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Crimson Peak (10.16.2015) Trailer Page 29

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I saw this last night.  If you're a fan of GDT, it's a howler (and not in a good way).  It played alright in a pretty packed theater (and in "LIEMAX Experience"), but for general audience prospects, I can't see what they get out of this.  It's not entirely a ghost-film.  It's not entirely a horror...yet entirely gruesome in that GDT fashion...but doesn't really need to be.  It's a gothic melodrama masked with ghost "quotes" as GDT likes to say.  And quotes to his own material.  (Nice to see "Palmer" from The Strain!)  I laughed at every self-reference to his previous work, both specific and loose homage, down to the blatant lift of...well, you'll recognize it when you see it.  GDT's last two films have been his most disappointing...but I liked Pacific Rim more than this!  Coming from a fan of his earlier work, I wish he'd get back to something small and culturally more familiar to his...idiom...as ethnically racist as that may sound.  Devil's Backbone is still my favorite of his.  And there's this weird fading out thing that begins to happen after nearly every scene in the third act...it's strange and gives me the impression that they re-shot and/or were re-figuring the whole last half-hour or more of this film in editing...

Edited by Macleod
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Haven't seen Pan's Labyrinth since maybe 2009? So I cant really say anything about it, though I remember there being some HORRIFYINGLY violent scenes in there like the guy bashing a dude's face in with a bottle. Those stuck out.


Yeah.  There's more of that in this.  Needless, really. 


(Actually, I was sure he was going to go all Blade II in an autopsy scene (which I loved in that film context), but he held back... but much other gore for those interested in pure gruesome stuff!)

Edited by Macleod
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Are there spoilers allowed here?  I don't know where this "female audiences will love this" is coming from, either...the main character is

basically "saved" by not one, but two men.


It also opens with that awful framing device of

"I have a lesson to tell you, the audience, and as you see, I'm near death, but I survived...here's my story."  No suspense, then, at least for me, to the fate of the main character...

Edited by Macleod
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It's a sad sad world we live in - where the masterpieces of art have to be forcefully disguised as the filthiest, cheapest, dumbest schlock the zombified retarded public craves.


It's not all that bad. Sometimes the greatest impact is in the gut punch of an excellent bait and switch.



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This review has so many fun quotes:


I could imagine del Toro’s pitch meeting: “Crimson Peak” is Jane Austen meets Mary Shelley, and then they walk into “Pan’s Labyrinth.”



Chastain’s is a diva role that will some day be admired on par with Bette Davis’ in “What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?”


And Hunnam is here too. He’s not bad, but I’m apparently immune to whatever charm del Toro thinks this blandsome ingendude possesses.

Edited by Spidey Freak
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Pan's Labyrinth is a nightmarish/dreamy masterpiece and the Hellyboys are great fun.


Very well done review by Dana Stevens of Slate pointing out why she really liked (not loved) Crimson Peak and why she understands why others won't



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CRIMSON PEAK is the real thing, and will likely join FURY ROAD as 2015s other seeming fanboy genre-pic that finds "surprise" female audience

10/14/15, 1:50 AM

Given that is follows the classic Gothic Thriller format,it should come as no surprise it has a big appeal to a female audience.

ON the other hand, that it is a Gothic thriller might well turn off the Horror Genre fanboys.

They are trying hard to sell it as a Stright up Horror movie but can't hide the fact it looks like Jane Eyre with Ghosts.

I am looking forward to this,but have lowered my expectations. From the reviews, it's good but not another "Pan's Labyrinth".

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PR is a great popcorn movie .Much better than Transformers 2,3,4...

That is not a high standard.

And I am one of those who thinks that Del Toro should stop making popcorn when he has shown himself capable of turning out great Gourmet Meals......

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And I have to root for anything with Chastain, since she is a Local Girl Makes Good.  Born and raised in Sacramento, went to El Camino High school,just a few blocks from where I live. Went to Sacramento CIty College for her first two years until she won a scholarship to Julliard.

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Dug it.
An atmospheric, gorgeous, grand, classical haunted house flick.
On the negative side: predictable story, the CG ghosts looked lame and felt out of place, the movie was neither scary nor creepy.
PS: Big budget, R-rated, old-school horror... Didn't think that was possible in this day and age.
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