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So great :rofl:


Anyway, a very good finale, the best parts were, obviously, Varys^^(one of the best scenes ever), Stannis and the Brienne/Hound fight. Oh, and Tyrion Vincent Vegaing Tywin :D He was looking like he was gonna go on a killing spree dragging that crossbow :D


Other highlights: Ygritte's funeral, Branagh-style angles in Bran scenes, Arya leaving the Hound and the final scene (honestly, do you really want a fucking cliffhanger every time around?? But knowing that last season also had a hopeful ending, I fully expect Arya to go to the dark side next year :P)


All in all, a great season, not sure where it ranks since they're all so close in quality but the important thing is that it hasn't fallen off a cliff yet (and let's hope it never does).


What am I gonna do now for a whole year??? Might as well go ahead and read the books :D

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I haven't caught up with the books just yet, nearly there, but as good as the episode was I felt the pivotal moments really lacked the gravity they should have had. It just kind of floated from various big scenes with no real sense of momentum or weight.

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So right now I'm thinking I rank the seasons








This season should have been the best, but they made a few plot and character decisions that were executed kinda poorly or just make little plot sense (like Arya and the Hound making it to the Bloody Gate and no one there thinking that maybe they should contact Robin and Littlefinger to update them on this). And it added up to be a tad underwhelming in a few spots.

Edited by Numbers the One True King
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And can someone tell me why varys left as soon as he heard the bells? Won't that make it seem like he had something to do with it if he's not there the next day?


Speaking from a show info perspective, I think Varys was intending to go back, since he would have ways to make sure his tracks were covered, but when the bells started ringing while he was still outside the city at the docks, he knew that Tyrion's escape and other big shit had been discovered, and since he's not in the Red Keep at the moment, he wouldn't have time to do that, so he would be suspected regardless.


In the books Varys leaves as well, but not in the same circumstances as shown in the show.

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Well I read what they left out and honestly it sounds kind of dumb I think it was smart to leave it out


Out of context I can understand that. But within context, executed well, most of what the fans are griping about being cut would have been pretty strong stuff. But for a good deal of what they cut or changed, you can make a decent argument about why it's fine in the show realm.



I'm more concerned about Season 5, with uncertainties about whether a couple major important characters will be axed entirely.

Edited by Numbers the One True King
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Since Filmgasm is gone, I guess this is where I'll post my thoughts. I liked the episode overall.The Good:

-The Hound/Arya/Brienne/Pod-Dany-Bran gets interesting, even though I thought the CGI was a bit below the show's standard-Tyrion and Tywin-Jon and the Wildlings-A Mountain confirmation-Varys getting on the boat!!! My favorite moment in the episode.

The Bad (Book Spoilers included):

-The complete lack of suspense when it come to Tyrion's fate-No cheers for Stannis-No Tysha talk-No Lady Stoneheart!!!!I thought everything about Tyrion's plot was rushed in this episode. Even if they wanted to cut Tysha, I would have preferred some half-assed reasoning for Tyrion and Jaime to part on bad terms. How about Jaime helped bring Shae back to King's Landing, not knowing what this would mean for Tyrion. As he tries to explain himself, Tyrion shuts him down and we end up with a similar scene from the book. Just me spitballing.


Hey Frank.


I do agree that the initial part with Tyrion lacked suspense and tension, they were just rushing to get him into the Tywin/Shae confrontation. But I was touched by how Jaime and Tyrion parted ways, even if it's a deviation.


I missed the Stannis cheering. I was also a little sad they couldn't spring for a bigger action setpiece (since in the books Stannis' attack on Mance's command center is a true battle, with thousands of Wildlings fighting including some giants and mammoths, which do cause a good amount of damage to Stannis' men). But budgetary constraints I suppose.

Edited by Numbers the One True King
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i frigging loved this episode!!!!! what a season finale !!


OMG i was alternating between repeating OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT  and then clapping , lol i clapped a lot  :bravo: 


i think the fact i read the books only once , its been a while so for me , details are fuzzy enough i can enjoy the episodes ,its only when i read spoilers that i remember oh yes that's what actually happened


the changes and omission so far aren't that bad to point where i can't see pass any disappointment i might feel , i truly enjoyed the episode, i was in such a good mood then i come here and read some comments and i'm like oh not everyone is high-fiving each other over a super cool finale  :mellow:


i kinda went with the flow , yes i notice a certain character omission in tyrion/jaime convo but seriously if you haven't read the book , you're not going to miss it , plus i feel the only reason one would be pissed about that is because they know what's going to happen later on based on that but again that was in the book , we can't presume to know what's going to happen in the show already , what would be the point of watching then? 

