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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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As awful as this tragedy is, people are blowing up its effects on the box office all out of proportion. TDKR didn't lose $30 million+ of business this weekend. That would be almost four million people not showing up, for pete's sake. And the holdovers are mostly dropping as expected. I predicted Spidey to drop close to 70% because: 1. It's really not that good a movie; 2. TDKR is the definition of direct competition.At my theater, TDKR was way behind TA's attendance Fri, but a little closer on Sat. If there is an effect, it already seems to be wearing off. TDKR just didn't attract as many people opening weekend as TA, regardless of these events. It could still break 500 with decent WOM.

Edited by Darth Homer
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So, the movie ends up with a number less than expected. But how much low?TDKR was a movie destined for a good $185-$190 million, absolute max. TA or not TA. That was THE number. TA made it absolutely impossible with its opening weekend.

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As awful as this tragedy is, people are blowing up its effects on the box office all out of proportion. TDKR didn't lose $30 million+ of business this weekend. That would be almost four million people not showing up, for pete's sake.

It may have, 4M people is not much in the huge USA and families (4+ people) are the ones being affected and therefore the day business is less. TDKR could have lost at least $15-25M from the OW due to the Colorado shooting.We will just never really know...
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If I see one more comment talking about what this film would have made if the shooting never occured, i'm going to puke. Why are you guys so obsessed about it? The tragedy took place, that's just a fact, so get over it and move on. If people really wanted to see this film OW they would have seen it. Any rationale person would know that their odds of dying while going to the movies these days are pretty slim.Do I think the shooting effected the box office? Yes. Was its impact that noteworthy.....nobody can know for sure. Its midnight gross certainly wasn't indicative of anything record breaking. The shooting likely effected the film by like 6-7% at most - mostly paranoid mothers who are disturbed from what they hear on the news were scared away....otherwise it was business as usual.But of course there has to be this big debate. It was tracking north of 180M....it was the most anticipated film since TPM....2012 has been breaking tonns of records...how could this sell less tickets than TDK...blah blah vlah Well guess what! Tracking can be wrong sometimes, the anticipation was huge but it was huge for other films too like DH2 and Spiderman 3, and TDK is the most attended OW of all time....why would coming up like 5% below that be dissapointing?Maybe you Nolan/Batman fans should just admit that you guys got a little too excited and just had really lousy preedictions instead of blaming it on a shooting, that most likely effected the box office by like 10%....at the very most.Anyways.....that's what I think.

Except this chart completely destroys what you just said.http://boxofficemojo.com/alltime/weekends/?adjust_yr=2012&p=.htmSorry ...
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Something random.If you adjust The Avengers opening weekend back to 1987 dollars it would have still grossed $100m OW that year. The actual highest OW that year was Beverly Hills Cop 2 with $26.348m. Times have changed.

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Something random.If you adjust The Avengers opening weekend back to 1987 dollars it would have still grossed $100m OW that year. The actual highest OW that year was Beverly Hills Cop 2 with $26.348m. Times have changed.

Many theorise that Batman '89 invented the OW rush.
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In other words: TDKR could have been hurt by 10%.

Yes, at the very least.I think the general concensus was that TDKR was going to do between $175m-$195M, over and under these amounts were outliers.
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It's pretty remarkable how Nikki could still find space to sneak in a sentence to pad herself on the back: "yeah, I stayed up all Friday to 'report' on the shooting!" as if she was the only one doing it or she went beyond to do something she wasn't supposed to do. And her site does not track movie grosses; she gets the partial numbers from Rentrak and posts them after some deductions from her people.

:wub: :wub:She's so dedicated and hard working. What would we do without her?
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