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Weekend Estimates: TMB @ 13M, PROM @ 20.2M, ROA @ 15M, MAD3 @ 35.5M

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Sandler is so hurt by your comment behind your computer.

He s filthy fucking rich, has french kissed every Hollywood starlet of the last 15 years and make the movies exactly the way he wants.

Adam Sandler looses at life.

Awww... you must really like him, huh? I'm sure he'll be OK now, with you rushing to his defense... with your comments, behind your computer, lol. I'm sure those superficial achievements you listed are the goal of all serious actors in Hollywood, too. In fact, I think Leo D. & Christian B. have both been quoted as saying something similar. :rolleyes:

BTW, would you mind listing "every starlet of the last 15 years" & how you've come to know that he actually french-kissed them? 'Cause DAMN, that's GROSS!!!

Edited by Sin Graft
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Sandler can't do R-rated movies. Funny People should have proved that. They take away too much of his fanbase. Didn't help that this one looked terrible, too. Definitely on the low end for ROA's potential too. I'm guessing reviews killed it.

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In fact, I think Leo D. & Christian B. have both been quoted as saying something similar. :rolleyes:

two different type of actors. why compare? i've yet to see dicaprio and bale in a comedy. it's not that easy to pull it off. it's harder to make people laugh than cry imo. comedies and comedian are underrated
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two different type of actors. why compare? i've yet to see dicaprio and bale in a comedy. it's not that easy to pull it off. it's harder to make people laugh than cry imo. comedies and comedian are underrated

Considering that good comedy scripts are few and far between, no wonder they don`t bother. Seriously, when you think of it, biggest crap is constantly coming from comedy (any type - romcom, slapstic).
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This summer is truly becoming "The Summer of The Avengers and...Pretty Much Nothing Else."

Sort of like 2010 was the summer of Pixar and Nolan and nothing else (even though Iron Man and Twilight still made 300 million), it seems like 2012 will be the summer of Marvel and Nolan and nothing else (even if/when Spider-Man and Brave do well). Sad thing is that we're running out of small films that can actually break out. A lot is riding on Ted and Magic Mike, I think both can outperform expectations.
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It is still really early and we have weekend numbers already? I'll wait for something more official, before writing either TMB or ROA off completely.Sandler has been cruising along on the success and goodwill of his older films and with every new release we see his grosses become less impressive. Releasing R rated movies when your main audience is families just isn't a smart move, it could even turn your family audience away from your films. I think Sandler had very little to do with Grown Ups success, that one is a strike in the win column for Kevin James.ROA also tanking which isn't overly surprising, the marketing just wasn't appealing.As to 'what is going wrong this summer?' absolutely nothing, I think it is going pretty damn well, the studios have served us up with a whole lot of crap and audiences re rejecting which makes me happy, BS & DS have outright bombed and we can know add ROA and TMB to this group, and films that are said to be enjoyable or have mixed reviews like MIB3, SW&TH & Prometheus has done very respectable numbers while the well reviewed films that looked the most appealing have done fantastic numbers like TA and Madagascar.

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two different type of actors. why compare? i've yet to see dicaprio and bale in a comedy. it's not that easy to pull it off. it's harder to make people laugh than cry imo. comedies and comedian are underrated

'Cause I think what they do is infinitely harder than what Sandler has done/does... which is the same stuff he did back in his SNL days... which was basically playing himself, or slightly different versions thereof. AND I don't find his "brand" of comedy funny, at all, just stupidly simple & simply stupid. There ARE good comedians out there, he's just not one of them, IMHO. To each their own, whatev, but sorry... didn't realize people were so sensitive on here.
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I love comedy in Tarantino movies. Landa character is tons funnier than Sandler, disturbing funny but funny none the less. Leo also looks totally retarded in the best way possible in Django trailers. So "serious" actors can do comedy except that they don`t do it in the lowest level movies.

Edited by fishnets
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There's nothing cryptic or mysterious about ROA flopping. People just aren't into Tom Cruise rolling around to shitty music. Same for TMB except it's funny that only now are people catching on to Adam Sandler's complete lack of talent.

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'Cause I think what they do is infinitely harder than what Sandler has done/does... which is the same stuff he did back in his SNL days... which was basically playing himself, or slightly different versions thereof. AND I don't find his "brand" of comedy funny, at all, just stupidly simple & simply stupid. There ARE good comedians out there, he's just not one of them, IMHO. To each their own, whatev, but sorry... didn't realize people were so sensitive on here.

I agree with the playing himself part, especially in his last 5-6 movies. He wasn't even trying anymore. Just the exact same character in different poorly written scenarios.
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Punch-Drunk Love is the only movie where Adam Sandler doesn't make me want to shoot myself. Granted, I haven't seen most of his 'comedies' of the last few years, but I don't think I really need to.

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I generally don't find Sandler funny at all, but I liked him in ZOHAN. There was something so endearing and innocent about the character.

I liked Zohan too. Probably his best movie( Okay tied with Anger Management) since Punch-Drunk Love.
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... except it's funny that only now are people catching on to Adam Sandler's complete lack of talent.

Brav-O! That sums it up nicely!I also agree w/Fishnets on the merits of a witty, more high brow humor. I kinda graduated past the fart & burp jokes quite a while ago. But again, to each their own, no skin off my ass. Whatever makes you laugh & gets ya thru the day, is fine by me.
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