i like that they keep us on our toes by making slight changes here and there so even book readers have doubt as to how things are going to play out 


Rewatching the episode again coz like duh the excitement was too much the first time around


i have to say they got me good on that north scene by the tree with bran jojen etc , i was thinking they're by the tree they're going to go in , but waiiiit a minute wasnt there a zombie attack just before and i'm all ready to chunk it down to another scenario change when BAM BAM BAM they pop out of the gound and grab jojen i jumped and screamed  :lol: my heart was pounding so hard lollll and then i laughed and clapped , basically my reaction all episode


-not sad about jojen like i said i'm pretty easy going with the flow and accepting that book and show are like alternate realities of same story 90% the same but 10%  room left for variation

-bran and 3eyeRaven , cool cool cool ...i'm cool with them not trying to shove too much in one episode !


-damn podric and his good memory of people faces lol brienne and the hound fight woah CLAP , can i just say this is the fight i expected from oberyn and the mountain length wise and intensity but i guess here it makes more sense as B and hound are more even-matched , they weren't holding back any punches 


-happy father's day to you TYWIN LANNISTER his kids really screwed him figuratively and literally punched him to the gut  :rofl: 

-cersei and jaime woahh ...wait a minute i need a breather , damn cersei using her vagenda ,chica is cunning poor jaime still falling for it 


-jon scenes at the wall , hey i teared up a bit seeing him having to burn ygritte , his speech with mance great ! stannis conquering hero scene done well ! once again though i see renly point even though stannis is the righful king per the law in KL nobody cares for him , the guy just doesnt elicit that emotion in people who don't know him , but he did do right by the wall by helping so there's that !


-does that pseudo maester truly believe he can save the mountain or is that just him wanting a guinea pig to experiment on ? can't remember


- oh danaerys how you miss having ser jorah to balance out what counsel you get boo, i was sad for her having to chain her babies , i like that she did it by herself , but lol at drogon knowing better than to stay close to mommy when she mad, like a kid when they've done something wrong they stay clear of their parents lol 


-season 5 for the wall is going to be great , about time they got more of the spotlight where the plot is concerned  and loved that things are moving east on the chessboard


-ARYA she's like my favourite character , so i loved that the show last scene was with her, she's finally moving on up to the east side , valar morghulis indeed!!! there she was trying once more to get to family , only family she has left when destiny comes sailing by and she's riped for the taking after all the shit she's been through my little warrior is like fuck this scene i'm getting out of dodge ! bravely going where no stark has , gal might not be going north but she has winter in her heart  brrrrr


-cheered for tyrion ,loved the way that entire scene played out from moment he decides to go see his father tip toeing toward the bed, and when he said sorry i said but of course you are mini-boo!


family was a big theme this episode , parents and kids relationship , siblings ..nobody does it like game of thrones! ha ha ha 


special mention to  varys who didnt need any little birdies to tell him shit had hit the fan and it was going to get ugly and uglier !!!


special mention 2 , who when they saw the waterfall thought we were going to see somebody badass as last scene, yeah yeah i heard so much it was going to be included that yeah i was like but :huh:  but i was ok with it , gotta keep something for next season plus seeing as how they're  busy blowing up stuff right now elsewhere perhaps shooting schedule conflicted or maybe they decided to cut it out after the fact, TPTB do stuff like that all the time on every show 


i love this show ,"fires" burning all over the place in every corner of the realm ha ha ha




a loss for season 4 no doubt but a gain for s5 and something to look forward too !

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hahaa lol my unsullied friend phoned me rn & asked why the hell Tyrion went to Tywin & I had to explain what actually happened in the book :rofl:

so it even was pointless for the unsulllied

see D&D dammit, it was BS! Uncle GRRM knows better! listen to him :P

Edited by Tauriel
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he must be quite the unsullied then because i found it in character with the tyrion of the show 

at his trial jaime tells him stay quiet and accept your sentence but seeing shae there and what she said makes him deviate fromn the plan but then we wouldnt have gotten "i want trial by combat" 


here he's got an easy way out but nope he can't just do that he has to go see daddy first and confront him one last time ,i don't know what he was planning or if he had anything planned but once again seeing shae in his father's bed calling tywin her lion makes him see blue and off the rails eh goes again


 if people still don't get the complex and complicated relationship tyrion has with his father by now , i dont know what to say indeed

Edited by Lady Daenerys SNOW-STARK
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