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Shawn Robbins

The Dark Knight Rises


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  1. 1. Grade The Dark Knight Rises

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Will post a full review later, but for now this was an A+ for me.Incredible film experience this was. Seen it twice now in real IMAX, going to see it a few more times. Personally it was a better film than TDK for me.

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I still wonder how or why Nolan ever went with the voice he did with Bane. I mean it really sucked in the prologue because I couldn't understand a word, but now it just sounds hilarious, and I don't think that is a good thing when a villian is supposed to be menacing.By the way, does anyone have a run down of everything Bane says in the movie. I've seen it three times and there is still 5% of stuff I don't understand what he says.
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I've completely drunk the Nolan-ade (or is it Hardy-ade) when it comes to his voice. I love it, there's such a disconnect between the lilt of his voice and the glare in his eyes, and he sounds so confident and secure with what he's saying and doing... how could anyone defeat him?

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I've completely drunk the Nolan-ade (or is it Hardy-ade) when it comes to his voice. I love it, there's such a disconnect between the lilt of his voice and the glare in his eyes, and he sounds so confident and secure with what he's saying and doing... how could anyone defeat him?

Me too. I love it. He's Banespeare :D
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Here are a series of random thoughts I had during and after TDKR, in no particular order:Is Batman wearing mascara under the mask?Why am I crying at a Batman movie? (that passage from Tale of Two Cities always gets me)This new suit looks awful.Bane's voice: It sounds like they ADR'd it in from the next room.Why didn't Bane just kill all those cops living under the city for months rather than risk them returning? And what did they live on? And shave with?Why is Alfred crying all the time?Why is Alfred quitting?! No way would FRIGGIN' ALFRED do that!Bruce ending up with Catwoman wasn't earned. Yeah she was hot, but there's nothing in the first two acts of the movie to imply they'll live happily ever after... at least not together.Having Bruce do nothing but mope and limp around his house for 8 years after TDK takes away from him as a hero. The second film ends with Batman doing something hugely heroic, he takes the blame for Dent's crimes, and will go on fighting the good fight, defending a city that hates him. Except at the start of the third one we find out he didn't do that.Bane's plan is ludicrous. It feels like something from a first draft that somehow got filmed by mistake. Let's break down the stupidity:The stock market plot:The idea that a group of terrorists would burst into a stock exchange and add a virus (or whatever that was) into a laptop, which would then bankrupt someone - is nuts! As soon as they entered the building trading would be suspended; all strange-looking trades at that time would be investigated, and the obviously shady "Bane bankrupts Wayne" trades would be deleted.If Bane really wanted to get Wayne off the board so he could get that reactor, I would recommend either a. hiring a hacker to do the job, in a low profile, no guns and hostages type way, or b. kill Bruce Wayne. Probably b.It all hinges on the idea that Bruce will be forced to give Talia the reactor when he's bankrupt. But why do Bane and Talia need the reactor? Wouldn't any WMD suffice as long as the city is successfully held to ransom/blown up because of it?The bomb:Here's where Bane's motives become muddled. He keeps on giving cliched speeches about the proletariat rising up against big money and corrupt corporations, which is great and I'd totally support. So based on that, we would have assume he's a revolutionary who wants to 'free' Gotham - especially as he's been given no other specific character motivations in the movie up to this point. Yet it turns out he's just another baddie who wants to blow up a city. So why bother with all the political rhetoric?Also: maybe he should have chosen a bomb that didn't take FIVE MONTHS to detonate. Just a thought.The Talia reveal:That was a scene straight out a daytime soap. She's hardly in the film - and totally forgettable those rare occasions she is - and then apparently she was the real villain after all. Thus neutering Bane (who rather than being the brilliant brawny mega-villain, is just the muscle) and also stopping the movie for five minutes of exposition, right when the movie needed to fly.It would have been better if she wasn't in the film at all. Take her pointless 15 minutes and flesh out Cat and Bat's relationship so the final twist of them in Florence feels more earned.Stuff I liked:Catwoman. She had good energy and brought much needed levity. Also had great chemistry with Bruce.Blake. I wonder whether adding an origin story to the trilogy capper is over-egging it, but he did a good job. Brought heart to the film.The music. Really added power - especially the scene with Bruce trying to climb out the prison. Probably my favourite moment in the film.Bane vs Batman 1: the second fight was less good. The first one though was phenomenal, intense, painful. I doubt I'll want to re-watch the scene too often though.The visuals. It looks great, inevitably. Wally Pfister. What a dude.The ending: apart from the silly Robin moment, and showing Cat and Bat in the cafe (it should have just been Alfred's face in shock, then the beginning of a smile), it was effective and moving. I imagine for people who didn't like Blake it would be a problem though.Overall grade: C.

