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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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Yeah. Walder wanted to jump ship but he needed assurances from Tywin that if he massacred/imprisoned Robb and the Northern leadership he would get a pardon + benefits. Roose worked out his own deal with Tywin and was instructed to coordinate with Walder (you can see their early plans to betray Robb as early as the final bits of Book 2, hell Roose was playing kind of a double game from the very start of the war based on how he handled the Battle of the Green Fork).

Plus the Bolton's had never got over the Stark's stopping their flaying.
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New theory regarding last week's episode:


The more I think about it, the more I think Joffrey's death was a plot by the Tyrells. The knight/fool who took Sansa away as Joffrey started choking was likely in on it too. In the season premiere, he earned her trust by giving her a necklace. Who had just been trying to pick out a necklace? Margaery and Olenna. So at the wedding, he comes to rescue her just as things start getting ugly. But why? Because the Tyrells still want Sansa to marry Loras as originally planned. As far as they know, she is still the key to the north. Perhaps they figured they would rather a Tyrell rule the north than a Tyrell rule as queen under a psycho like Joffrey. Which leads to the next part of the plan: framing Tyrion. The Tyrells want Tyrion to be executed so that Sansa becomes a widow again. Heck, there was even a scene of Olenna telling Sansa how nice Highgarden is and how she should visit. Again, gaining her trust. The Tyrells are just as power-hungry as the Lannisters, but they are a bit more intelligent about how they go about it.


The only other person who I think could have poisoned Joffrey is Cersei. This may sound odd, but think about it. Who gains more from Joffrey's death than her? She doesn't have to worry about him getting out of control. Her other son, Tommen, is now the king. And while he's not a bad person like Joffrey, he's younger and much, much easier to manipulate and rule through. Also, Margaery is out of the picture and Cersei can rule as Queen regent again.


Oberyn is a red herring. I doubt he had anything to do with it.

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The show gaffed by not giving us when introduced Oberyn's back story as The Red Viper. It's not spoilery in any regard but I will put it in tags in case some non-readers would prefer to wait for the show to mention it:


Oberyn is infamous for his use of coating weapons in poison to kill enemies. For example when he was 16 he was challenged to an honor duel by a Dornish lord for sleeping with the lord's wife. The duel was only to first blood since both were of high rank. Both guys were cut and the duel was finished. Then the lord sickened and died within a few days and everyone knew he'd been poisoned. Thus Oberyn was called "The Red Viper" and he's killed a fair number of others in a similar fashion


If they had, it would make the whodunnit game more interesting since non-readers are split as to whether it was the wine or the pie that was poisoned.

Edited by Numbers of House Stark
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Yeah but Jaime was strongly against rape in the books. That's a wayyyyyy big deviation to many people's favorite character.I was peeved by it, but I'm not gonna get mad at them for it. Not worth it. For all we know they'll at least somewhat make up for it later.

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My boy Jaime would have NEVER committed such an atrocity in the books. True even in the books he was a little rough with her but there is a HUGE difference between that and forcing himself on the woman he loves as she is ACTIVELY resisting him. An absolutely disgusting deviation from the book that is sure to turn show watchers sour on the "rehabilitated" Jaime. That this happened after all of the events in season 3 makes it an even worse change than when they had him beat his own cousin to death in season 2. 

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My boy Jaime would have NEVER committed such an atrocity in the books. True even in the books he was a little rough with her but there is a HUGE difference between that and forcing himself on the woman he loves as she is ACTIVELY resisting him. An absolutely disgusting deviation from the book that is sure to turn show watchers sour on the "rehabilitated" Jaime. That this happened after all of the events in season 3 makes it an even worse change than when they had him beat his own cousin to death in season 2. 

Jaime the rapist, Stannis the completely wrecked character, and St. Tyrion of house whitewashing D@D just don't get those characters while they did improve on the hound and stannis' they seem to be cersei fanatics portraying her way to sympathetically all in all their takes on characters leave much to be desired. does there have to be one scene in that same whorehouse every episode to is gotten beyond tired

Edited by The Sun's Son
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Jaime the rapist, Stannis the completely wrecked character, and St. Tyrion of house whitewashing D@D just don't get those characters while they did improve on the hound and stannis' they seem to be cersei fanatics portraying her way to sympathetically all in all their takes on characters leave much to be desired. does here have to be one scene in that same whorehouse every episode to is gotten beyond tired


Yeah, the whitewashing of Cersei has become ridiculous. First making Joffrey give the "Kill Robert's bastards" command instead of her and now this. What's next? 

I hope D&D don't end up making Margaery a despotic bully once she becomes Tommen's queen, so as to make Cersei seem a "hero" by putting a stop to her!

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I just started the episode and LOL at Littlefinger's new Irish accent. I swear he changes voices every season just to fuck with everyone.

hmm isnt the actor Irish?

I actually saw 'Calvary' with him on Sunday & lol he was exactly in his Littlefinger mode. Same goatee & almost identical haircut & demeanor  :D it really took me out of the movie. It looked like Littlefinger just put on doctors attire :lol:



OK ep


totally loving Shireen/Davos & Sam/Gilly  

Jon was fierce! 


Arya/Hound still have great dynamic Glad I havent read this part of the book & not spoiled.


Tyrion/Pod  made me weep :( 

haters will have a fiels day with this tho haha yes he's St Tyrion & he's the best B) 


Jaime/Cers is questionable but I guess Im crazy so I better not say anything about it :mellow:  

Edited by Tauriel
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