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Accursed Arachnid!™

Most Believable Superhero Franchise STORIES/UNIVERSES

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Also, regarding the Avengers, I also found it unbelievable how the Hulk suddenly gains the ability to control his anger for no apparent reason in the middle of the film.

Loki manipulated him aboard the helicarrier, that's why Banner couldn't "control" the hulk. During the NY battle, he was able to maintain control of his alter ego. I've explained this repeatedly to people, they just don't get it.
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Exactly. He gained control at the end of TIH. So just like someone with multiple personality disorder, once integrated, a person would feel the same feelings their alter(s) did, hence why he is now angry all the time.

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Is it really that hard to separate "believable" and "realistic"???Sci-Fi can be believable even though it's not realistic. Any story, no matter what it's about, has to be believable or there's no way you'd be able to relate to it. I'm talking about believability in the worlds the original film created. That's why I'm focusing on multi-film franchises. Superheroes are not realistic. I know that. Everyone who has any semblance of sanity knows that. I don't need anyone to reiterate it, because that's not the point of this thread.To give you an example of the real point; Does TA seem like it exists in the same world as IM1 or IM2? Other than Stark, Iron Man and SHIELD, I propose that it doesn't. There were no aliens, gods or invisible floating aircraft carriers in IM1 or 2. Those films, especially the first, seem very much in a realistic type world. TA is a much more fantastical universe. Does TDKR seem like it exists in the same universe as BB? Absolutely. Bane, Catwoman, Blake all have attributes and abilities that match up with the world that was setup in BB. You can call it continuity, you can call it consistency, or you can call it believability. But it's essentially the same thing. In spite of any unrealistic parts, Nolan's Batman franchise is almost completely believable in the world he created in BB.LOTR is also a great example of this. It is full of unrealistic magic, creatures and places. However, once the universe is established, it remains within the rules laid down and rarely ventures out from that, if ever. Hence why, if you get into the story, it comes off as believable.Does this make sense to anyone?

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Not to me.LOTR is not believeable because it has magic. I don't believe in magic, sorcery or the watchful eye of Sauron, therefore it's not believeable. You're talking about continuity, but for some reason in your post you claimed that continuity and consistency are the same as believeability, which they're not.For me, a film has to be realistic for it to be believeable. Most films are not realistic, but that's fine for me, because I go for escapism, not a documentary.

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Not to me.LOTR is not believeable because it has magic. I don't believe in magic, sorcery or the watchful eye of Sauron, therefore it's not believeable. You're talking about continuity, but for some reason in your post you claimed that continuity and consistency are the same as believeability, which they're not.For me, a film has to be realistic for it to be believeable. Most films are not realistic, but that's fine for me, because I go for escapism, not a documentary.

Thank you for your opinion, but I still think you're getting caught up in semantics and missing the point.
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Iron man is more realistic than TDK, just look at Harvey Dent lol. Also how dumb are Gotham to not realise Bruce Wayne is Batman???

About Harvey Dentyou fight for the good of a city and looses someone that you love very much (plus half of you face / body is burned), then one person comes and explain (with some logic) who was the respossible for Rachel's death. His psychological at the moment was weak...very susceptible...You know that Batman has an alter-ego right? Bruce is a rich man that goes to the partys, gets drunk and gets hookers in the eyes of Gothamsorry about my english, I don't usually write long posts
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Iron man is more realistic than TDK, just look at Harvey Dent lol. Also how dumb are Gotham to not realise Bruce Wayne is Batman???

That was the most realistic Two-Face I've seen. I doubt he would have survived much longer with that damage to his face, but I don't think he cared.But you do make a good point about Batman/Bruce Wayne. But, they sorta covered that in TDK when the accountant guy figured it out then eventually realized he couldn't expose him. There may be more Gothamites to have figured it out, but either they are...a) too scared of Bats to speak out or b ) they think he is too important to. However, a master detective like Gordon not figuring it out is pretty unbelievable. Call it denial. ;) Edited by ShAAken not Stirred™
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Why wont we just choose the most enjoyable SH franchise, and keep this being-believable talk away from superheros?Anyway, I do think TDK ( followed by X-men 1 & 2) had the most realistic tone in a SH movie, and I highly appreciate that. Those three are my fav SH films ever.

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