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Phil in the Blank

Unpopular movie opinions.

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X-Men: Days of Future Past  - sucked balls. How do you have a movie about sentinels that only show up in the last five minutes, only fight 2 mutants (including a BONE clawed Wolverine - LAME) then turn into Magneto gun turrets. 


I hated it. HATED IT.  HaaaaaAAAAATTTTEEeeeDDDD    iiiiiIIITTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!


You are so, so wrong. I bet you didn't even like GODZILLA either.

Edited by Telemachos
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You are so, so wrong. I bet you didn't even like GODZILLA either.

Which one? The one where he comes out of the ocean to destroy a city while the military looks on helplessly  - or - The one where he comes out of the ocean to destroy a city while the military looks on helplessly???


HAHAHAHAHA. You are in fact wrong my good sir. I didn't NOT like Godzilla. I was only apathetically MEH about Godzilla.


So there.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Only part of the movie I actually really liked because it was so ridiculous I laughed out loud. I didn't hate it but I was just totally underwhelmed. 


DOFP on the other hand was a steaming pile. Mostly because of all the sentinel HYPE that was a LIE. A damned dirty LIE. I've been waiting for a Sentinel/X-Men show down since the rumors swirled after X1 and I got 5 minutes of half assed practical props on wires and some BS crap of them shooting cop cars? It was one of the biggest let downs in CBM's. I could bitch for days about DOFP but I don't want to get booted to another thread.



So in keeping with the thread topic -------- I think Michael Bay is a cinematic genius!!!!






Oh man I can't keep a straight face on that last part. HAHAHAH. Devastator had giant robot balls. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Edited by Rufus Magillicutty
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Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises were just good movies and not really great. The Dark Knight (alone) is one of the best ever.


X-men: Days of Future Past was a bit boring and had only one good action sequence.


Mystic River is terribly over-rated.


Colin Farrell's Total Recall reboot wasn't that bad. Neither was Waterworld.


Godzilla wasn't very good. It was just average.


Blade Runner is over rated.


Thor 2 was a terrible movie (I don't think that's controversial though).


Star Wars:Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith are actually good movies.


Spider-man 3 wasn't that bad. Neither was Iron man 2.


Alien 3 was a great movie.

Edited by Deathlife
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Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises were just good movies and not really great. The Dark Knight (alone) is one of the best ever.


X-men: Days of Future Past was a bit boring and had only one good action sequence.


Mystic River is terribly over-rated.


Colin Farrell's Total Recall reboot wasn't that bad. Neither was Waterworld.


Godzilla wasn't very good. It was just average.


Blade Runner is over rated.


Thor 2 was a terrible movie (I don't think that's controversial though).


Star Wars:Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith are actually good movies.


Spider-man 3 wasn't that bad. Neither was Iron man 2.


Alien 3 was a great movie.

Most of those are far from unpopular opinions. ROTS is generally well-liked, most people seem to think TDKR sucked, no one likes Thor 2, etc. :)

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Only part of the movie I actually really liked because it was so ridiculous I laughed out loud. I didn't hate it but I was just totally underwhelmed.

DOFP on the other hand was a steaming pile. Mostly because of all the sentinel HYPE that was a LIE. A damned dirty LIE. I've been waiting for a Sentinel/X-Men show down since the rumors swirled after X1 and I got 5 minutes of half assed practical props on wires and some BS crap of them shooting cop cars? It was one of the biggest let downs in CBM's. I could bitch for days about DOFP but I don't want to get booted to another thread.

So in keeping with the thread topic -------- I think Michael Bay is a cinematic genius!!!!


Oh man I can't keep a straight face on that last part. HAHAHAH. Devastator had giant robot balls. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Eh... I didn't know what a sentinal was going into the movie. They seemed pretty lame to me. Love the movie though.

As for Bay, he is the bead behind the greatest film of all time.

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