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2 minutes ago, JustLurking said:

If Japan clicks as well asian markets could carry this film to profitability 👀


for the love of god disney no quick d+ window

WOM is really strong across the board on the film so I suspect that will carry over to Japan. Pixar tends to do well over there (Lightyear aside, which did badly everywhere).

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1 minute ago, LegionWrex said:


WOM is really strong across the board on the film so I suspect that will carry over to Japan. Pixar tends to do well over there (Lightyear aside, which did badly everywhere).

it has a good date and it sounds like a film that might just do really well in japan yep. but if disney puts it on d+ quickly they'll kill it.

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6 minutes ago, JustLurking said:

it has a good date and it sounds like a film that might just do really well in japan yep. but if disney puts it on d+ quickly they'll kill it.

Thankfully it seems like Disney is letting it's films breathe a bit. Ant-Man took until the middle of May to hit Disney+ and both Guardians and TLM don't have Disney+ dates yet (probably August/September for both). So my guess is if Elemental doesn't hit until late September/early October it should be fine for the most part.

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25 minutes ago, IronJimbo & Sheldon's Son said:

100k admissions passed and I reckon there's still all the evening and late showings to come


Yeah, it's sitting at 51k CGV now, should atleast reach 58k today. CGV ratio has been 45.5% - 46% on average this week (last friday it was 44%). Using this weeks CGV ratio we get something like 126-127.4k, but even with a bad CGV ratio of 50% we still get 116k...

With a good evening push it might get 60k.

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2 hours ago, LegionWrex said:

Thankfully it seems like Disney is letting it's films breathe a bit. Ant-Man took until the middle of May to hit Disney+ and both Guardians and TLM don't have Disney+ dates yet (probably August/September for both). So my guess is if Elemental doesn't hit until late September/early October it should be fine for the most part.


Elemental is releasing in August in Japan, so even October would be way too early unless they do region specific dates (at minimum, a 6 month window for Japan). Japan is a special case where audiences don't mind waiting many months to watch a film, so they will happily wait to watch for free on Disney+ if the window is reasonable enough.

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33 minutes ago, JustLurking said:

You know the hourly update is cgv and not kobis, right? You're looking at presales lol

Yeah I know those numbers are mot live and are further ahead of the hourly, I'm just noting them down so I can compare them again with future dates, though that will depend on how often kobis updates.

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5 minutes ago, IronJimbo & Sheldon's Son said:

Yeah I know those numbers are mot live and are further ahead of the hourly, I'm just noting them down so I can compare them again with future dates, though that will depend on how often kobis updates.

Kobis is real-time updates, but you're just looking at presales for the next days (still important), those numbers aren't for the current day


it also has daily numbers but they only post them when the day ends

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On 12/13/2022 at 7:46 AM, LegionGPT said:

Some links for those new to market (or casual followers (or rusty)):

hourly CGV sales for current day are here — https://m.cgv.co.kr/WebAPP/MovieV4/movieList.aspx?iPage=1&Seq=86072&mtype=now&morder=TicketRate&mnowflag=0 (updates ~XX20-XX25)

EOD all market figures posted here — https://www.kobis.or.kr/kobis/business/stat/boxs/findDailyBoxOfficeList.do (updates 0000 but adjusts upward slightly as counts finalize with most of movement by 0100 or so)

sheet with historical comparisons, some stats of interest, and (often) hourly/daily projections here — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mpf92NunqhPZOQkYsA3479cMmcBW80Dn0cK8HjlN0v8/edit (updates whenever relevant people are conscious and get around to it)


Will keep sheet access among small pool for now but feel free to note any relevant values that don’t seem to be getting updated in the thread or in your own records and we can patch them in. If anyone shows a particular passion you can probably get access pretty fast if you want it.


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11 minutes ago, LegionGPT said:

That is surely not updated real time… right? I wonder if they update at 22:00 or something to give a preliminary figure


Probably preliminary since I haven't seen any changes in the last 1/2 hour.


Edit:  Due to collection period and processing time, the statistics collected after midnight will be updated until the morning of the following day.

Edited by TalismanRing
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Oh I see the confusion now, i was also looking at KoBiz (not kobis), if you alter the url you can see daily figures before the finalized number at the end of the day even though the calendar on the site itself won't let you see it 




It's not real time, it typically updates every few hours.

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Much better internal multi than last friday, even better walk ups than the past few days. Seems lik 3.20pm was the midpoint (had been a bit before that so far. 61k CGV should give us around 133k? So up over 80% on yesterday and over 60% on last friday?

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