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Jack Nevada

85th Academy Awards (24/2/13) Official Thread- TONIGHT!! NOMINEES IN THE FIRST POST

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Life of Pi should definitely win vfx. Maybe even cinematography as well. It's also the only film where if Lincoln lost BP to it, I would not be disappointed.

Life of Pi dominated tech categories just like Hugo last year so it will likely win Visual Effects easily
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Perhaps. Snobbish though is your stubborn opinion on Rises effects, without knowing what was or wasn't a visual effect. If you can't tell what is what, then doesn't that mean they did an amazing job? If you can tell most of the visual effects shots in Snow White, then how is that incredible effects?You laugh at everything, duly noted.

Dude, people have different opinions. Some of us don't like TDKR, get over it....and apparently the academy agrees with those of us who don't have the right to an opinion.
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Predictions:Best Picture: Lincoln (alt. SLP)Best Director: Steven Spielberg (alt. Lee)Best Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis (alt. Phoenix)Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence (alt. Chastain)Best Supp. Actor: Tommy Lee Jones (alt. PSH)Best Supp Actress: Anne Hathaway (alt. Field)Best Original Screenplay: Django (alt. ZD30)Best Adapted Screenplay: Lincoln (alt. Argo)Best Cinematography: Skyfall (alt. Life of Pi)Best Film Editing: Zero Dark Thirty (alt. Lincoln)Best Costume Design: Anna Karenina (alt. Mirror Mirro)Best Makeup and Hairstyling: The Hobbit (alt. Les Miserables)Best Production Design: Anna Karenina (alt. Les Miserables)Best Original Score: Life of Pi (alt. Anna Karenina)Best Original Song: Skyfall (alt. Les Miserables)Best Sound Editing: Life of Pi (alt. Zero Dark Thirty)Best Sound Mixing: Les Miserables (alt. Lincoln)Best Visual Effects: Life of Pi (alt. Prometheus)Best Animated Feature: Brave (alt. ParaNorman)Best Foreign Film: Amour (alt. A Royal Affair)Best Documentary: How to Survive a Plague (alt. Searching for Sugar Man)

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Why does everyone get excited about the Oscars even though they get it wrong most years?? Did anyone actually enjoy The Artist? The Oscars are a joke...

The Hurt Locker was overrated.
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I haven't seen Amour or Beasts of the Southern Wild yet, but it's a tragedy that Affleck and Bigelow were left off. The final chase in Argo and one particular scene in the middle of ZDT are absolute masterclasses in directing tension and anticipation- Affleck deserved to win, based on that aiport scene alone.

Not for Haneke. They could've snubbed Anne, Mis for picture, and etc. for all I care as long as Haneke got in. No price was too large to pay for this glorious and inspired nomination. A breath of fresh air.
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Here's a good one: ACCA, what did you not like about TDKR?

It was too short. Some scenes were rushed because of that, other scenes were excluded. Talia's death scene was a bit rushed and corny. Cotillard should have given more effort in that scene.
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It was too short. Some scenes were rushed because of that, other scenes were excluded. Talia's death scene was a bit rushed and corny. Cotillard should have given more effort in that scene.

Talia's death scene is easily the worst thing in TDKR. I will be the first to say so. It doesn't make sense. She's honestly the best actress along with Hathaway to take part in TDK trilogy.
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How about Pi wining Best Visual Effects?

Pi not winning the Visual stuff would be ridiculous and is 95% likely to happen I feel and hope.The Amour comment is half a joke because it would take a real jump in logic for a film nominated for Best Picture in the world this year to not be considered better than 4 films not nominated for best picture.
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