Edited by yads
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I still wonder how or why Nolan ever went with the voice he did with Bane. I mean it really sucked in the prologue because I couldn't understand a word, but now it just sounds hilarious, and I don't think that is a good thing when a villian is supposed to be menacing.By the way, does anyone have a run down of everything Bane says in the movie. I've seen it three times and there is still 5% of stuff I don't understand what he says.

"It's a risk, because we could be laughed at — or it could be very fresh and exciting." -Tom Hardy
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yads: Bane's whole point was to make Gotham suffer, to descend into anarchy but have the faintest hope they'd get out of it okay. Hence the long, drawn-out affair. His speeches were just to incite the citizens to become part of the whole Reign of Terror -- he didn't give a shit about them, nor was he a revolutionary at all.adim: Banespeare! :rofl: Love it!

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One thing I liked about this one compared to the previous two: nowhere near as much annoying "extra" dialogue. In BB it was the water main guys talking about how everything was "gonna blow," etc. and in TDK it was the "no more dead cops," "he should turn himself in," and "that's not good" SWAT guy.

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Blake's origin story was necessary. The legend of the Batman must continue to be preserved, even if it's not the same man (Bruce) doing it. TDKR fulfills the "you become something else entirely... a legend" promise.

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Here are a series of random thoughts I had during and after TDKR, in no particular order:Is Batman wearing mascara under the mask?Why am I crying at a Batman movie? (that passage from Tale of Two Cities always gets me)This new suit looks awful.Bane's voice: It sounds like they ADR'd it in from the next room.Why didn't Bane just kill all those cops living under the city for months rather than risk them returning? And what did they live on? And shave with?Why is Alfred crying all the time?Why is Alfred quitting?! No way would FRIGGIN' ALFRED do that!Bruce ending up with Catwoman wasn't earned. Yeah she was hot, but there's nothing in the first two acts of the movie to imply they'll live happily ever after... at least not together.Having Bruce do nothing but mope and limp around his house for 8 years after TDK takes away from him as a hero. The second film ends with Batman doing something hugely heroic, he takes the blame for Dent's crimes, and will go on fighting the good fight, defending a city that hates him. Except at the start of the third one we find out he didn't do that.Bane's plan is ludicrous. It feels like something from a first draft that somehow got filmed by mistake. Let's break down the stupidity:The stock market plot:The idea that a group of terrorists would burst into a stock exchange and add a virus (or whatever that was) into a laptop, which would then bankrupt someone - is nuts! As soon as they entered the building trading would be suspended; all strange-looking trades at that time would be investigated, and the obviously shady "Bane bankrupts Wayne" trades would be deleted.If Bane really wanted to get Wayne off the board so he could get that reactor, I would recommend either a. hiring a hacker to do the job, in a low profile, no guns and hostages type way, or b. kill Bruce Wayne. Probably b.It all hinges on the idea that Bruce will be forced to give Talia the reactor when he's bankrupt. But why do Bane and Talia need the reactor? Wouldn't any WMD suffice as long as the city is successfully held to ransom/blown up because of it?The bomb:Here's where Bane's motives become muddled. He keeps on giving cliched speeches about the proletariat rising up against big money and corrupt corporations, which is great and I'd totally support. So based on that, we would have assume he's a revolutionary who wants to 'free' Gotham - especially as he's been given no other specific character motivations in the movie up to this point. Yet it turns out he's just another baddie who wants to blow up a city. So why bother with all the political rhetoric?Also: maybe he should have chosen a bomb that didn't take FIVE MONTHS to detonate. Just a thought.The Talia reveal:That was a scene straight out a daytime soap. She's hardly in the film - and totally forgettable those rare occasions she is - and then apparently she was the real villain after all. Thus neutering Bane (who rather than being the brilliant brawny mega-villain, is just the muscle) and also stopping the movie for five minutes of exposition, right when the movie needed to fly.It would have been better if she wasn't in the film at all. Take her pointless 15 minutes and flesh out Cat and Bat's relationship so the final twist of them in Florence feels more earned.Stuff I liked:Catwoman. She had good energy and brought much needed levity. Also had great chemistry with Bruce.Blake. I wonder whether adding an origin story to the trilogy capper is over-egging it, but he did a good job. Brought heart to the film.The music. Really added power - especially the scene with Bruce trying to climb out the prison. Probably my favourite moment in the film.Bane vs Batman 1: the second fight was less good. The first one though was phenomenal, intense, painful. I doubt I'll want to re-watch the scene too often though.The visuals. It looks great, inevitably. Wally Pfister. What a dude.The ending: apart from the silly Robin moment, and showing Cat and Bat in the cafe (it should have just been Alfred's face in shock, then the beginning of a smile), it was effective and moving. I imagine for people who didn't like Blake it would be a problem though.Overall grade: C.

