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Shawn Robbins

The Dark Knight Rises


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Expectations are important for this movie, though.

depending on what you mean by expectations. For exmaple, my expectations weren`t met because I didn`t expect that the movie would be littered with dumb and illogical stuff that one can find in lesser director movies, since they weren`t typical for Nolan opus. Up until TDKR showed that even Nolan can toss logic out of the window despite swearing on a Bible that he based this movie in reality. Hell no. I mean, it`s a superhero flick so suspension of disbelief is needed. But not for stuff like Bruce`s appearance in Gothan after what seemed few hours. The sense of time and space was completely off. Bane occupies Gotham and than apparently flies Bruce to Indian desert and comes back all within minutes, hours, no real sense of time passage. And that`s just one example of many.
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People will say it makes more sense after repeat viewings, but repeat viewings should NEVER be required.

There's a reason people went back again (and, in some cases, again) to Inception- because they couldn't quite figure it out but they knew they liked what they saw. Hell, why shouldn't repeat viewings be required? Mulholland Drive never would have become one of my favorite movies of all time if I didn't go back and try to piece the whole thing together.

Nolan's movies play more like games then movies. Obviously stuff like Memento and Prestige and Inception but even TDK and TDKR. I've appreciated all of them more with repeat viewings.

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depending on what you mean by expectations. For exmaple, my expectations weren`t met because I didn`t expect that the movie would be littered with dumb and illogical stuff that one can find in lesser director movies, since they weren`t typical for Nolan opus. Up until TDKR showed that even Nolan can toss logic out of the window despite swearing on a Bible that he based this movie in reality. Hell no. I mean, it`s a superhero flick so suspension of disbelief is needed. But not for stuff like Bruce`s appearance in Gothan after what seemed few hours. The sense of time and space was completely off. Bane occupies Gotham and than apparently flies Bruce to Indian desert and comes back all within minutes, hours, no real sense of time passage. And that`s just one example of many.

You mean aside from it being winter in Gotham?
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People will say it makes more sense after repeat viewings, but repeat viewings should NEVER be required.

Why? You'd never understand Chinatown, for example, from one viewing. In fact it isn't very impressive from one viewing. Sometimes films need extra viewings so you catch those little clues you couldn't possibly get the first time.
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I still don't understand how he got into Gotham. How? And how did he leave the pit to get to Gotham?

And I don`t understand how he could not get to Fox after managing to get to Gotham. I mena, isn`t the latter tougher than the former? Of course it is.
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There's a reason people went back again (and, in some cases, again) to Inception- because they couldn't quite figure it out but they knew they liked what they saw. Hell, why shouldn't repeat viewings be required? Mulholland Drive never would have become one of my favorite movies of all time if I didn't go back and try to piece the whole thing together.

Nolan's movies play more like games then movies. Obviously stuff like Memento and Prestige and Inception but even TDK and TDKR. I've appreciated all of them more with repeat viewings.

I was able to watch and enjoy Inception after one viewing. And I'm not even that smart. It was VERY focused compared to TDKR. Now granted I may have picked on a few additional subtle things after watching it again on blu-ray, but I didn't leave the theater after the first viewing thinking it was a hot mess.
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I agree fishnets. The sense of time and space in this movie is murky. Almost dream-like.Wait a minute.IT'S ALL THE JOKER'S DREAM!!I KNEW IT!!

I agree. It`s murky to the point that when they do something extreme like next scene is winter it doesn`t feel like time passed but like "Why the fuck is it snowing now?" Transitions were really off.I don`t hate TDKR. I actually like it. It entertianed me. I hate Prometheus because it was boring on top of being stupid as hell. I just don`t think TDKR is a smart movie or good even. if another director made exactly the same movie I bet that many things wouldn`t be so easily brushed off.
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I still don't understand how he got into Gotham. How? And how did he leave the pit to get to Gotham?

This was actually one plot point that didn't bother me. I figured Bruce being as paranoid as he was created some offshore accounts. He got access to his money, made it back to the states and figured a way back into Gotham. The special forces guys were able to sneak in, so why couldn't The Batman of all people find a way in.
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IMO The biggest problem with how times passes in the film is this:You CAN'T combine a plot element that takes months to develop (The siege of Gotham and the time Batman needs to recover from his back injury) with a time bomb plot. It's ridiculous. Take your favorite time bomb movie (I can't think of one at the moment for some reason) and extend the countdown to 5 months. All dramatic tension is lost.

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I think what could have helped the time lapse is if they had a countdown at the bottom of the screen whenever they did a transition where time lapsed saying something like X months/weeks/days until major explosion blows Gotham to fucking hell.

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I think what could have helped the time lapse is if they had a countdown at the bottom of the screen whenever they did a transition where time lapsed saying something like X months/weeks/days until major explosion blows Gotham to fucking hell.

There were several instances specifically mentioning time passed, both macro (59 days) and micro (12 hours left, 10 minutes left, etc).
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They did have day 84 on the news at one point. I think maybe two more brief shots of a news report would have helped with the perception of time. Although the time thing is not as much of a problem on second viewing as your expecting it.

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IMO The biggest problem with how times passes in the film is this:You CAN'T combine a plot element that takes months to develop (The siege of Gotham and the time Batman needs to recover from his back injury) with a time bomb plot. It's ridiculous. Take your favorite time bomb movie (I can't think of one at the moment for some reason) and extend the countdown to 5 months. All dramatic tension is lost.

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