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Blade Runner 2049 | October 6, 2017 | Villeneuve directs | Full Trailer on Page 40

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Nihilism doesn't bother me at all, Fincher was clearly trying to make the "feel bad" Alien movie by focusing on that and hopelessness.  It could've been amazing and worked brilliantly as a "haha fuck you" to the expectations that trilogies are supposed to end happily, but the script is just so sloppy/clunky that it doesn't really work so you're just left with a bitter feeling of "they killed off 2 main characters in the first 2 minutes? Oh....."  Like, it could've worked if it was just Newt that was killed at the start but Hicks survived and he died later in the movie either by his wounds or by an Alien or something.  The way they did it just comes off as really lazy.  I think Alien 3 had the right idea in general.

I don't think bringing them back just to die would have worked at all. It takes back the futility that their deaths caused. Ripley never got to say goodbye, they went into hypersleep thinking they were saved and they weren't. The Alien in the first movie essentially took Ripley's daughter from her in that she never got to see her again, and it's happened all over again with her 'adopted' daughter. 

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Killing Newt and Hicks is totally in line with the sullen and tragic tone the movie is going for. On top of a really beautiful funeral/birth scene it means Ripley has to face everything alone. I don't think it detracts from Aliens at all, but I definitely think it adds a lot to Alien 3. I'm really a masochist when it comes to movies, I love my protagonists to be tortured.


It's gothic, claustrophobic and depressing. Most of the issues people have with it really don't bother me. Elliot Goldenthal's score is incredible, Weaver's never been better, I love Charles S. Dutton in it too. The finale is really emotional to me.


Alien, Aliens, and Alien 3(Assembly cut) would be my favorite trilogy.


I don't think bringing them back just to die would have worked at all. It takes back the futility that their deaths caused. Ripley never got to say goodbye, they went into hypersleep thinking they were saved and they weren't. The Alien in the first movie essentially took Ripley's daughter from her in that she never got to see her again, and it's happened all over again with her 'adopted' daughter. 


In reply to your first post, I was just going to say I agree with everything except for how Hicks and Newts deaths were handled, but then I read your second post, and I think you just swung me. :)

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I've read his draft and that shit stinks too.


It was a long time ago I read it, but I remember thinking it was alright. The main issue with Resurrection was, imo, execution. Jeunet's style and aesthetic, as distinctive as it may be, didn't really suit the Alien universe, and the tone of the film was way too goofy. The scene with the failed clones, which was brilliant, and the underwater chase were the only redeeming factors, as far as I'm concerned.


An Alien script that I really like is David Twohy's script for Alien 3. Not very original, but in the hands of the right director it had the potential to be another kick-ass action ride in the vein of Aliens.


Then there is of course Vincent Ward's "Wooden Planet", which could have been something truly unique and special.

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Well well with an interesting filmmaker on board and not washed up Scott this is now becoming sort of intriguing

Still this is a daunting sequel task if there ever was one


It really is.


And there's a major reason I think it is.  The first film was a box office disappointment.  It's a film that resonates, but if released today in its best state (or any era IMO)...it still wouldn't be a blockbuster.


So therein lies the conundrum.  Do this movie right, do it well, do it to a level that lives up to the original?  Quite frankly, I don't think it's a movie that appeals to the mainstream.


Do it to a level that appeals to the mainstream?  Quite frankly, I don't think it will live up to the legacy of the first film.  


So I don't know how you reconcile the commercial appeal and the artisitic strengths of the first film together.  Never mind explaining old Deckard.


Blade Runner is my like favorite movie ever.  I'm open to this, cause I'm not one of those "oh this new movie ruins the first woe is me" crybabies.


I hope they go out swinging.  But swinging...I'm not sure equals commercial success.  I hope they know that.  I hope they've aiming for great.  This director choice though...gives me some confidence.  That they didn't hire a visually inventive action director...certainly makes me feel better.  Cause that's not what this should be.  That any major studio would finance a big budget thoughtful future noir movie like the first...well, fortunately, Hollywood has delusional egos, so I can believe it'd happen.

Edited by kowhite
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Any of them. I've watched it 3-4 times in my life and remember almost nothing about it. It's a boring slog to me and I can't be bothered to watch any of the numerous versions anymore.


Really? (last ~ 30 seconds of the clips not movie related)


Not remembering e.g.?




or especially this one (IMHO often copied in a muted way by other filmmakers)


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Blade Runner is a fantastic mood piece but the movie was kinda of a miracle, the shoot was atrocious, Ford didn t understand the movie and him and Scott were at each other s throat.

the real problem with this movie : too many cuts, There are too many and I mix them up.

Also the Vangelis score was so unique memoravle and fantastic.

The last scene with Rutger Hauer under the rain should be in any top 10 best movie scenes of all time : iconic.

Trying to recapture the magic of the first one is one st00pid idea.

But they can try, they will fail.

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