I agree with almost all your points, but I actually didn't think Blake being Robin was silly. But, this being the third and last film and all, I do question whether an origin story was appropriate that seemed to have just as much time devoted to it as Bruce's story.
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yads: Bane's whole point was to make Gotham suffer, to descend into anarchy but have the faintest hope they'd get out of it okay. Hence the long, drawn-out affair. His speeches were just to incite the citizens to become part of the whole Reign of Terror -- he didn't give a shit about them, nor was he a revolutionary at all.adim: Banespeare! :rofl: Love it!

You've nailed Bane's motivation perfectly! It just doesn't work in the film! :)
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I think Blake got way too much screen time considering how little his character had to do, but I could almost buy him as a Robin despite how cheesy that sounds in general. But Blake as Batman? The dude is a shrimp! It would be right up there with Orlando Bloom playing a great warrior/blacksmith in the crusades!

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I think Blake got way too much screen time considering how little his character had to do, but I could almost buy him as a Robin despite how cheesy that sounds in general. But Blake as Batman? The dude is a shrimp! It would be right up there with Orlando Bloom playing a great warrior/blacksmith in the crusades!

Glad they made him Robin. Would have been pretty mad at the ending if it was just implied that he becomes Batman.
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Alfred leaving is unthinkable, that is why he did it. To make Bruce realize he doesn't need to be Batman. It was one of the biggest prices Bruce would have to pay to continue.I read somewhere hat the suit actually didn't change much from TDK. But need to check on that.I thought the absence of batman was based on an arc in the comics? Batman became obsolete when the dent act was enacted and pretty much ended the reign of organized crime ( the main goal of batman in the past two movies).The bomb, I thought, is used from the energy source to torment Bruce even more since he is the one who approved the reactor. In that sense, the blood of millions are on Bruce's hands.5months are used somewhat poorly, I agree (it was essentially used to have enough time for rice to heal and return). But I figured 5 months is used as a false hope for the people of Gotham (they don't it's a time bomb), and also nuclear decay does indeed take time to become unstable. It's almost impossible to make it into a instant atomic bomb.Both selina and rice have clean slate, a new life. Seriously, after knowing what Bruce did, I'd go homo for bruce (jk... But he was fu(kin heroic to the point of awesomeness)Talia-story became more tolerable and actually more citing after viewing for the second time. Though it should be been better if it was clear just from the first viewing.I understand some of the complaints, and his film is not flawless, but it was an amazing movie for me.I'm sure some people can explain a lot better than me, but this is my take.Sorry this is from iPhone so my writing might suck.

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Also, taking away his wealth is used to take away Bruce's power since his wealth in a sense is his superpower (other than his deductive skills as well as his skills he learned from the league of shadows).They really meant to take away everything from him (so he can rise above that too).For me, I just really loved this film.

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One thing I liked about this one compared to the previous two: nowhere near as much annoying "extra" dialogue. In BB it was the water main guys talking about how everything was "gonna blow," etc. and in TDK it was the "no more dead cops," "he should turn himself in," and "that's not good" SWAT guy.

Totally agree with this. I was expecting at least one or two annoying lines by cops/bystanders, but I didn't think there were any. I remember someone online complaining about the guy in the stock market's line about there being no money to steal there, but I liked that line.
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Totally agree with this. I was expecting at least one or two annoying lines by cops/bystanders, but I didn't think there were any. I remember someone online complaining about the guy in the stock market's line about there being no money to steal there, but I liked that line.

I didn't mind that line. There are plenty of similar lines in TDK that no one complained about. Hell, the banker's dialogue in the TDK heist is a lot worse than the stock exchange guy in TDKR. TDK banker is more long-winded. The TDKR line is a quick one and it sets up a good comeback from Bane. "Then why are you people here?" Love it, haha.
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