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A Marvel Fanboy

Passengers | Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence | Dec 21, 2016 | Trailer pg 70

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3 hours ago, JennaJ said:

At this point I've been hearing bad buzz for so long, I'd honestly be happy with anything over 30% on RT.


And yet, I'm going to be there opening day. Damn your charming ways, Pratt and Lawrence!


I won't be remotely happy with anything under fresh, but this does have romance in it, and some people seem aggressively allergic to that.  This likely won't be their cup of tea, but they probably didn't like Titanic, either. There may be issues with the movie, I don't know, not having seen it.  But I do know enough about the movie to know that I personally will enjoy it.  I want it to be successful for Jen and Pratt's sake, but I'm excited about it for my own sake.


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52 minutes ago, trifle said:


I won't be remotely happy with anything under fresh, but this does have romance in it, and some people seem aggressively allergic to that.  This likely won't be their cup of tea, but they probably didn't like Titanic, either. There may be issues with the movie, I don't know, not having seen it.  But I do know enough about the movie to know that I personally will enjoy it.  I want it to be successful for Jen and Pratt's sake, but I'm excited about it for my own sake.



I guess I'm just taking a "temper expectations to bare minimum" approach right now. I have tons of faith in Pratt and Jen and the script (even though I haven't read it, I heard enough great things from people who have). My lack of faith is and always came from the studio - I have zero faith in Sony. Their marketing already proved sub-par IMHO. I just hope the movie itself is better than the sales pitch (even though I personally haven't seen anything objectionable, I get the distinct sense a capable marketing team could have done wonders with this project).

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1 hour ago, trifle said:


I won't be remotely happy with anything under fresh, but this does have romance in it, and some people seem aggressively allergic to that.  This likely won't be their cup of tea, but they probably didn't like Titanic, either.



Titanic got good contemporary reviews, in fairness. Critics appreciated the old-timey epic scope of it all.

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1 minute ago, Hatebox said:


Titanic got good contemporary reviews, in fairness. Critics appreciated the old-timey epic scope of it all.


Yeah, well, this will be sci fi, so it won't benefit from that.  The scale and visuals look epic though.

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3 minutes ago, trifle said:


Yeah, well, this will be sci fi, so it won't benefit from that.  The scale and visuals look epic though.


Well, what I mean by 'old-timey' was that it was a truly grand Hollywood production, with lavish sets and practical effects, etc. Don't know if this follows that tradition, but sci-fi can definitely be that.

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1 hour ago, Hatebox said:


Titanic got good contemporary reviews, in fairness. Critics appreciated the old-timey epic scope of it all.

Yeah, critics clearly appreciated Titanic very much. It's IMDB score is laughably low though (which is not that surprising on a fanboy dominated site but still).

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3 hours ago, Hatebox said:


Well, what I mean by 'old-timey' was that it was a truly grand Hollywood production, with lavish sets and practical effects, etc. Don't know if this follows that tradition, but sci-fi can definitely be that.


It definitely is a grand production with lavish sets and practical effects, but also vfx effects (like the water Jen/Aurora is trapped in in zero gravity).  They had to put two sound stages together to build the sets, they are so large, and the robots etc are physical (if moved on a dolly) and so forth.  That's part of what I appreciate with the visuals.


For example, this set is all physically built, except for the top floor, which is greenscreen.


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Personally, I think the movie looks decent enough but the marketing just hasn't been very good. It doesn't seem like they're 100% sure who they should be marketing it to. 


I like both Pratt and Lawrence so I'd like to see the movie do at least decently. 

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5 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


How was that clip a spoiler TBH.  It just shows him attempting to get coffee.


I didn't mean it showed a big plot point, I have just seen too much and don't want to spoil the movie experience, so I am not watching any more.  I did break down and watch the scene where Jen is swimming and gravity goes out (below).  I read the screen play, so changes from that and 'how they do it' are the surprises I will have in theater.


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The bar and the pool area both look amazing. I like the blend of art deco and a modern style, I think it's a nice balance for a space movie that's going for an intimate feeling. And the look of both of those sets certainly invites Titanic comparisons.

Edited by amelin
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