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Shawn Robbins

The Dark Knight Rises


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The amount of nitpicking is pathetic. Some of the comments are make the poster a childish hater if that small detail can put someone off. Let's see shall we.

imo the plot twist did not work.

Me and my friends would have rather performed an all powerful Bane instead.

It did work. Talia was in control all the time. Without her the film would have been flawed with plot holes. Bane always appeared the right time and gained inside information, if it wasn't for Talia it would have made sense.

When a character with very little screen time becomes the villain pretty much out of nowhere late in the film and then dies shortly thereafter it's never going to work. I mean seriously how much time elapsed between her being promoted upon Bane's anti-climatic death and her 'should have asked for another take' death scene? 15 mins?

She did have a lot of screen time. In fact she was everywhere. She din't have as much screen time as Bane and Catwoman, but she had way more act than them in the film. She was at the ballet, she was the board meeting taking over Wayne Enterprises, she appeared at Wayne Manor for some quality time with Bruce to gain his trust, she was there when Bane took over the fusion control and intervened and convinced Fox to give in for his fingerprints, she was there to rat the special force to Bane, who sneaked in to help, she was there when Bruce came back, she was there when Gordon had a word with Foley, she gained Gordon's trust and took part tracking the track, so she was in control over that attempt as well, she was there when Batman beat up Bane in the second fight, she then took over the villain part and had some action scenes. Not to mention the plenty of flashback scenes. She didn't have many screen time, but her character was involved in the most events.

Incidentally, the Red Letter Media guys have reviewed TDKR. They liked the movie, but I was more interested when they talked about the nature of criticising plot holes which is of course a recurring aspect in the reception of Nolan's movies. They came to the same conclusion as Gopher actually - if the movie emotionally resonated you, you won't care about them. If it didn't, you're more conscious of their existence.

Perhaps a good example of this is when Bruce returns to Gotham. They don't even try and explain how he made the journey and got into the city, but for me it's ok because the point of the scene is enjoying Selina's reaction. If its function strikes an emotional chord I'll forgive just about any plot hole.

Seriously, it's not a SM film when you have to mention 5 times that the killer has star tattoo. We saw Bruce escaping and then the story cut to final day, so he had weeks to make the journey. What do you want to see. Bruce drinking tequila during a 12 flight to home? I ddin;'t hear people demanding to see Hulk's journey back to NY?

1. Bane's final fight - Im sorry but for someone who managed to break batman without breaking a sweat, he didnt really put up a good fight at the end. Batman managed to kick his ass quite easily which was just stupid and what does the big evil muscle bound Bane do when he's beaten? he cries his eyes out lol.

2. The Nuke - The countdown on the bomb had a mind of its own. one stage its on 11.30 minutes. After this there's about 10 minutes off footage, Miranda is able to leave Bane and Batman, get on a Batmobile, dodge some incoming fire, then jumps onto the truck with the nuke about 2 miles down the street. According to the timer it had only gone down 50 seconds :wacko: Then the timer goes down by 5 minutes without anything happening lol. Then when Batman finally copies Iron Man by flying the nuke away for the city to avoid destruction, there is 5 seconds left on the timer, so realistically Batman is fucked, but no. Somehow he manages to escape the 6 mile radius explosion which judging from my calculation means he would have had to travel 2250 mph to escape lol. I know he got the auto pilot fixed but they were still stupid enough to show batman in the Batwing with 5 seconds left. That is lazy film-making right there. Also when the automic bomb went off, it didnt look like a 6 mile blast radius seeing as they were probably about 2 miles offshore.

3. Robin - What is the need in ending the trilogy on the hint of JGL as Robin?? Isnt this meant to be a conclusion where everything is tied up? clearly not.

4. Missed Opportunites - Im suprised they didnt do an emotionally satisfying scene in which Gotham realised that Bruce Wayne is Batman. This could have been done so well and seeing as its a conclusion it would have fit right in, but for some reason they didnt.

If im wrong on any of my theories, so if i have missed something in the film, then feel free to tell me what.

1. It was a good fight. Bruce was unprepared in the first fight as Alfred pointed out, that's why Bane beat him easily

2. We don't see Bruce jumping out, so we can't assume that he was there in the final seconds. The camera zooms at the countdown but we can't see him there. It leaves it to the audience imagination, he could have jumped out 40 seconds before the detonation and leave it autopilot.

3. He's not Robin. That's he's real name, so he's clearly not going to be called as Robin. It was a nice inside joke from Nolan.

4. The point is that Batman could be anybody, revealing that it's Bruce Wayne kills the symbol.

My biggest gripe, I guess, was the timeline. And I'm not talking about sudden sunset at stock-heist. Just the way time went by so quick. It was five months, then all of a sudden there's 29 days left, and in the next scene the bomb goes off in approximately 12 hours. What the hell?? It just seemed like he didn't care to set that sensibly, and also I found it hard to believe that Gordon, Blake etc could freely run around the city that whole time plotting against Bane's people without detection. In broad daylight. Watching the patrols drive by. The fuck?

