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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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They crushed it this week, was more entertaining than most movies that will be released this year no joke. Hope the energy continues.


I came to say basically this. Many shows have proven to be better than most blockbusters quality-wise in the last decade, and now GoT is rivaling them even in the technical aspects.


A++ episode.

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Truth be told, we have no idea where all the Dorne related storylines are heading in the books as well. Maybe they will pick up next season which tackles Winds of Winter.


We do have a beginning idea because there's been 2 released Arianne chapters from that book. The only thing we don't know so far is


What happens with Balon/Obara hunting Darkstar


And we'll see if this story arc picks up in the show considering


No Aegon, no JonCon, no Golden Company, etc in the show, unless it really pulls something out of its behind


which basically is the main reason Dorne is a bigger thing in the books than otherwise.

Edited by Numbers of Westeros
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I wonder if we'll see a lot of book readers skip next season until they've read the Winds of Winter. Assuming it ever comes out.

I'm seriously considering it.

Edited by DeeCee
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I hate the fact that the last episodes are always so good, it's so mean :( We only have 2 episodes left who will be good (I think) than we have to wait lie 11 month for the next season. WTF why can't their be a soap as good as GoT that I could see every day,

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I've really enjoyed this season so far. And that last episode was amazing.


The only thing that's really dragging this season down is that Dorne storyline. It just has that "Well we setup a Dorne storyline last season so I guess we should at least do something with that even if we really don't want to" kind of feeling.

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crackpot theory I thought of for the show (book spoilers obviously)


When Drogon arrives in Daznak's Pit, Jorah gets a little dragonfire to the infected arm. The following episode when he's being checked out, the audience sees that though there are nasty burns, the greyscale is gone.


Cue later in the finale Melisandre conniving her way to burning Shireen. When the fire subsides, not only is Shireen alive but is completely cured, showing a link between dragonfire and Red God fire magic.


Odds of happening: 1%, but it would be a cool wrinkle, especially since there is a book prophecy about a stone dragon being woken by flames. Melisandre believes it means a powerful sacrifice will "awaken" the stone dragon gargoyles on Dragonstone. But we also know two things:


  • People with severe greyscale are called Stone Men/Women
  • Shireen is descended from the Targaryens by her great-grandmother

Food for thought.

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We do have a beginning idea because there's been 2 released Arianne chapters from that book. The only thing we don't know so far is


What happens with Balon/Obara hunting Darkstar


And we'll see if this story arc picks up in the show considering


No Aegon, no JonCon, no Golden Company, etc in the show, unless it really pulls something out of its behind


which basically is the main reason Dorne is a bigger thing in the books than otherwise.


I guess Nymeria and Tyene will head to King's Landing for Nymeria be on the Council.


Tyene may or may not play a part in Margaery's trial.


Ellaria may still pull Arianne's Queenmaker stunt with Myrcella.


I have no clue how Jaime and Bronn will figure into all of this though.

Edited by Spidey Freak
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We do have a beginning idea because there's been 2 released Arianne chapters from that book. The only thing we don't know so far is


What happens with Balon/Obara hunting Darkstar


And we'll see if this story arc picks up in the show considering


No Aegon, no JonCon, no Golden Company, etc in the show, unless it really pulls something out of its behind


which basically is the main reason Dorne is a bigger thing in the books than otherwise.

They mentioned the golden company repeatably last season like the iron bank they ear before they probably will bring it back in some capacity

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Repeatedly is a big stretch. A couple times, but with zero context about why they're a big deal.

To even mention them is setting them up for the future or they would just say sell swords the golden company will appear in some form sometime in the show we just don't know how big or when

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Make sense since the NK is a Stark, thus they're related.


That's never been confirmed, just part of the story Old Nan told Bran as a little kid. That piece of the book can easily be read as her just having fun trying to scare a little kid going to bed. It also can be a true fragment of myth.


But it is by no means established fact.

Edited by Numbers of Westeros
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