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SAG Thread (nominees in 1st post)

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ZDT is easily still in the running, but it is NOT the frontrunner. I was very surprised that Argo and SLP stayed in and ZDT did not. I feel comfortable saying now that ZDT remains in third behind Lincoln and Les Mis.Not too concerned by Django's omissions. As people have said, SAG just didn't see it.Don't really get the fuss over Bardem's performance. It was decent but nothing exceptional for action film villains. Not Heath Ledger territory, that's for sure. Dench was easily the star performer of Skyfall.I laughed out loud at Kidman's nomination. I can't believe that it actually happened.

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It seemed like ZDT was either the frontrunner or about even with Lincoln, and only once 17 years ago did a film win BP without an ensemble nod. It could happen again, certainly, but Lincoln and Les Mis clearly have the support of the actors' branch where ZDT may not be as strong. I had SLP in fourth and Argo in fifth (I know I said Argo would be snubbed on the first page but that was before I realized SAG hadn't seen Django).
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Can anyone explain to me how les Mis could conceivably get a stunt ensemble nod?

In this version while the students are fighting at the barricade they do some real badass Crouching Tiger style kung fu shit. Edited by CoolioD1
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In this version while the students are fighting at the barricade they do some real badass Crouching Tiger style kung fu shit.

I heard Neo (Matrix) has a cameo in it. That might explain it.
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Why all the shock over Kidman nomination? Doesn't she always campaign these small movies and score a nom, ie Rabbit Hole? Is the shock because she gives a golden shower in the movie?

Well, Rabbit Hole was one of the best movies of 2010 and The Paperboy has been dismissed as a campy mess in most reviews I've read.I can't wait to see it though because Nicole is amazing!
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Backlash against ZDT has already started. My biggest issue with ZDT has always been that it relies on a very small subset of information base to construct its story and a lot of journalists have already started questioning how accurate the movie is. For a movie that is being marketed as a historically accurate investigative journalism, this can seriously hurt.

Who are these journalists questioning the accuracy of the film? I'd like some examples. All I've read about is some crap about how the film is 'pro-torture' which it really seems to be ambivalent on.

Argo had this sort of backlash you mention, but they're movies. Dramatization of events should be expected.

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Who are these journalists questioning the accuracy of the film? I'd like some examples. All I've read about is some crap about how the film is 'pro-torture' which it really seems to be ambivalent on.

Argo had this sort of backlash you mention, but they're movies. Dramatization of events should be expected.

Zero Dark Thirty claims to be a true story. There are, believe it or not, people like me, and apparently lots of them, who don't like the liberties the film took with just buying the whole BS story of this phantom raid that took place. There are way too many holes in the official story, and just like the Jessica Lynch story got the networks in trouble for running a BS story, now the studio and the film will face similar skepticism...and rightfully so.
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Who are these journalists questioning the accuracy of the film? I'd like some examples. All I've read about is some crap about how the film is 'pro-torture' which it really seems to be ambivalent on.

Argo had this sort of backlash you mention, but they're movies. Dramatization of events should be expected.

Peter Bergen ( google him) is one of the most well-respected international affairs journalist in the world. He was seen the movie twice , including an early cut. Read the full article but this is his conclusion.


That is certainly not the considered view of the chairmen of the Senate Intelligence Committee and the Senate Armed Services Committee, who have spent the past three years investigating the CIA interrogation program. Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, and Carl Levin, D-Michigan, released a statement in April that is completely at odds with the claims of King:

"CIA did not first learn about the existence of the UBL (bin Laden) courier from detainees subjected to coercive interrogation techniques. ... Instead, the CIA learned of the existence of the courier, his true name and location through means unrelated to the CIA detention and interrogation program. ... The CIA detainee who provided the most significant information about the courier provided the information prior to being subjected to coercive interrogation techniques."

Let's hope that the Senate Intelligence Committee report is largely declassified and made public. The American public has a right to know whether the coercive techniques that were used in its name actually worked or not.

"Zero Dark Thirty" is a great piece of filmmaking and does a valuable public service by raising difficult questions most Hollywood movies shy away from, but as of this writing, it seems that one of its central themes -- that torture was instrumental to tracking down bin Laden -- is not supported by the facts.

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