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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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Yeah, my theater sold out a fair amount of shows but something was missing. There was no sense of madness and craziness that we were all expecting. Everything was just mellowed out. It's unfortunate that TDKR is getting punished by this horrific event.

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Nice to see the Hollywood giants uniting in their effort to ease the suffering of victims families by not reporting the numbers. ughh....

Agree..They should donate OW gross instead..Or some of it
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I have very mixed feelings about the film. There were some incredible scenes, and Selina Kyle is right up there with Heath Ledger in terms of how magnetic their performances are. She hands down stole the show.

It's just so insanely bloated. The fact that I was shocked when I found out only an hour had passed when I thought it must have been two says more than enough regarding its length.

Yep. One of my other primary complaints with it right there. I kid you not, I kept gazing at the time at my cell phone in my pocket about every ten minutes from the point after the first hour up until the last 40 minutes or so to see if it was getting closer to being over. It was so incredibly sluggish and flat out boring in parts. And I've never used the "b" word with this franchise before. Begins was slow, but never boring.
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That's ironic because for me the film felt so damn short, I guess I was enjoying it too much. When I left the showing I was wondering if I was ripped off and they showed a short version of it, but my watch said 2:50.

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Slow and boring are completely different things, you're absolutely right. Many incredible films are slow, but they are so very far from boring.I admire Nolan's ambition, but he tried to do far too many things at once. It was all over the place. Anne Hathaway deserves an Oscar nomination for her role in this. She's that great.

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Guys we will still get numbers. Nikki herself said she still has access to them.

She was using Rentrak, which also said it would be suspending data reports.

Nikki doesn't have access she gets given figures from others (who may still decide to give her info).... Rentrak won't supend tracking they can suspend any reports they send out but online and outbound data feeds would still be availalbe.WB if they desire could block others from looking at data any distributor can block titles for a given time period, I doubt they will do it but if data got out and they weren't happy about it they could put a block on all titles or just TDKR till Monday and them lift it
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If they were so sensitive, they could have helped all those families financially.....and why the fuck are rival studios not giving numbers? That would not be gloating now, would it?

'That would be great and all but we all know Hollywood is too greedy to ever do that. This is the best we're gonna get. And I don't understand how some people can't see how gloating and boasting about box office numbers this weekend may seem insensitive on behalf of hollywood/the studio to some in the wake of what happened. Would it to me personally? No. But I'm sure it would to some. That's why they're doing it.
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Nikki doesn't have access she gets given figures from others (who may still decide to give her info).... Rentrak won't supend tracking they can suspend any reports they send out but online and outbound data feeds would still be availalbe.WB if they desire could block others from looking at data any distributor can block titles for a given time period, I doubt they will do it but if data got out and they weren't happy about it they could put a block on all titles or just TDKR till Monday and them lift it

You are right. It is pretty obvious that Nikki doesn't have direct access to the data and that she gets information from her studio contacts . If studios are serious about not reporting they can shut off access to Nikki and I think this is what has happened. She hasn't updated her numbers today in hours.
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Bane didn't have very much of a lasting impression, to be honest. His presence seemed to fade and fade as the film went along. Nolan tried to do too much.

I found it ironic and both unsettling how in the end Bane ends up really just being the "muscle pawn" for the female villain same as he was in Batman and Robin. Who would've guessed that's what his role would ultimately boil down to again? Poor Bane and Batman movies.


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