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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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Very good episode. A few concerns/notes/quibbles:1. About The Fist of the First Men:

Interesting that they didn't have the discovery by Jon and Sam of the hoard of arrowheads, the horn, etc. But, since the show is not limiting itself to POVs, we'll probably have a couple scenes with Sam at the Fist of the First Men while Jon is roaming with Quorin Halfhand. We'll hopefully get a bit of info there. Or maybe they'll discover it next episode before Jon heads out.Possibly the most important thing, even more important than the dragonglass arrowheads in a way, is the horn Sam finds. A lot of people speculate that the horn is important in a Chekov's gun kind of way (as in it is the real Horn of Joramun), so if it really is important it'll be found by Sam.

But Quorin is suitably badass which is cool. Another note:

The fact that they introduced the 3 horn blasts meaning so overtly is the biggest clue yet that the final scene for Season 2 will be the Season 3 prologue. That is Chekov's gun in classic mode.

2. Yep, the Reeds are confirmed to not be in Season 2. They've given Bran Jojen Reed's dream of the sea flooding Winterfell so it seems more likely that Jojen Reed is written out entirely of the show. Osha may end up taking the place of Meera Reed in most respects.3. I loved the Arya-Jaqen scenes, but I disliked that they killed The Tickler off now since it cuts the heart out of a killer scene in the third book.4. Bronn might have had close to the most lines of any character in this episode, which was awesome. Bronn is easily one of the best cast people on the show. Demon monkey. :lol:

Edited by 4815162342
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I don't think too much was said in that post either.Speculating if/when characters that non-book readers don't even know yet show up (which gives nothing away) and that a certain part (again, nothing specific unless using the word "prologue" is too specific) will be in the end of Season 2 are not spoilers.It continues to amaze me how awesome they are with the adaptation of this. Sure, some things are condensed, changed, left out, or added, but I think it all works well.The Tickler thing, I'm sure they'll find something suitably badass to replace it.

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I'm not sure but was this the first episode of the show without any tits. That's a big milestone for these guys. Still, Dany looked glorious in that blue dress.But this was the best episode of the season so far imo. Even though it did feel like it rushed through a lot of shit like Renly's death and stuff. Also must admit that I lol'd at Tyrion's mini-carriage. is that dwarfist? Hmmmm.

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Even though it did feel like it rushed through a lot of shit like Renly's death and stuff.

Well that's about as much as we get of Renly's death in the book as well because we hear it from Catelyn's POV and she and Brienne get the hell out of there, lol.The Littlefinger in camp scenes make sense now because they wanted to show possibly why the Tyrells didn't flip over to Stannis after Renly's death. Just happened a little earlier than in the book.
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I'm not sure but was this the first episode of the show without any tits. That's a big milestone for these guys. Still, Dany looked glorious in that blue dress.

Yeah, the closest the episode came was shirtless Gendry for the female fansI agree Cozmees, the little scene with Baelish, Margaery, and Loras was good because it sets a foundation for later events in the books and it really was the first time where the writing this season really got the essence of Baelish's character rather than having him be more overt and unsubtle.
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and the lady was appreciative of gendry scene ;)this episode went by so fast i was shocked when it ended, i was like already ?!!! noooo it was that goodi think they should have killed renly at end of previous episode, it kinda felt meh in this one, i'm amazed at casting of brienne i have to remind myself she's a woman lolloras is cute, i liked that he was more pissed off than a crying mess over renly's bodybest scene hands down arya and tywin lannister , casting really found a gem with maisy williams!i don't know about dany but whenever those dudes from undying house pop up i feel my skin crawling they are that creepy!

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Great episode! One thing I didn't understand though is why did butch and momma stark run away? That just makes it look like they killed Renly....

Basically Brienne was going to take the fall no matter what since she was in there with Renly (either as the killer or as an incompetent failure). Catelyn got of out Dodge too because it would look suspicious with her being in there when the assassination happened. That said, Catelyn probably should have stayed either to try and forge ties with the Tyrells, or reluctantly make terms with Stannis for a coordinated assault.Plus who would believe that the Black Smoke Monster appeared to murder Renly? Edited by 4815162342
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Hmm... Ok what about all of Renly's troops? Why are they siding with Stannis now? Renly himself said he and the Starks are natural allies, why aren't they joining him now that Renly is dead??

Here's how it breaks down (i'm using info in the novels, but none of it spoils anything):Renly was the Lord of the Stormlands, so all of the various lords and knights in the Stormlands are loyal to him because he is the top Baratheon there.In the books, Renly had created an army of close to 100,000 men, with about 20-25,000 from the Stormlands and the rest from the armies of the Tyrells (because the Tyrells control the Reach, which is the breadbasket for Westeros). The confrontation between Renly and Stannis occurs differently but in both mediums Renly confronts Stannis with most of his own troops and some troops from the Tyrell army.Now when Renly gets assassinated, almost all of the Stormlords join Stannis because as Renly's brother he is now the Lord of the Stormlands. By the laws of the feudal society they owe their loyalty to Stannis now that Renly is dead.Something they haven't mentioned in the show (because they're downplaying Stannis' wife) is that a small portion of the Tyrell army joins Stannis as well because that group (5,000 or so) are loyal to House Florent, which is the House of Stannis' wife and the Florents decide to switch to Stannis' side. It's a detail I can see them brushing over in the show. Edited by 4815162342
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How is it possible that each episode is better than the last? This is definitely my favorite series of all time now.

It's definitely right up there for me as well. I don't agree with this being the best episode though. I liked last week's better but that was probably because of the crazy cliffhanger.
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