The timeline was fine. They jumped from five month to the last day by showing Bruce's healing and climb. If they were to show everything in Gotham, the film would have been 4 hours long. Bane shut down the whole police department, there were only a dozen of cops in a 12 million city. Plus we didn't need to hunt them down as there was Talia, who got the info and became an insider. Remember they caught Gordon when they nearly got the truck at some point.

The bomb plot was probably my biggest issue, and really the only 'big' issue I have so far after one viewing.

I like the disturbing scenario that surrounded it - the city left to rot with no help from the government - but to then go from that to "there's only 24 hours left!!" brought it too abruptly back to comic-book/action movie conventions. Having a doomsday device was acceptable-ish, adding in the race-against-the-clock element took me out of it. There was enough drama as it was.

What was wrong with it? Shoeing the happenings for five month would have been too long and too much. they showed enough. They cut to the final day, because Bruce needed to heal. If he comes back 2 month earlier, people would have been complaining that he healed too soon. Nolan made it as realistic as possible. I think the whole idea of the government can't be involved is great, in other films it's always just America or the military fighting, the rest of the world just eating popcorn while it's happening. Nolan covered it nicely here.

Alfred could been dreaming at the end so Batman could fixed before hand.

No. We had a flashback earlier when he was dreaming and there was someone else in Florence. He would have dreamt Bruce there otherwise, not a stranger.

So Bruce sets up everyone for life except super magic chiropractor from the pit. Nothing, nada for that dude? Way to go Bruce.

Are you fucking kidding me? If you have this mindset towards the film why bother watching it? You should have stayed home and watch Glee instead. BTW he did gave them the rope to gain freedom.

Not sure if the attitude is going to catch on but I've started seeing mentions that Nuke the Fridge can now be replaced with Nuke The Bat. Nuclear, Neutron whatever a bomb of that magnitude goes off and your still inside the blast radius with 5 seconds till detonation and survive?! Makes Indy's lead lined box from two miles away seem way, way, way more understandable and yet that was beat to death.

Who says that he was there 5 seconds before the detonation? The camera was zooming at the countdown, we didn't see Bruce there. He could have jumped out 40 second before.
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everyone I talked to think Talia was weak and weakened Bane.I think it was legit criticism of the film.Her at the end"Yeah I am actually the child and I hate you guys and your all gonna die hahahahah"She gets caught"ha ahhaha nothing you can do, hahahahaa"I think Bane should have stayed.The reveal ruined his back story...True it humanized him but lol he is not Darth Vader, why would we need to humanize him?

Edited by Lordmandeep
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Well one thing I liked it did not suffer from the third movie curse.Nolan did not start killing off characters for no reason, which was nice.Imo I just think the whole plot with Talia had no point...Bane was far more interesting especially when he was seen as invincible (even with the hilarious voice).Loved the Batman Statue scene...Showed what he had become to Gotham.Imo that whole stuff about sacrifice and all that was what the ending should have focused on.Bane is too strong and Batman has to die to defeat him....He runs with the Bomb and everyone thinks he dies and he becomes a legend.Great ending... :D predictable but way better...

Edited by Lordmandeep
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Talia is a pretty complex character in the comics, so here, I did feel that her role was reduced to something very, very one-dimensional. Revenge against Bruce was one thing. Nuking an entire city was another. That's pretty nutbar.ETA: I should also say that, while I didn't know for sure that she was Talia during the first act, I had my suspicions... which were pretty much confirmed when Neeson showed up in the pit. And then I figured she would be revealed to be connected with Bane. Still though, I wish they could've gotten a different actress than Cotillard. I think a lot of my complaints with her storyline is that I simply didn't find her engaging, whether she was acting with Bale or not.

Edited by WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot
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Talia is a pretty complex character in the comics, so here, I did feel that her role was reduced to something very, very one-dimensional. Revenge against Bruce was one thing. Nuking an entire city was another. That's pretty nutbar.ETA: I should also say that, while I didn't know that she was Talia during the first act, I had my suspicions... which were pretty much confirmed when Neeson showed up in the pit.

But since she's also a member of the League of Shadows, doesn't it follow that she'd want to follow through on her father's plan?
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Who says that he was there 5 seconds before the detonation? The camera was zooming at the countdown, we didn't see Bruce there. He could have jumped out 40 second before.

You can make excuses for this moment all you like but every eye was on him (even if the camera wasn't) and when the camera was during the ascent over the bay and then later fully out over it there is no sign of an escape pod. So how much time do you think is needed for minimum safe distance anyway? Fact is that it's a shoddy moment in the film and no amount of excuses lets it fly.
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