic idea. :)

Edited by miketheavenger
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I understand that. But X-Men is not really like the MCU IMO. It's more serious and actually has some meaningful things to say. The basic concept is that the X-Men are mutants who are treated as outcasts by normal humans. One group (the X-Men) tries to peacefully communicate with the humans, while another group, led by Magneto, wants the humans to be eradicated. You could see the handling of the mutants as an analogy to how gay or black people were or still are treated in some areas. So I think the X-Men franchise is actually closer to The Dark Knight Trilogy than to the MCU in terms of the deepness of the general plot. Sure there's some action and humor sprinkled in, but not as much as say The Avengers. You should at least watch the first three X-Men movies and First Class before you see DOFP though or otherwise you might get lost in the story. Sorry if I gave you too much information about the X-Men franchise, but I wanted to explain you its basic idea. :)

No, no, that's actually really interesting. I had always ignored X-Men, just looked a bit boring to me, but if they actually have some depth then I might well watch them. Being in a minority group myself, I'm sure I can relate.


Thanks! No one's ever really explained it like that to me, I just figured it was another franchise of action-superhero films that happened to have a good cast. :P

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No, no, that's actually really interesting. I had always ignored X-Men, just looked a bit boring to me, but if they actually have some depth then I might well watch them. Being in a minority group myself, I'm sure I can relate.


Thanks! No one's ever really explained it like that to me, I just figured it was another franchise of action-superhero films that happened to have a good cast. :P

You're welcome. I can't guarantee you that you'll like these movies, but there's certainly a chance you will.

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Her was one of the weakest flm of 2013.

Completely disposable hipster bullshit.

Music by Arcade Fire :rolleyes: , how much Pitchfork can you fucking get really ?

Can't believe people were actually considering giving something to Scarjo for her "performance" in this insignificant piece of celluloid.

The Ikea production design from 2034 was horrendous.

And Joaquin Phoenix seems to have trouble with smiles, you could see how he struggled with them.


12 y a slave is a nice BBC telefilm.

The real movie about slavery is called Django Unchained.

Thank you for asking.


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