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Weekend Estimates Hobbit 36.7 pg 33

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I agree on that what I'm saying is I don't think any studio would have passed on the opportunity. WB may have hemmed and hawed but eventually they agreed to it because on paper it looked like a sure thing. Now that's proving to not be the case.

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The Friday increases were horrible all around 30 40 50 percent

And yet The Hobbit is the only one with an awful week-to-week drop. It's almost as though more kids were out of school than certain people kept saying...
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I have to admit I get a perverse joy out of these Hobbit numbers. I'm a sick individual.

You are not a sick individual. This is a blantant cash grab that didn`t have to be 2 movies let alone 3, that neglected animals who died as a result, that introduced new gimmick that doesn`t enhance movie-going experience but make it look like watching a cosplay, that didn`t bring anything new to the table but aped the narrative structure of a superior movie and is riding high with fanboys only on the goodwill from previous movies and their denial not unlike the one that made TPM a "good" movie for far too long, though this one is more forgettable than a trainwreck by the sound of it, that is directed by the most overrated self-serving self-indulging self-bloating director alive whose NZ Zindabad schtick has worn its welcome 10 years ago,etc. What`s not not to like?
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Nikki is fucked in the head if she doesn't recognize that mediocre opening, shit legs, poor reviews, and huge drop in admissions from original LOTR. I'm very disappointed in her.

I think she might have given up drink for the holidays. She hasn't done anything brilliant in a while.
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And yet The Hobbit is the only one with an awful week-to-week drop. It's almost as though more kids were out of school than certain people kept saying...

around me, no schools were out and everybody was still in work the whole week, so why should I assume anything different?
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