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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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1) I'll give you BB, but disagree so much about it destroying TDK's 3rd act. So much. Just Two Face's arc/Oldman's final speech in TDK alone automatically gives TDK the TKO in that department.

5) Really? I found the Imax footage shockingly disappointing and unnecessary. Especially after seeing TDK in Imax immediately before it and its truly breathtaking Imax sequences.

I think this was mainly due to the fact that TDKR contains only about 15 minutes of actual Batman screen time (one of my huge complaints with it) and also no epic action scenes like TDK's freeway chase/truck flip one.

I would love to see a rundown of Christian Bale's vs. Joseph Gordon-Levitt's screen time. Anyone have any insight?

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Don't be ridiculous, best movie was Tinker Tailor. :P

Gary Oldman kicks serious ass in Tinker Tailor but the movie itself wasn't terribly memorable.Margaret is something really special that I hadn't seen in film before. It's over two and a half hours and I loved every second of it. Edited by Gopher
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In THE AVENGERS, aliens attacked one city. But I still wonder what did other countries or other American states do to help? The same problem happened in the TRANSFORMERS films.In the TDKR,

this problem was handled very well. Outside forces couldn't do anything because one single move will destroy Gotham.

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In THE AVENGERS, aliens attacked one city. But I still wonder what did other countries or other American states do to help? The same problem happened in the TRANSFORMERS films.In the TDKR,

this problem was handled very well. Outside forces couldn't do anything because one single move will destroy Gotham.

The rest of the world stood watching with gigantic bags of popcorn :lol: Edited by CJohn
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The great thing about all the Nolan films is that they are getting better with each repeat viewing. I wasn't impressed with The Prestige at first, but loved it the second time around. I got the plot of Inception straight away, but after each viewing I discovered something new about the film, so the 7th viewing was as enjoyable as the first. And I just can't get bored of TDK and TDKR is the same, there're so many things going on that at the first few viewings you're just focusing to proceed everything that's been thrown at you, but once you get all the small details, it's a gem. I liked TDKR, but after my fourth viewing tonight I now begin to love it. Can't wait to see it again in 70mm IMAX.As of box office, do we get weekend estimates or the next report will be Monday actuals?

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Lol in TF there was no reason for taking the cube to the city.Simply was to get the action in the city.What we ended up with a great action scene that made TF1 the film of the year for audiences in 2007.

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Folks , remember dark knight ?

Okay, that's enough. I know that was a joke, but Holmes calling himself/dressing himself as the Joker is creepy enough. I don't need the world to act out The Dark Knight for me. Nobody does.
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The great thing about all the Nolan films is that they are getting better with each repeat viewing. I wasn't impressed with The Prestige at first, but loved it the second time around. I got the plot of Inception straight away, but after each viewing I discovered something new about the film, so the 7th viewing was as enjoyable as the first. And I just can't get bored of TDK and TDKR is the same, there're so many things going on that at the first few viewings you're just focusing to proceed everything that's been thrown at you, but once you get all the small details, it's a gem. I liked TDKR, but after my fourth viewing tonight I now begin to love it. Can't wait to see it again in 70mm IMAX.As of box office, do we get weekend estimates or the next report will be Monday actuals?

Yes yes yes - while I loved TDKR the instant I watched it, it was even more enjoyable the second time around! So many smart little details that were lost on me the first go-round.
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I remember sometime ago some people saying the first cut of the movie was 4 hours.EDIT: Apparently it was later confirmed that the 4 hour version was a hoax.

What a shame, I was hoping its true, because some scenes felt rushed and I was wondering if they were cutting it to put an acceptable time for the theaters.
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The Dark Knight is Iconic...How many times I hear people quote the film or act out a scene from it is hilarious.Most popular joke from TDK is Batmans voice or imitating the Joker "Sometime people just lose thier Minds!!!!!!!!!!"

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The execution of that alien attack/stop the nuke in TA was so damn entertaining and fun I didn't care if it wasn't an entirely original concept. It was the best I'd ever seen it done.

And that certainly includes TDKR.

Edited by MovieMan89
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The Dark Knight is Iconic...How many times I hear people quote the film or act out a scene from it is hilarious.Most popular joke from TDK is Batmans voice or imitating the Joker "Sometime people just lose thier Minds!!!!!!!!!!"

"I'm not wearing hockey pads!"
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