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Star Trek 2 OS thread

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STiD would barely increase 75% over the 1st one (which bombed miserably in OS) , even with 3D which is still popular outside US

OS audience clearly don't give a damn abt ST , even if gets a sequel in 2016/17 i doubt if it can widen its appeal here :sadno:


Assuming STID survives its second weekend domestically (which seems more likely after Hangover 3's disappointing opening weekend) without too much damage, it's still on track for over 200m domestic and it's also on track for over 200m OS. So it's still on track for over 400m WW.


Yeah, a 190m budget and additional money for P&A means it'll need ancillaries to break even, but the OS increase is heartening for a franchise that has been notorious for little OS appeal. All Paramount needs to do is trim the budget for Film #3 down to 140-150 million and it's in good hands.


Star Trek has such a stigma against it outside the US that a mere 75-80% OS increase is a big deal and something to be happy about.

Edited by 4815162342
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Any big budget film getting a wide OS release and a proper marketing push should be making 200M as a given, making these numbers isn't what I would call impressive.

And yet, with a wide OS release and marketing push, ST09 only did $128m. STID's performance isn't impressive compared to something like IM3, but given its pedigree and franchise performance, it's very solid.
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Some Star Trek film overseas numbers to put things into perspective:


Title                                       Unadjusted o/s   Adjusted o/s

Star Trek   $128,000,000   $136,234,940

Star Trek: The Motion Picture $56,741,544     $179,493,165

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home   $23,286,868   $48,654,071

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan $18,087,037 $48,847,308

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock $10,528,954       $24,880,926

Star Trek: First Contact                   $54,000,000       $96,634,581

Star Trek: Generations   $42,400,000 $80,282,621

Star Trek VI: TUC                   $22,200,000 $42,121,633

Star Trek: Insurrection $42,400,000       $70,502,456

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier     $17,999,951       $35,999,903

Star Trek: Nemesis $24,100,000 $32,561,325


Unadjusted figures come from BOM and IMDB. Adjusted figures are based on adjusted domestic at the same o/s percentage as unadjusted.


Obviously adjusting overseas numbers is fraught with danger but these numbers are meant to be purely illustrative of the fact that Star Trek films have a history of doing TERRIBLY overseas. It's also meant to show that if STiD does over $200m overseas that is not a number to scoff at.

Edited by rahvinn87
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The point is that before STID studio didnt even try to make decent money overseas. They definitely believed it is not worth the efforts. It's like you can spend almost nothing on advertising and gross 4 million total. Or you can spend additional 3 million for advertising, printing e.t.c. and make 8 million total. Which way is the best? Definitely the first. 


Remember a movie called Speed Racer? It bombed nearly everywhere, had opening weekend with terrible per screen average in many countries. 

And still it grossed 50+m overseas. Add here 3D tickets, inflation and power of growing markets. You will be close to 100 milion. And it still will be a box office bomb or at least disappointment in most of the markets. The landscape has changed so much. 

Or take Captain America. It was doing pretty bad in Europe and most of the Asia. And still it miraculously grossed nearly 200m overseas.  

Edited by juni78ukr
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The point is that before STID studio didnt even try to make decent money overseas. They definitely believed it is not worth the efforts. It's like you can spend almost nothing on advertising and gross 4 million total. Or you can spend additional 3 million for advertising, printing e.t.c. and make 8 million total. Which way is the best? Definitely the first.  


4 - almost nothing = (4 - almost nothing)


8 - 3 = 5


5 > (4 - almost nothing)

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4 - almost nothing = (4 - almost nothing)


8 - 3 = 5


5 > (4 - almost nothing)


Dont forget that at least 50% goes to theaters. So with zero marketing you might get 2 millions out of 4

With 8 millions you will receive probably 4. Minus 3m you spent for advertising.


That's exactly how it works here. In 2009 only sci-fi geeks came. Almost no casual moviegoers.

But now advertising was everywhere. Two weeks ago I watched Formula-1 race on Russian TV.  In 2 hours they showed 5 or 6 times the same TV-spot. TV-spots were  during major football games or just inside of advertising blocks. And it wasn't for free. 

Our newspapers and magazines for months tried to tell that Star Trek is cool. It was very strong and well organised campaing from very beginning. They nearly tripled screen count in Russia and average ticket price increased by 80% thanks to 3D, IMAX and inflation.


Look at screen count in other markets. in 2009 and now. 


Mexico  447 - 1251

Sweden 60 -126

Norway  56 - 145

Singapore 59 - 86

Malaysia 85 - 190

Hong kong 45 - 82

New Zealand 51 - 102

Romania 9 - 43

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I have noted the increased screen counts and we know they have increased the OS advertising budget. I would imagine they are disappointed in the numbers for this movie....


....However they might be able to reduce the OS budget for the next movie but retain the extra people that STID gained.


Star Trek movies have been around for 35 years so Paramount may see this as an investment to gain more people for the future movies and they have succeeded by increasing the OS percent of WW to maybe 50+ which in the long run is a big success.

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